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Everything posted by ElvenHeroine

  1. Oh my gosh. You know the Konosuba world could easily fit into Elder Scrolls with just minor changes. Megumin is a Dunmer/Dark Elf. The whole destruction proficiency. Also the fact she has red eyes. Aqua is an Altmer/High Elf. Because she keeps calling herself a goddess similar to how the Altmer believe they are literal descendants of the Aedra / Gods. Darkness is an Orsimer/Orc. It is the whole masochism thing, proficiency in combat and the fact she has abs harder than Adamantium. Of course she could easily be a Nord, which would work with her height and the fact she is a blond. However, I don't recall nords being Masochists. Orsimer actually like the whole being beaten like the whole BDSM treatment or at least that was what was revealed in Oblivion. Wiz could be an undead Snow Elf/Falmer. Kazuma is the Imperial, able to serve any role, but not the best at any of them. Sort of like the FF Red Mage.
  2. The one thing they should do is incorporate what they can incorporate without ruining the console edition from the mods. Then make sure the engine is powerful enough and flexible enough to enjoy for the modding community. They really don't have to put much in except what will make a decent console game. They know it will look like s#*! before the pc modded up version become practical. Therefore adding things in that help improve the modding existence, make modding easier but also more in depth, allow it to be easier to merge mods, allow players to upload more mods (more than 255 mods), Other things they could consider aside from from making the console version more enjoyable and making the PC port easier to mod with more room to mod in greater depth as well upload more mods is to also increase the scope of the game and differentiate where the game will start and how it will be played. Lets face it. Going from province to province is dull. We all want to adventure throughout all of Tamriel, but making a game that big just isn't doable with their budget. So instead, they need to focus on a game that can start in one location and eventually expand throughout all of Tamriel and eventually throughout all of Nirn. But why stop there? We always forget what the main focus of the game should be and that is lore. And this is what would satisfy the lore goers the most, allow you to use the scrolls to go back in time. What is better than that? You can visit the Dovahkiin, the Neverine, the Champion of Kvatch, or even Tiber Septim. You can visit the world like you never could before. However... this won't satisfy everyone. Lets face it... Lore Goers (as I like to call you guys) only make up about 33% of all Elder Scroll Games buyers. The other 33% are those who just want a good experience, not a lore enrich one (these people are who you would call your moderates and the Lore Goers are the conservatives) and most of the guys who just want a game tend to be those who buy it on console. And then you have people like me, the liberal game player, the inventive gamer. We do appreciate lore and just having an easy game to play is appreciated as well, but what we strive for are new experiences, depth, and differences. We enjoy things like the various mods that expand Skyrim such as Falskaar. It is easier to differentiate these gamers. Gamers A prefer mods like frostfall the most, that increase immersion as well mods like Lore Weapon Expansion which entices more towards the lore of the game. They tend to also be more driving towards nostalgia and as such enjoy Morrowind to a considerable degree. Gamers B prefer mods that just make the game easier to play like No NPC Greetings or maybe no mods at all, since they tend to play the console version, which has no mods available. Gamers C prefer mods that expand the game's depth and increase the experiences and differences the game offers, Mods like Falskaar, Alternate Start, Playable Giant Race, Mannekin Race, or the various quest mods that exist that just simply add quests to the game. In truth, you cannot satisfy everyone and all of them can be worked around along as there is something in there aimed towards them. So even though you may have a game that is good by its self for console and is geered up with another modding material, functions, and structures that any modder will be satisfy with adding in whatever lore they want in addition to gearing the game towards those who love the lore of this series, you may also want to step back so you can really get in that third crowd as well and that is by adding stuff. The problem with adding or removing stuff is that there is always the potential of it going sour. So instead... the best option is to add material that compliments each other the most. And what compliments the most to a region, culture. So adding more culture, diversity of culture, more races, diversity of races, that will make the game more enjoyable. Plus if you can go back in time, it is plausible to remove any changes as well if the player doesn't like them instead of making consequential occurrences added to the game that the player may not like. So for instance, lets add in a race that never had existed before and lets call them, the Kyndmer or Sky Elves. But they easily be replaced by using an elder scroll to go back to when the Dwemer and Aldmer had separated and simply wipe out the few Dwemer who had interest in flying into the sky. Wipe them out and the game plays very differently. No more Kindmer. Or if you wipe out all the Dwemer, that will fundamentally change the game. No Dunmer. All the Chimer are still around. Stuff like that is easy to do given you add the depth to allow it to happen, which can be done using the elder scrolls.
  3. You are absolutely right about the size of the "map". It is pitifully small. Even if the map included all of Tamriel, it would still be small. In some future game, we need a continent, instead of an island. I've been thinking a lot lately, about America before Columbus as a game setting. If such a thing were going to be started, I would want the entire Mississippi Watershed for my stomping grounds. Crazy, I know. It would take a separate hard drive array just to hold the environment. That's without any people. Don't know what it would take, storage wise, to populate it. The first game to require one of the 300DVD changers just to run. lol. I suppose we could start with just Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas, then add as needed. But that, of course, would get us back here, argu.......discussing which states to add next. They could just start off with two holds, Falkreath (since Helgen is in Falkreath) and Whiterun and just add in the others as needed. The could make each hold as large or extremely close if not more than the size they put in for the entire province. Since there are nine holds in Skyrim, that would overall increase Skyrim size by 9 times, which is decent. And don't even start if off the manner that they did. Just put in a minor cinematic opening up the player to the environment and world slightly (detailing events or the world in some manner) then just allow the player to choose his or her player in a sort of Oblivion manner as confronted by a fellow cell-mate and then with a bit of play with the player to make him assume with the sound and lack of interaction to make him or her feel that he or she is going to die, you go to sleep. You are awoken by the voice of Mara, which then proceeds to the "Start Another Life" mod, where you can choose your salvation by choosing who you would be. Then the story is unfold. They can limit it to roles specific in Whiterun and Falkreath, then expand. They could perhaps even call the game "Elder Scrolls V" and call the first edition "Skyrim," in which they are add-ons presented as you advance in the world. It is quite limited, but with a huge enough environment in two holds that it doesn't seem quite bothersome with the lack of story. There is another side-stories and side-quests and an easy enough modding environment that you can do tons with the expanse of the modding community to keep you entertained until their next release, expanding Skyrim with two more holds (probably Morthal and the Reach). This would allow even more latter. Of course I would perhaps even just change the entire world, adding more races, more lore, more culture and just setting the world up that you can change it by the actions you make. Perhaps even just start off in a single hold and advance from that hold into other holds with new dlcs. So you start off with Whiterun Hold and you advance to Falkreath, Hjallmarch, Haafingar, The Reach, Eastmarch, Winterhold, The Pale, and The Rift. So that makes eight dlcs and then you can add in The reason why I would even just start off with just Whiterun is that they can spend all of their effort that they would take in doing two "Skyrims" into just one hold that is the size of