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Everything posted by Twitche21

  1. Don't follow that papyrus tweak, those are really old and have a good chance of making your game unstable. The MAX for iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes is 2457600. Anything above that causes instability. Here is mine for reference. [Papyrus]fUpdateBudgetMS=800fExtraTaskletBudgetMS=800 fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=1000.0 iMinMemoryPageSize=256iMaxMemoryPageSize=512iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=2457600bEnableLogging=0bEnableTrace=0bLoadDebugInformation=0 If you use an ENB go into enblocal and change VideoMemorySizeMb= using this formula, VRAM + RAM - 2048 = Since I have 2GB VRAM and 8GB RAM I changed it to 8192.
  2. It's definitely a pain in the a** but I couldn't imagine playing without mods.
  3. So Locational damage stopped working randomly a few hours into the game. Not sure why. I try to disable/enable the mod and it doesn't change anything. I run debug mode, and I get absolutely no indication that the mod is working at all. Tried an older version, still nothing. Any ideas how I might fix it? BOSS Log
  4. I had it at 14 for the initial and 4096 for the max originally. What benefits do I get from having it higher?
  5. You should understand that VRAM is supposed to have high usage, and here (this Forum) most people mis-understand the term and the usage part. VRAM acts as a FIFO (first in first out) buffer to the GPU the driver uses hardware detection to use the proper algorithm to maintain high usage; DX shadows the frame buffer to a certain depth as determined by the driver and it is shadowed into page file/virtual memory. But I notice while observing my VRAM, that it stutters in areas that it maxes out. I believe it is the source of my stuttering. It is ..especially if you are using ENB but there are other things that can reduce or eliminate. like changing page file location and size so that you have it manually off the O/S disk. Or getting rid of the ENB altogether. That was excellent advice. I moved my pagefile to another drive, and now the highest I could get my VRAM usage in a heavily dense area is 1734. Problem solved. =) It helped with the stuttering and smoothness, but I still seem to be getting little bit of stuttering when on a horse or turning around fast in certain areas. Turning off SLI actually helped, but it's still there. It has to be something small. I wonder if it's my FX-8350's fault. It's no big deal though, my game is actually playable now.
  6. You should understand that VRAM is supposed to have high usage, and here (this Forum) most people mis-understand the term and the usage part. VRAM acts as a FIFO (first in first out) buffer to the GPU the driver uses hardware detection to use the proper algorithm to maintain high usage; DX shadows the frame buffer to a certain depth as determined by the driver and it is shadowed into page file/virtual memory. But I notice while observing my VRAM, that it stutters in areas that it maxes out. I believe it is the source of my stuttering.
  7. Anyone know a good way to lower my VRam usage other than disabling Anti-Aliasing or using a texture optimizer? I have 2GB of VRam and it's still maxing out, O.o Here's my BOSS Log.
  8. I'm getting this really annoying lighting bug, I'm using RealVision ENB, so far no one has really done anything to help fix this issue. It gets considerably brighter when I face certain directions. Here's what I'm talking about. http://youtu.be/tl7Y1dPQCww
  9. If you have a d3d9.dll file in your main Skyrim directory, anything with overlay will cause problems.
  10. Is this correct? VideoMemorySizeMb=VRAM+RAM-8192 nah, VideoMemorySizeMb=VRAM+RAM-2048 and the maximum value is 10240
  11. Thanks, but I really don't want to create an account there just to post one question, though. I already asked on one of his YouTube videos. It wouldn't hurt to ask here. I'm sure it's some minor tweak I have to make in an .ini file or something.
  12. I updated to the latest ENB and not I get this strange bug when I face a certain direction the lighting in the area changes and brightens up subtly. I only really notice it at night.. at least that's the only place I've really tested it so far. It's a little distracting.
  13. Also make sure you don't have anything with overlay running, like Fraps, or EVGA Precision.. Game Booster.. Ect.. these have caused me random CTD's. Though mostly from conflicts with the d3d9.dll file. Other than that, I'm with Georgie on this one. All I can think of that might be causing that in your situation is mod conflicts. Then again I'm sure there are a billion reasons for fragile Skyrim to CTD, as I've experienced. Lol.
  14. Is there any way to fix the annoying tree texture pop-in without changing uGrids? uGrids does solve the problem for the most part but i can't change it while using Distant Detail.
  15. You could be, try validating your game cache if you use steam. If you use an ENB, Go into enblocal.ini and change VideoMemorySizeMb= using this formula, "VRAM + RAM - 2048" the max is 10240. Since I have 2GB VRAM, and 8GB system RAM, I changed mine to 8192. This fixed a majority of my CTD's and crashes.
  16. If you're using an ENB.. Go into enblocal.ini and change VideoMemorySizeMb= using this formula, "VRAM + RAM - 2048" the max is 10240. Since I have 2GB VRAM, and 8GB system RAM, I changed mine to 8192. This fixed a majority of my CTD's and crashes.
  17. If you use an ENB. Go into enblocal.ini and change VideoMemorySizeMb= using this formula, "VRAM + RAM - 2048" the max is 10240. Since I have 2GB VRAM, and 8GB system RAM, I changed mine to 8192. This fixed a majority of my CTD's and crashes.
  18. If you use an ENB.. Go into enblocal.ini and change VideoMemorySizeMb= using this formula, "VRAM + RAM - 2048" the max is 10240. Since I have 2GB VRAM, and 8GB system RAM, I changed mine to 8192. This fixed a majority of my CTD's and crashes.
  19. Go into enblocal.ini and change VideoMemorySizeMb= using this formula, "VRAM + RAM - 2048" the max is 10240. Since I have 2GB VRAM, and 8GB system RAM, I changed mine to 8192. This fixed a majority of my CTD's and crashes.
  20. Go into enblocal.ini and change VideoMemorySizeMb= using this formula, "VRAM + RAM - 2048" the max is 10240. Since I have 2GB VRAM, and 8GB system RAM, I changed mine to 8192. This fixed a majority of my CTD's and crashes.
  21. Try closing Razer and any other programs that have overlay and try running it. Also if you have it on steam validate the game cache. Also, are you using an ENB?
  22. *edit* Oh, I just read that you don't use an ENB nevermind. *facepalm*
  23. Obviously dude. If my game wasn't modded I wouldn't have this problem. But there are ways to work around this problem aside from removing all of my mods, I'm sure. Like I said, most of my mods are from the RealVision ENB page. He runs the game just fine with his setup. Only difference is he has an i5 and a GTX 560. Load Order BOSS Log
  24. I've been getting this annoying problem and I've been looking everywhere to fix it. I probably get an average of 20-40 FPS outdoors, which is fine by me, but I get heavy FPS drops, all the way down to 1-5 FPS, while I'm running or looking around, then it goes back to normal. It's just extremely annoying. I don't have to deal with it much in dungeons, just outdoors, mostly in dense areas. I shouldn't have this problem with my setup, then again.. Skyrim doesn't seem to be very AMD CPU friendly. I have a pretty heavily modded Skyrim, I have most of the mods mentioned in RealVision ENB, plus a few of my own. I have an AMD FX-8350, 2x 660ti 2GB OC SLI, 8GB RAM. There has to be some tweaks in my .ini files I can use to help fix this problem that I may not have already tried, Or some program I can use or something.. This is driving me crazy. I'll attach my load order.
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