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Posts posted by ElderScrollsFan001

  1. I've done a little more work on the farm house using OBMK Nordish Architecture by Oblivimonk and Skyrim Bench - Modders Resource by washington






  2. i had simular issues before useing wrye bash with it save game fixer


    Try to use this on your save to see if that help.

    Animation Fixer


    After you extract the downloaded ZIP you'll find a file named OAF.exe. Double click and you'll see the OAF utility's window. Click on the 'Open' button and you'll get a list of your save files. If you use OBSE you'll see one with an 'ess' extension and one with an 'obse' extension. From the Open menu select your latest save with the 'ess' extension. Click on the 'FixMe' button and OAF will reset the problem bit in the save file to 40. If you use OBSE you will need to rename a copy of the corresponding 'obse' save to match the fixed and renamed 'ess' save (if you have a save 'MySave01.ess' you will rename a copy of 'MySave01.obse' to 'OAF_MySave01.obse' so that it match the fixed file 'OAF_MySave01.ess' that OAF creates when it fixes your stuck animation save). Close OAF and load your fixed save when you next start the game (OAF_MySave01 in my example).
  3. Here's one weapon that the modder ImsumDave made from scratch. He also made a skyrim style glass longsword which was on planet Elderscroll before it went away.

    Skyrim Steel Sword Replica by ImsumDave

    The glass longsword can still be found here in this mod

    John's Skyrim Entry - Bleak Falls Cave 1.1


    I am not very good at Clutter so it is very rewarding to see the finished product, well done.



    no problem :)


    If you have the time do you think you could make the wicker farm fence that many of the skyrim farms have?

  5. Here's what I've done with your meshes so far





    Yes, that was what I was saying as I simn



    Thank you very very much :smile:


    well here is a possible idea. Instead of making a new interior with a hearth/fireplace. you might be able to make a hearth with and an exterior chimney to match that can be placed any where that one wishes



    the chimney in my screen shot are for a high rock recourse mod



    Yes, that's what I said a I just don't have time to do matching interior segments such as Skyrim uses.


    My question is appearance.

    For example Cow Flop Farm interior but I don't think a real one would have wood that close to the fire.


    On direction faces the fireplace into the room.

    On the outside the other direction hides the fireplace into the house leaving a chimney going from ground up.

    On the outside you might put it wherever but I may have to make a section that looks like typical chimney flashing




    ah I see i did mis-read that


    Yea i seen few interior in skyrim that makes wonder why certain building hasn't caught fire


    now those three idea sounds goods

  7. Thank you very very much :)


    well here is a possible idea. Instead of making a new interior with a hearth/fireplace. you might be able to make a hearth with and an exterior chimney to match that can be placed any where that one wishes



    the chimney in my screen shot are for a high rock recourse mod

  8. cool thank you both :smile:. I already plugged it as a test and it looks great and no slow down what so ever. i had to use a basic farm house interior which is why you see somke stacks. That's Bruma in the back ground from Cyrodiil Rebuild



    Grantham Blakely's daughter, Angelie, lives in the Imperial City. It has always bugged me that there is nothing we can discuss with her about her dad after completing the Forlorn Watchman quest.


    I would love a mod in which some sort of object is included in Blakely's treasure chest that he meant for her to have, maybe with a note saying so, which would send us on a little quest to find her and deliver it to her. Then she could say something like thanks for freeing his spirit or whatever, and maybe give a small reward.



    that would make for a cool quest of the week idea

  10. Glowplug, it turns out that my computer can't hold blender therefore meaning it can't hold this mod either. I may be getting a new computer, if I do than I can get it. If you want to put this project on hold, that would be fine with me. I'll know weather or not I'll be getting that computer in a few days. It's entirely up to you what you want to do at this point. Unless Philippe or Elderscrollsfan would be willing to do some models, you are the only one doing this at this point. I'll tell you if I get the computer or not, if I do than I'll be able to contribute to the mod, but for the next few days you're on your own.

    I can't make models from scratch but i can edit exsiting models in Blender. What would need to be done? If the models have been made it would just be a matter of pluging the into the game .

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