Skyrim but with so much content like Witcher 2, Witcher 1, and Kingdoms of Amalur and other such games including Dragon Dogma. There is so much you can do outside of the field of combat and inside the field of combat. If it is simply just in Whiterun and you get to choose your initial status, perhaps start off as either a Nobleman (like say a member of the Battle-born Family or the Grey-Manes), a commoner like a merchant or a guard, or say a member of the Companions in which there are four stories or possible major questlines available, the first which is partially available as the Dragonborn in which you visit the Greybeards and the second three which one you actually start off with that is quite lengthly and involves simply what is in the hold and is sort of half done intentionally to allow you to explore outside of the semi-linear major quest-lines that full of cinematics like the opening of Skyrim with the Dragon Attacks, except with greater AI and greater immersion with the cinematics that it feels like playing the Witcher 2, but better. :Edited: So you could conclude with Skyrim, ESV with the last of the Nine Holds, the adventure to Solsteim which should be as large as a hold (which of course is as large as what they put into skyrim). Then with each additional game you can adventure into or start off in each new province or re-adventure into Morrowind or Cyrodiil. Thereby, tying each province together into a massive Elder Scrolls expands from V to XIII. Of course it might be easier to just start off Elderscrolls remade outside of its continuim so that it isn't so confusing of V being the start. Anyways, it allows in each expanse to improve the engine, the graphics, and the gameplay as well as other features without needing to recreate everything from scratch. So maybe a good idea is to still call it the Elder Scrolls, but refer to this as the new Elder Scrolls I and others as Pre-I. Of course, since Skyrim is already done with. It might be wise to start off as The Elder Scrolls Adventures, a new title, thereby a new start for a large expansive world that features what the hardcore gamers want. An easy to mod environment that starts off big in a small area of the entire world. So like the hold of Whiterun as large as what was put into Skyrim like I had said and you expand in that single game to the entirety of that province. So that puts like eight expansions in each game and ties each game together with improvements to better graphics, gameflow, engine, gameplay ect... with each new game in the environment you are already accustomed, it just allows you a new territory to explore like Bruma for instance. And you can like charge the game at 59.99 and each addition or expansion as 29.99. And they can even make DLCs from the most popular mods that both they like and a good number of people like (say anything brought up on their own site which allows people who had played the game to vote and like) and if it shares a certain quota, it will be put into the DLC at 1.99 to 5.99 depending on the extent of content of course it has to be more than a single article of clothing like say improved AI better than the programers had allowed could be set at 2.99. A new world as larger as what they had made or larger could be 5.99. A whole dozen of new armors that fit male and female characters or are scripted without errors for a single sex (given an algorithm and message prevents its use by the other) are sold for 1.99. The profits for such are made at 50% for the contributor(s) like say you guys who make the mods and the other 50% is for Bethesda. Of course you can download the stuff for free, but the established DLC is set to work in everything in the world to prevent any errors or future errors as well as allow mod immersion over the DLC. So it can be easier to avoid the problems of two mods not working together. It is also officially part of the game and the lore with the possibility of new books and stories in said books featuring the information made in said DLCs. So you have more books and content along with the content you could have downloaded. Of course, if it is just a DLC about a book or a set of books, then that can be made free as any mod put into a DLC in which the modder wants no payment for his or her work. You just also get nothing additional that Bethesda could make alongside the mod in the DLC to offer more to the gamers than just a mod that people want to play. LOL! You sure it is 500? I mean, that is kind of pathetic if our technology is really that primitive. Maybe we need to rethink how the AI should work. I mean it should be no different in format than this: http://sheepridge.pandorabots.com/pandora/talk?botid=fef38cb4de345ab1&skin=iframe-voice just with voices scripted into the game (voice actors) and with a set of choices. As for making them do work. You are not going to see 500 NPCs doing entirely different activities nor would you see 500 characters in an a visible range of the game either. Most of them would be clones doing much of the same activities with only a few characters being entirely different. You only need a few characters to stand apart from the rest and have the majority of characters simply walking around, do some work, chat, go the market, leave market, and on one day of the week go to the temple to pray. It is not as difficult as you put it. I mean technology we had in Arena could do that. Maybe wait till the next engine comes out, but if it is really that difficult then maybe someone should invest their time improving that quality of our technology rather than the pointless stuff like graphics at this point of time, especially.
  4. Well you are going to get two different answers if you go by Elder Scrolls as a whole and Skyrim.
  5. :Personality: http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/19.jpg That sounds about right.
  6. I understand the need to be direct and personal. However, I feel that we should be willing to be reasonable and see things in the light of utility rather than personification. I cannot say what you do or how you think with your work, Derok. Personally, I believe you personify, embody your work like it is a part of you. I don't know really and there is nothing wrong with, because a lot of people do that. But as the political minded person that I am, I tend to prefer looking what other people have done and seeing how I can incorporate that with the least bit of damage. You see as a politician (which you might like, because David Icke and that conspiracist guy, whom I forgot refers to our kind as a bunch of reptilians, snake or lizard people to specific), I like think as a cosmopolitan, mixing ideas, incorporating ideas from other people. If there is something absolutely fundamentally wrong to the point it would just DESTROY the entire world of Nirn, then I would after finding enough evidence and reason, would kindly not incorporate. Yet... I have found that the more diversity that functions well enough together, the better and the more experience one can achieve from that material. You are inclined to disagree, but you should always make that effort to put extra step forward and attempt to appreciate what other people have done. The main reason why is because of the species you belong to. You are a human and we have depend on one another for our survival, therefore it is in our interest to go against your own sense of individuality if that sense of individuality compromises our ability to act in whole within a reasonable and object manner that promotes our survival within an intelligent mind frame of a community. I do it all the time. For instance, I didn't really like Epic and Cute elves and much of the elf races look like Nords that have been mutated with pointy elf ears. I also think all the modded elf races look too much alike, so a need to change the ear structure might be necessary. However, I have found room for how they could exist and how the world of Nirn could be changed so that such serve a functioning role to improve the world with greater diversity and feel like how this youtube which criticizes Skyrim as being lame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm4bohx6_Mw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0R_EoO4aFo The biggest problem is that everything just looks so cloned and the cities are not cities (even modded), they are still just urban cities with a population smaller than some of the villages in the most sparely populated regions of Siberia. So my idea is to make the world more exciting and that requires changing the lore. Making the lore more exciting and adding so much more diversity. Where you are in a multi-cultural world (even in each province) where mono-cultural tones (like the Storm Cloaks) are at odds. Where the world comes off as though you open up a page to a very generic sort of environment that gets more and more intense with the changes you make. Like the world is Anu and you are Padomay? Ya did?
