The other day I went on a ghost hunting trip, visiting an ancient temple. I was told a rumor by the locals that this place is haunted and the guardian spirits still roam it hall by night, protecting this place from the lowbrow-rabble, ready to strike down those interlopers. Me! of course, do not believe in such nonsense. An apparition had no physical appearance to harm me. At nightfall, I snuck into the temple with a bag full of trash. I purposely littering the temple ground and throwing blunt ill-bred insult, an attempt to fish out the ghosts to reveal me their trick of driven people away. Moment later... I heard a growling and laughing sound from the distance. Knowing that my plan worked, I smirkingly yelled " Is that the best you got? you won't scare me away that easy with only mere weak tickling noise " provocating them further to unveil me their greatest maneuver. After, shadowy figures appeared, surrounding me. I close my eyes and then...