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About 0Theara

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    Extraterrestrial being

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  1. This should be the mod you're looking for Familiar Faces
  2. Imposibru!!! I thoguht I finally won days ago.
  3. Why not run it from steam? I recalled playing ds1 a few years ago with only dsfix, there're not many essential mods for it.
  4. What this? a simple link to a song with the name of it needs to be proven new and original? groooovy!!!! I sense a roast is coming, my hands starting to smell like fried fish already :wub: ME WIN!
  5. The author of the file was accused of being a mod thief, they are banned along with their files deleted.
  6. :mellow: Calm and collected, stillness and composure. Just like...
  7. This follower is similar to what you've described, location and gear wise, the original is taken down tho. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67006/
  8. Hmm... how strange... why would niphilim222 frequently use this '' :ninja: '' in his post? Is it a coincidence? or a secret code leave behind for curious mind to decipher? So, what beneath that mask? you might ask. The answer lies within the emoticons itself. Now, we all understood that '' Mask " was used to conceal one facial feature as I like to put it as '' Disguise ". Normally a person would use it to '' camouflage '' their true identity from others and when it removed, the person true face would bare exposed for others to see. But wait... I've already discovered. I saw him for who he really is. He is... ( :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: )
  9. Getting closer and closer to find out niphilim222 secret identity.
  10. The other day I went on a ghost hunting trip, visiting an ancient temple. I was told a rumor by the locals that this place is haunted and the guardian spirits still roam it hall by night, protecting this place from the lowbrow-rabble, ready to strike down those interlopers. Me! of course, do not believe in such nonsense. An apparition had no physical appearance to harm me. At nightfall, I snuck into the temple with a bag full of trash. I purposely littering the temple ground and throwing blunt ill-bred insult, an attempt to fish out the ghosts to reveal me their trick of driven people away. Moment later... I heard a growling and laughing sound from the distance. Knowing that my plan worked, I smirkingly yelled " Is that the best you got? you won't scare me away that easy with only mere weak tickling noise " provocating them further to unveil me their greatest maneuver. After, shadowy figures appeared, surrounding me. I close my eyes and then...
  11. 7th 7th 7th DING DING DING $ $ $
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