  7. Fair enough. No further words would be employed. However, what I always wanted to see is a turtle race.
  8. As I understand it, while they are making efforts to be independent from assets from previous games, their current asset practices are incompatible with our policies and Nexus rules. Also, we have two very different goals in mind. While they aim to recreate Cyrodiil as it was in Oblivion, we want to see what it looks like now. So work together and then take their finished product and do what you like with it, since working together gets the job done faster. Your excuse is just lame. We have done a bit of information and method sharing, but we cannot work directly with them as long as they still use assets from Oblivion and Morrowind. Doing so would mean that we would not be able to have a presence on the Nexus or Bethesda forums as it is in direct violation of their rules. Well then just work behind the scenes. You don't have to confirm what you are doing. You just need to change what is the final product so it can be presented here. However, since what you are doing is going to require making something that looks LIKE Cyrodiil, which Bethesda already has made with Oblivion (regardless of how you changed, alter, reuse or imply as an original remake or differentiation) that you might get censored here nevertheless. Because all there needs to be some wind of it reaching the ears of the guys from Bethesda and they then send a complaint the guy who runs this forum and then he bans you. My best bet is you go into politics, get elected, and change the law, so the guy who runs the Nexus wouldn't care anymore what you do.
  9. Well I know what actually constructive criticism is. It is when you don't sound like a know it all or a narcissist and you offer value and meaning to what other people provide. That is constructive criticism. Whatever you thought constructive criticism is just some sort of brainwashed notion like how Tea Party people thinking having guns is a fundamental right even though it is not.
  10. As I understand it, while they are making efforts to be independent from assets from previous games, their current asset practices are incompatible with our policies and Nexus rules. Also, we have two very different goals in mind. While they aim to recreate Cyrodiil as it was in Oblivion, we want to see what it looks like now. So work together and then take their finished product and do what you like with it, since working together gets the job done faster. Your excuse is just lame.
  11. Good list of things that should be in the game as it is. I would like to include more still. 1) I agree that if it is to be weight based, but also slot based, which means you can only carry so many items and the extra bags and pockets or whatever just allows more slots, but doesn't take care of the weight. The means to deal with the weight issue is to have a companion or a horse or something like an armored troll (that something for having trolls that makes them very useful) that can carry much of the s*** for you until you reach a place where you can sell or store much of it. Or you increase your states or a particular state like strength or stamina until you can carry more. That is realism there. Because you cannot carry everything even if it all light or no weight. You need slots to determine how much you can carry and backpacks and stuff to carry more, but then you have the weight issue and no matter how many backpacks you have, there is a limit. That is also why the Adoring Fan should be in every game, because he is useless except as humor, a meat shield, something to slap your frustrations at and a pack mule. Besides that much of the mods based on this issue takes care of how it should function. However, it is difficult to manage between console and PC. So you kind of need to have two different game versions of the same, perhaps even made by two companies that cooperate much to establish much of the same game, but differ based on what each game should offer. Like the console should be more targetted for kids or more correctly PG13 due to violence, since kids are more likely going to play on console and continue playing on console no matter how much the Xbone sucks. You know, they don't understand what money is. Meanwhile, the more practical adult version with more adult content (given it is likely to be moded to allow such or deny such anyways) can be put on the PC. 2) Yeah there should be availability to stuff needed for survival like travel gear, food, sleep stuff like a tent or sleeping bags, and stuff. It can have its own market vender or/and be sold at the general store or a general store, since towns and cities should be bigger and thus have more than one general store. Nevertheless, as basic needs go, at a certain point of time like the Might and Magic games, you get tired and need to sleep. 3) Food, well again speaking of basic needs. You need the following needs: "Food, water or something to drink, do your business (you know poop/pee), sleep, shelter (when it is cold, stormy, or hot), take care of hygiene issues (bathe), and maybe other things that are permitted in certain versions of the game like in the adult version, you need sex, but in the console version, there is no such thing and everything is covered up, so no nudity except in the PC version." And of course you would have more needs based on certain other conditions that come forth like the need for blood as a vampire. 4) I agree. That is part of what should be as a basic need, to be properly clothed, or partially exposed to the elements depending on your race. Like Nords can survive in the cold butt-naked, while Dunmer and Imperials need to be dressed properly. 5) I agree more random people or just common people with no true importance that you could invest in meeting just to acquire something at random to greater populate the province. I mean there is less than 500 people in Skyrim who are not Bandits or Enemies or Guards (which could count as enemies). That is pathetic. According to the "lore," 500 companions assisted Ysgramor in conquering Skyrim. 500 is also the needed population for stability or to sustain without the need for incest. So it is quite remarkable that the entire Nordic Race could easily just be descendants of those 500+ (including Ysgramor and his sons of course) companions who settled into Skyrim. The common population in Skyrim should be much more than 500 by the time of four ages, you know after like several thousand years in which their population and prosperity should increase their population by at least 100 times. It is kind of pathetic that men can reproduce so effectively compare to elves, yet fail to demonstrate such by having than the 500+ people who contributed to the population of Nords we see in Skyrim today or in the game. 6) Followers, Companions are a guild in Skyrim. Followers is the correct term for anyone by your side whether it be Aela, Brelyna Maryon, Jzargo, or Cicero. I think they need to follow some sort of intelligent AI that can think on its own. It knows you need space to walk by, you need to be healed or protected when at low at health (it doesn't want you to die, or maybe it does to offer variety in followers like Cicero might not care if you die, but Aela would). It also is intelligent enough to think appropriately as a mercenary of when to want more money. Like you fight a dragon that nearly killed everyone and now Jenessa the Dark Elf Mercenary from Whiterun wants more money. Or you may even have some followers quit, because you are going to head strong against foes they know is a suicide mission. They also might take things from you depending on which type of character they are (like a thief) or they might steal for you or they might carry or find items that they'll carry and you might have to ask them for those times or they might just give to you as the assigned leader. It all depends on what their character is (which offers variety) and how high your relationship is. If you are close like close friends, then they won't steal from you or whatever they find, they'll notify you and you can also affectively tell them what they should and shouldn't take. If they are mercenaries, they might offer a discount for further missions or tougher encounters. They will stay loyal more often or completely. This of course requires conversating with them (which would require them to offer a lot of dialogue), be experienced as a group for quite sometime, and defending them and healing them when they need it. This is also useful for the adult version of the game where you can have sex with someone who isn't a prostitute like Aela if you are into girls or Cicero if you are into guys just by being close enough as a friend and asking for a handjob or for a small finger bang (for us girls). Gameplay 7) Morality is what I can agree should be important and morality can determine the difficulty or ease of getting certain followers to cooperate. Like if you are evil then Cicero would do better as an ally. If you are good then good followers will do better as an ally. And conversely, you might find difficulty keeping your evil allies in check if you doing good deeds. And for each quest, you have two main plausiable outcomes, the good outcome and the evil outcome. You can deny doing things for Daedra after being put into said quest or you can do what should be an easy good quest like you for the thieve's guild, you are told to steal something from a rich guy who has been overcharging his sales and ripping people off, but you get the option to kill him and the guy who asked you to the deed, take their goods without much consequence unless there are guards nearby. You know variety of what you can do that fits your character as a murderer or a saint. :cool: With crafting there should be even more variety like different types of the same gear for different body types. Like an outfit that fits for big busties (like myself) or an outfit modified to fit more modest looking beauties or modified for men to wear like daedric armor for instance. You need items for different modifications and you there should be availability to have greaves and shoulderpads. You can modify your look to fit anything you want and there are so many more outfits than one could imagine. You just need the right kind of stuff, you might even have to modify your materials with dye. And you get to make dyes too using alchemy and you can even offer special properities to your dye you use depending on what you use like a daedric heart to create red or black dye (I don't know if using Daedric blood would create red or black dye). Perhaps it should be understood that you cannot just create something just as strong as the Dawnbreaker sword, but if you ask the greatest Smith in all Tamriel (who works for the Companions) that you can obtain similar quality material from the Skyforge and he can even empower your sacred items to be even more powerful. Eventually you too can achieve the same results, but you need to train under him for like a year's time to become a grandmaster smith. Where your skills can make you a master, you need to go through special training not available just through experience to achieve an even greater GRANDMASTER status. 9) I think there should be a skill tree called survival and climbing should be a feat in that category. 10) Yeah, especially as an Argonian. 11) I think there should be three major classes (Fighter, Thief, and Spellcaster) and based on what you do you can proceed to a mastery on a certain theme in that class, thus become promoted. You can even grant hybrid status and even dual-class to be an Assassin/Paladin or a Druid/Ranger. It should be designed that you can unlock and with ease certain perk trees, but it becomes extremely difficult to master others. Thus making sense why there could be 300 levels in the game. And you can unlock super classes like "Aedric Templar" or "Daedric Champion." Classes that are unique and specific to the world of Tamriel and based on your disposition of good or evil. 12) Magic. Magic should reflect the multiple cultures in Nirn and be kind of diverse. Here is a scheme I created: Discipline: Sorcery, Wizardry, Witchcraft, Ascentism, Priestry, and Spellswordry - reflects upon which ease on learning spells and how you better use those spells in a combat situation. Culture: Reflects how you use spells, thus providing many different types of spells. Like Altmeri Culture is the type of spell casting you see in Oblivion, while Dunmeri culture is the type of spell casting you see done in Skyrim with two hands. Dunmer specialize in destruction and therefore prefer using both of their hands, which is also evident by their assassin style as well. Meanwhile, Altmer as a refined people prefer a sense of finese with their style of combat. They might not go all out as the Dunmer would. School: Destruction, Illusion, Alteration, ect. Element: I created some new ones, but the ones that come often to mind is ice, fire, and lightning. I prefer to include Earth, Wind, Water, Shadow, Holy, Wood, Acid, Salt, Sand, Blood, Mind, Spirit, Phantom, and more. The more variety of spells that don't immediately look like a hybrid the more you can have mixing spells together to create hybrid spells like Magma (Fire and Earth) or explosion (fire and wind) or Vacuum (lighting and wind). You can use diverse cultures together to implement a sort of magic barrage. 13) Wow.... Uh I disagree. That is something for modders to consider and the game should be made available so such is easy to do. I think what should make the game more difficult is that you cannot just drink a potion while in the middle of combat. You have to run away and get somewhere that is difficult for them or have enough distance that you can drink a potion, then continue the fight. If you need such immediate healing, duel-weild with the healing spell, so you can strike with one hand and heal with the other. Be proficient with dodging, so you can avoid getting hit or wear strong enough armor, so the damage is minimalized. So dodging would need to be improved and realistic and enjoyable, while using items for healing should seem almost as a disadvantage of allowing yourself to get hit, so you need to be wise in knowing when and where you can do that or just rely on your magic. Which then of course requires you know what race you are and how that might help or impair your ability to use magicka. I can agree that if you want to play after being killed that you could be somehow revived at a temple, but with some of your gold missing. Logically if you die but your allies survive then they would seek to revive you, but you might lose some gold for them to revive you. That is immersive. So you might be dead and have to see how the fight goes out with your allies, if they survive, you might see a load screen afterwards with you revived at a temple (unless you have a healer with the resurrection/revive spell), then you might get revived without losing anything. That is immersive. If you have no allies, you might get revived like you defined it as, but I think you should just die and require either loading your previous save or just starting over. Most people are going load their previous save, not just start over like you do. Your means is kind of like disabling the ability to save your game. Most people are not going to start all over after getting killed, they'll load from their previous save. 14) I agree. I hate steam too. But there is nothing you can do about it unless you do something politically. Run for office and get rid of it that way.
  12. I think there is already such being made by the same guys doing Skywind called Skyblivion. You should try joining forces so a cyrodiil travel from Skyrim in Skyrim is possible.
  13. What can I say. You either believe in the magical flying spaghetti monster named Hermaeus Mora or you don't.
  14. I think they should redo the entire Elder Scrolls, because there is much that is quite troublesome, or maybe it is just the gamers who obsess over lore that produces this problem. You see there is a Daedric Price named Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Forbidden Truth, Knowledge, Knower of the Unknown, and Keeper of Knowledge. You know people in Tamriel are kind of intimidated by Hermaeus Mora because of his tentacles and being a Daedric Prince that it is kind of undesirable to know the actual truth like why can Mer and Man reproduce together like they are the same species or whether Argonian breeds are influenced by the Hist's Sap or whether Lorkhan was an Aedra, Daedra, or just some Et'Ada. According to Nords, he is a Divine entity called Shor. To the Mer (especially the Altmer), he is just some Et'Ada, neither Daedra nor one of the eight Divines, formerly nine before the White-Gold Concordat. According to the leader of the Mythic Dawn in the TESIV game Oblivion, Lorkhan is a Daedra. So to all you guys who are strict lore conservatives or fundamentalists, just want you to know, no one in Tamriel knows the truth. chiefly because those who seek such truth would confront Hermaeus Mora who will lure them under his influence. So you know, people in Tamriel whether mer or man just accept what is told to them and would rather have it told by some Daedra like Azura, the Hist or by the some ancient account written long ago or carried by oral tradition. Anyone who seeks to find what really happened will be ensnarled by the Daedric Prince who turn them insane and have them killed when he is done with them. Then he'll keep the knowledge to himself so that no one else can know. So no one in Tamriel knows anything, except the Dwemer, the Daedra, the Aedra, a very old Vampire who still "lives," anyone who can read an Elder Scroll without going blind or insane, and especially the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. And any of them could easily just lie to you, because it is in the nature of the Daedra to deceive and it is in the nature of the Dwemer as for what they did to the Falmer. So if anyone wants to complain about the lore or lack thereof. I HAVE TWO WORDS FOR YOU! HERMAEUS MORA! And get over it. ------------------------------ Now with that aside. I want to discuss what problems I have had with the series. 1) Not enough races. It feels quite bland in Skyrim because of this and in other areas too. I mean the lore extent, which is the fables, stories and myths (regardless of true or false) only goes knee deep and some places hardly even passes my toes. I want to drown in the extent of lore that can be given from just a single province and then be the same extent in each province. It could also be that I get bored quite quickly compared to most people who just naturally get obsessed with lame, stupid stuff like Nede = Old Nord or Nede and Nord are two different things, that kind of stuff, which I think is trivial. Like it is not important because of Hermaeus Mora and if it is not covered in his saliva and juices, it probably isn't true. I happen to like a lot of the races made in the mods here, which should make a lot of people happy. Like I like the Ash Elves and I think Dunmer are a hybrid between Chimer and Dwemer, because the Dwemer are pale-dusk skinned elves just like the Dunmer, so it could make sense. I also think the Dragh and Snow Khajiit (which I had named the Faliit) would be a good addition as well. Making races follow a particular scheme to how they survive and how they should be played can also be a good system to better immerse the player into that race's world without making it seem like each race is virtually the same or that each race is so different in regards to how their advantages and disadvantages are setup that creates just an overwhelming handicap to favor one race (Nords) over another race (Argonians). More like they are characterized and classified like this: Man: Subvarieties of Man like Nord, Imperial and Reguard. Mer: Subvarieties of Mer like Che infravarieties like Bosmer and Ayleids, Core-mer infravarieties Dunmer and Altmer, and Orcs (whether you just want Green Orsimer or more varieties like Stone Orcs and Blood Orcs). Ja'Ma: Subvarieties of Ja'Ma like Lilmothiit (Swamp Dwellers) infravarieties, Khajiit (Desert Dwellers) infravarieties, and Faliit (Snow or Skyrim Dwellers) infravarieties. Ja'Ma is Khajiit for Children of the Moon or Moon Children, you can check if you don't believe me, which I believe since they base their entire culture on the phases of the two moons is what they would call themselves if they were including people that didn't specifically live in Elsweyr like the Lilmothiit. Subvarieties of Saxhleel or Argonians, of course this might require more divisions or better classification like some sort of word to jointly refer to Argonians and the Tsaesci. But nevertheless, the Argonians are divided into into a variety of sub-races called breeds due to how they function in overall Argonian society each having a role except for the Dragh (which I had stated before, I like, because it offers a take on what would happen to the Argonians who migrated to Windhelm). Yes some of these races are extinct, I want to make them unextinct. Why? Tell me this which version of playing the Elder Scrolls games would be better to reflect the immersive nature of the elder scrolls in the game. A) You are in a world where less than 500 people (some which cannot reproduce with man or elf) make up an entire province, which is there an unsustainable population without incest. Cities are smaller than some villages in the real world. The largest city is only slightly larger than Winterhold, which virtually has nothing. Hermaeus Mora prevents everyone from knowing anything, otherwise he stalks them, harassing them, molests them, and impregnates them like a Japanese High School girl with his so many black tentacles. You are limited by what you can actually do. There is no need to eat or take a s***. Nothing seems real. The only way to improve immersion is by modding what should already been taken care of as a basic component of good game play in a game situated on immersion and a free world environment. The world it self is small and invisible barriers that prevent you from entering other provinces thus sacking much of the gaming experience you could have had. Oh and certain monsters level up when you do (Dragons) while others (Giants) do not. Or B) You are in a world where there is more than 30,000 people (could be more, but this is reasonable without overkilling the game by making it impossible to leave Whiterun if it should have just short of a million people) in each province encompassing cities, towns, villages that look more like cities, towns, and villages. Each region is divided into smaller regions that hold their own stories, lore, and myths that each province isn't encompassing a single race but rather multiple races making the entire world feel cosmopolitan and challenged by mono-cultural, homogenous forces that seek purity and truth over an impure world. A world where Hermaeus Mora exists, but his role isn't as absolute. A world where you can eat, poop, sleep, fart, vomit, pass out from intoxication in more than one instance. Where enemies don't inheritedly have bad AI, yet rather AI that is intelligent and differentiated to allow you multiple experiences that challenges you. Where the need for modding is minimal and solely concentrated on making quests and unique character interaction and dialogue not considered. You can go anywhere and where you cannot go is blocked off like San Andreas by miles and miles of ocean rather than an obvious wall that keeps you from going into Cyrodiil or Morrowind just so you can get to some place that is suppose to be easily accessible as it is part of a quest. I know a lot of you have been annoyed by that and hate using bypass codes just to do what should be easy for everyone to do. All monsters are the same in terms of either levelling or unleveled. The world is larger than it was in Arena. A world where by your own actions, the world can change dramatically where a race can suddenly become extinct like the Altmer or the Nords due to the actions you have done using the Elder Scrolls. A world where you can do one act and suddenly find the Thalmor and Stormcloaks in arms against the armies of Akavir. A world where modding is less needed, but easier to do with less need for fancy computer knowledge and programming. Nevertheless, it is a world that is organic that starts off from a static phase of unchanging times like how the story originally began with Anu and Sithis/Padomay, the god of sameness and the god of chaos. It is a world where good or bad things may happen based on the choices you make and how those change a world, putting it into action to produce further changes whether good or bad. You can of course be given many options to change the world after it was already changed like if it was time travel sort of thing like "Back to the future" or "Chrono Trigger." Now which are you going to rant wanting? Anyways, I have a plan I am working on to create the ultimate Elder Scrolls experience and yes the lore will differ. I don't care, because none of you guys are intelligent enough to know it is all BS (that lore friendliness is BS) due to the Hermaeus Mora and how much influence he would have in preventing the Nords, Altmer, Imperial, Bretons, Khajiit, Dunmer and even perhaps the Argonians and Beast races of Akavir from knowing the real truth about themselves and their world. Heck, I mean the Mer and Men might not be the children the Aedra, but just their poo that they emerged from or Daedra that have been corrupted by Lorkhan and later by Akatosh. It could even be possible that all of it is Hallucinations except for the one true God Hermaeus Mora also known as the Magical Spaghetti Monster of Black Japanese Virgin Raping Tentacles, who prevents everyone from knowing anything that is true.
  15. Well I am looking at it in a lore sort of manner. "Also, there's another type of Argonians. Legendary beings, with tree-like appearance. The closest reference I can find are the Spriggans. Probably, the amount of ingested Hist sap was really large." Well I haven't heard of them. "About human looking Argonians. They are heavily mutated by the Hist sap. Skin tone and appearance similar to Dark Elves, but no pointy ears and colorful hair. Pretty much like Arena. Never player that game, just a thought." Those are Paatrus. The major Argonian Breed with a flat, almost toad looking face are the Paatrus. http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/www.ign.com/9109/2011/08/Argonian_Arena.jpg Those are Paatrus. "Dragh: I don't like much this idea. They don't really feel lore-friendly. Also they are not unique enought, just bigger slightly recolored Argonians. Their role can be easily taken by Naga." Well it is not a monarchy, so it doesn't really matter so long as someone does like it. Someone can always take whatever mod you make and make whatever changes they like. I actually do like and it is lore friendly if there is a fifth age in which the Argonians who migrated to Skyrim (those in Windhelm) stayed long enough to evolve to be better able to live in Windhelm's environment, which is what the Dragh are suppose to be. Just as the Skyrim Khajiit or Faliit (Fal meaning Snow and -iit meaning those who dwell or reside) would be . Falmer are just Skyrim's Bosmer just so you know and the Ayleids are just the Bosmer of Cyrodiil. This proven by the fact they use the same language and refer to themselves as Che, not mer, which means they are not core mer, but part of the macro-mer race. Nevertheless, the Che subrace, separate from the Dwemer subrace and the Core Mer Race (Dunmer and Altmer) as well as the Orc (Orsimer) subrace. Much of the lore is mostly mythology like wheter Aldmeris is real or whether Lorkhan is a Daedra, Aedra, or Et'Ada. Whether the moons, Nirn, or whatever actually comes from Lorkhan. I think we think too much like Comic Book Geeks and obsess in lore too much as fact like Christians who estrange themselves from the bible that we don't understand that all the lore is wrong, because none of the races know really what they actually are and accept whatever is told to them, otherwise they would susceptible be to the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Raping Japanese School Girls with his so many black tentacles. Or they would succumb to the same fate as the Dwemer, who probably do know everything but sought to turn their entire race into energy to fuel a massive golem, which Tiber Septim used to conquer Tamriel, Numidium. So you have to take whatever everyone says in all of Tamriel as half-truths, because it is discouraged to actually seek the truth in Tamriel due to those two factors I just pointed out. "Agaceph: still don't understand what kind of crazy faces they should have, so I don't know." Dude, just use the stuff I provided already. "Archein: they are not a particular type of breed" That is incorrect. "just a powerful rank of Argonians." Argonians don't live in ranks. They live in breeds, silly. There is no lore material suggesting that they divide society into classes like the Nords and Imperials or by rank of military service like the Thalmor and Imperials. The Argonians are an Organic "race" that divides their society by breed. Each breed has unique abilities and characteristics, which makes them more useful for certain abilities over others. The Archeins are the masters of the mind, thus they rule over the others. The Agacephs are the workers (thus why they are susceptible to slave trade between the Archeins and the Dark Elves, the Nagas are the soldiers, the Sarpu are the scouts, and the Paatru (well I don't know what they are used for). "So they don't have an unique appearance. They look like normal Argonians." Well if you look at my images I had listed you would notice what I said they should look. STOP skimming through everything I TYPE. "Naga: an interesting race, they feel really unique. their heads should be shaped like snakes, with round eyes, lacking of eyelids." I think what I had listed fits well enough. No need for two Tsaescis. "Tsaesci: seems fitting, though in my opinion they don't have legs, but a snake tail." I think it is better if they could transform. It is better if you have races that can transform, creating more lore to them. So like the Tsaesci for instance can have two legs that morth into a tail for quick movement to escape from hostiles or to fight in a fast horseriding sort of manner. But then they can morth their tail into two feet in order to mate and walk around or to fight without the need for running away or ambushing from a distance at fast speed. That sort of like balances the advantages and disadvantages to having a tail, plus it gives them more than just being a bunch of Lamias. "Paatru: Maybe a similar appearance to Sload" Ah no. I don't know who told you that or why you think something like that up, but that is wrong. Sloads are Slug-Toad mix looking people. Paatrus are simply toad looking in the face. Aside from that they are Argonian just like Archeins and Agacephs. "Sarpa: they are "winged" but this doesn't mean they can fly, probably they have frills like this lizard" Frills are not wings. Stop thinking of Jurassic Park. And I think using much of the content that is already available avoids the need for much work. What I keep hearing from you is rather dementing and lack of constructive criticism. Much of it you sound like a thirteen year old, which I am not even sure you are aware of or you are semi-conscious about.
  16. Oh I beg to disagree. You mean to say, no one who has the talent is doing it and everyone who could want such doesn't have the skill to pull it off. That is what you should have said rather than be so Thalmorish to assume we all think like you do or agree with whatever it is you think things should be.
  17. I am still given the impression of Whiterun being small. However, any new material increasing Whiterun's size is acceptable, what I would like to do given I had any programming skills at all is get together with all the whiterun city mod makers and get something together that looked awesome and increased whiterun's size considerably. How big? Well a sustainable population that doesn't need immediate incest would be about 500. So you want each city to be about that size if not more. I prefer more, because I also like the idea of having places divided into sections or districts and more than what we currently see. Take a look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Settlement_hierarchy Ecomenopolis - which is like an entire planet turned into a city, like the capital world in Star Wars. Megalopolis - Like the Blue or Gold Banana regions of Europe, a lot of urban area tied together. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/03/Blue_Banana.svg/300px-Blue_Banana.svg.png It is reasonable to say neither of these would exist in Tamriel or Nirn for that matter. But then you have: Conurbanations Metropolises Large Cities Cities (Small Cities) Large Towns Towns (Small Towns) Villages and Hamlets. Isolated dwellings aren't important to consider, because they are just random places that have one house like Anise's Hut. Hamlet is suppose to have a few houses or households tied together. Even though Riverwood is a "village" or a "Town" the amount of households there is equal to what you would expect from a hamlet. And what whiterun currently has would stand well for there to be a village. The changes you and many other have made still only makes Whiterun a village. If we take multiple of such mods together, then we might have an actual town. But what I am considering is an easier way for us to consider the scaling of settlements for an RPG-fantasy environment. 1 District = Hamlet (doesn't need any other divisions, it is just divided into houses). 2 Districts = Small Village 3 Districts = Large Village 4 Districts = Small Town 5 Districts = Large Town 6 Districts = Small City 7 Districts = Large City More than 7 is a Metropolis and besides the former extent of the capital of Morrowind and maybe a few places in Hammerfell and High Rock, the most reputable and the largest Metropolis would be found as the Imperial City. Given how big Cyrodiil City (the Imperial City) ought to be, a large portions of what surrounds the city should be considered as part of its exterior Metropolitan area or its conurbation, making the full extent of the imperial city even bigger. Now what I would consider is making each district be set by default to have approximately 500 people within each city, can be much smaller in each smaller type of settlement. Since Whiterun is suppose to be a large city, it should have about 3500 people or more. I've done some math. Used 7.2 as a constant for average Nord household (4 children, 2 adults, 1 elder, approximately) and the number that currently reside there as the number households in addition to what was not included upon release (77 households), I then figure there to be at a default of 554 people in each of Whiterun's districts multipled by 7 districts, which means there should be approximately 3881 people within the city walls excluding people who rent stay at the tavern(s) and the people who reside within Dragonreach (I consider those separate as the people who visit whiterun aren't really a part of its population and the Jarl's residency isn't really a household given it includes numerously more people than a typical household ought to have) as well as possible homeless people who probably account as individuals rather than households and guards (except for guards who have their own personal households), since they often reside either in their own private guardhouses or in Dragonreach as personal guards of the Jarl. 3881 people is A LOT of people, but rather small actually when considering a city. So it is modest. But it would rather ridiculous if you were to divide a city up like that into districts of different economies to have a real immersive city of poor, common, and rich noblemen living together. So what I did is that scewer the numbers in each district until I still retained the same number and this is what I got. Firstly, I produced the following districts: 1) Cloud (where Dragonreach resides) 2) Sky (where Jovaskr stands) - The Special District, in Whiterun there is Jovaskr; in Winterhold (much of it destroyed, there is the college of mages; in Windhelm, there is suppose to be an Arena; in Solitude, there is the college of Bards (which should be larger than it currently is); in Riften, there is two special districts, one active that is a massive orphanage full of unwanted children and the other which is hidden that is the sewers and tunnels that lead to and encompasses the Thieve's Guild and the mad people who live even further below where you find Esbern. 3) Wind (the temple district) which encompasses numerous temple dwellings along with the main temple to one of the nine divines, since real Nords worship Talos along with the other Eight. So you know each Hold's city would have a temple solely dedicated with a major statue and complex to one of the nine divines. Windhelm of course being solely to Talos. You would have other temple dwellers which are smaller and serve smaller functions like healing people who have been injured or sickly as well having a few monasteries where you will find people living a life of ascentism (monk or nun lifestyle) devoted to their city's divine or god. 4) Mountain (Noble district) where the nobles live. Not necessarily where you can find rich people, because remember (Rich Commoners and Nobles) are two different things. Rich nobles were artisans and merchants who gain enormous wealth from their trade, while nobles are landowners who are entitled to a certain quality of land where they make their money off of. The Battleborns are the perfect noble family of example in Whiterun. 5) Hill (Commoner District) this is where you might find some of your rich people who are not nobles residing along with some of the common population who are not immediately merchants. So basically, this is your non-Poor district of Commoners who do not regularly engage as merchants. Some of your guard population if they have families of their own, would reside here. 6) Plain (Merchant District) this is where you will find numerous traders of all kinds, people at stands who specialize in selling one particular commodity or a partial variety of that commodity like just selling apples or fruit or selling just meat like that one Bosmer. This district lies quite accessible from the main gates and intentionally so. People come in from Solitude, Windhelm, Riften, or beyond Skyrim's borders to trade. 7) Under (Poor District), this is a district lying underneath the shadow casted by the city. You could also have a sewer district as well, but that is like a hidden district full of people not normally included, but people in the underdistrict who would do the work that the less poor or better off commoners and nobles wouldn't do might perform for underpaid work. They would have their own markets and their own style of life and culture. Many might work inside the city for numerous jobs such as cleaning the sewers or other stuff, perhaps repairing damaged houses or simply being aided underpaid help for the better off artisans and merchants and other commoners. As for population for each district, I had established the following: Cloud has no specified population, because it is based solely on what other mods have provided: Sky has Jovaskr, which should have a population of 149. Wind which has the temple district has a population of 270. Mountain is the noble district (which are the landowners of large farming territory outside the city) at a population of 416 The Hill is the commoner (non-market) district with a population of 554 (the default) The plain is the market district at a population of 831. The Under has the remainder which is 1, 662. This still counts up to 3881 without including the castle's population, the guard population, the visiting population in taverns, and the homeless poor or Beggar population, which is considerably more poor than the immediate poor, which might just live substandard to the common population. --------------------------------- How this should look like: Well consider building something in perspective of how an isolated mountain should look like. You start off with the flat base area that is surrounded by the gates of the city. This is the plains district. As you start to take up elevation, you reach what is called the Hill District. Proceeding upwards more, you reach the mountain, which is when the elevation has proceeded so far that you feel that you are now on the rocky slope of a mountain. Proceeding upwards more, your reach where the wind (the breath of Kyne) begins to become noticeable and here you feel the presence of the Divines and as such you build a temple to them. Thus the temple district. Proceeding upwards more, you reach where the sky is where most of what you see at a distance clancing off from the land. Thus they Sky district, where Jovaskr stands. Proceeding more you reach where the clouds (low clouds) stand and thus the cloud district where Dragonsreach stands. And of course since the hill or mountain the city stands upon should create a small cliff, that cliff's shadow would produce the area housing the poor of the city. Aside from this you would also have a sprawl effect on the city, because it is or it should be, as it sits in neutral territory. the center market region in all of Skyrim, even more so than Riften. It is where you find most of the Khajiit caravans going to. So you should have districts that are tied to the city sprawling out from it. Refer to as outskirt districts like the outskirt market district mod. Proceeding further you would have vast farmland which is divided upon the ownership of numerous nobles like Nazeem and the Battleborns. Tenants would reside here in small villages and hamlets, tending to the farmlands. Proceeding further you would finally reach the meadery, which should be enclosed in its own small town area, being the final extent of sprawl that makes up the entire area belonging to the immediate rule of the Jarl. That wouldn't be an entire hold. There ought to be numerous villages and towns (small cities if you consider Cyrodiil) that encompass a single hold outside the main city. That is what Skyrim should look like.
  18. If you are to change or make anything new there needs to be two things you need to keep in mind. 1) The game as is. 2) The game as modded. What makes Skyrim and Oblivion so great - I never played Morrowind :(, is the environment of making and changing things in the game it self. Elder Scrolls games are basically a game maker's or game programmer's paradise. Nevertheless, you need to include enough material to make the game solid and great on its own without the need for mods. What essentially you could have in the mods would be more races, more towns, more quests, and editting NPCs that aren't important to allow more interraction within a specific city. However, it is important to realize just how big this world scope environment out to be. What we are given as a supposed open world environment is rather laughably small. The only only laughably smaller would be what Bandai considers to be a full scale worldwide arena with its DBZ games. Now that is even more pathetic. What I recommend is a world large enough to encompass so much that it makes the Arena world look tiny. And Arena is freaking HUGE. (Yes I have played Arena) I think we need to first come together and speak about just how big should big be in terms of each province. We should also exclude certain people from talking, since we ought to take a serious effort to consider things and not employ 12 year olds (who cannot even reason or say anything intelligent) to offer any words. I am surprised they even know how to type. We should be civil and really explore mentally to the extent we want a game to be in size in terms of a open world environment and to what measurable scale we could relate that to in realistic and enjoyable terms by people who would actually enjoy a large world environment. Proceeding from that discussion, we can then move more into the detail about cities, races, and voices for NPCs.
  19. You could just export these faces so there is more variety. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/860286-1340719192.jpg http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/4543751-1358039506.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-68bLXmpAysg/UFzvuIKpCMI/AAAAAAAAAFM/ssyHm0M4aU0/s1600/Screenshot9983.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ehxboWFtSqg/UFzvhRgKN4I/AAAAAAAAAE0/-dqkxIcQTy4/s1600/Screenshot5849.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0lYEDRTE-Sc/UFzvc1aIIdI/AAAAAAAAAEs/HoqSa1gkxqw/s1600/Screenshot4485.jpg http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/860286-1340719310.jpg http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/860286-1340719244.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3QF3ZqxmjLg/UHTUaRbWUBI/AAAAAAAAAGs/ugbImk6a2Jk/s1600/Screenshot25701.jpg http://1-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/jp/image/1344/72/1344721615670.jpg EDITED: Even more, you could just include different stages of development. I prefer the Sims 3 scale. Infant = Ages 0 - 2 Toddler = Ages 2 - 6 Child = Ages 6 - 11 Teen = Ages 11 - 21 Young Adult = Ages 21 - 35 Adult = Ages 35 - 60 Elderly = Anything beyond 60. For elves this differs, but for humans that is about how it works. So you might want to include more teens and other things.
  20. It is suppose to be a chapter in the past like if you were doing a remake of Arena. It is not suppose to be the next chapter of the Elder Scrolls, just a prequel of the games we have already played. Yeah well that is why it can be a Prequal. As a prequal it can involve a lot of material not in the current games we have played, it just cannot contradict the lore. If they are using the right internet source for all their story information, then it isn't that difficult to create a game that follows the era of time that the MMO concentrates upon.
  21. It is suppose to be a chapter in the past like if you were doing a remake of Arena. It is not suppose to be the next chapter of the Elder Scrolls, just a prequel of the games we have already played.
  22. Well Ferengar's voice is not typical for a Nord. He sounds kind of Italian or Greek in his Accent. Particularly, like someone from New York or New Jersey where they have a lot of Italians. He would work better if he was an Imperial than if he was a Nord. Belethor is a Breton, which are basically Celtic Half-Elves or Manmer if you prefer. And his voice is a bit like someone of Celtic Descent would sound like in the United States. :Edited: You guys need to spend sometime thinking of why they sound like that rather than thinking "OH! Well that is just awful. It is certainly not American/Canadian/British/Australian English." The Nords are a bunch of Swedes. Come on. You know what Germanic people sound like and not everyone can have a clean crisp voice like the Altmer.
  23. Well Dunmer have the longest longevity, an aspect they like to rub into the face of the Altmer. So I would suspect it is a Dunmer in Windhelm's Grey District.
  24. A good idea you guys should consider is collectively sending your resumes to Bethesda so they can have more voice actors. And you guys should see how many types of voices you can do based on the following RPG generic format. Wizardry 8 and Buldar's Gate, besides what you already know from Oblivion and Skyrim.
  25. Cute outfit, but I think the fact it involves Diablo 3 is going to give too many people bad memories, oh such terrible memories about that game.
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