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About Malevolo

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  1. yea right, is a personal experience... but, if u post ur list of mods AND the especs of ur pc... any other person whit a same hardware will know they can try ur list... and coz i know is a personal thing, i write some especs of my note too: ""(i play skyrim on my notebook: 1,8 quad core A8, 1 g video dual graphics, 8 g ram.. just in case u need some technical especs for the list)"" i do not know why u focus on the cons... and no in the good points of this... well, thank u all anyway...
  2. lol.. ok thanks, but no one get the spirit of what i want: when u see youtube videos or pics from the game. its look so perfect and beautyfull.. and when i, or any other new person, try to do it, no matter how many care we put to read the details of the mods.. we cant make it look like the videos or pics.. the shadows problems.. the texture problems.. the memory problems... coz the game is, as programmer, just horrible.. so many bugs.. no clean memory work.. ect etc.. thats why im asking: what did u guys use.. wich mods.. and wich load order u have.. so the ppl that is new.. can start whit doing the same as u.. and then when they learn more.. try his own experiences...
  3. hi guys, sorry for ask this, im sure im not the first person that did this before, and im sure i will not be the last one either, so i want to ask and make this usefull for all: can some1 tell me a list of mods that will work great to improve my skyrim experience? when i installs mods, in some point something go wrong.. and have to unistall them all, or some other times have to reistall the skyrim full.. and start again whit the mods.. im really new in this mods experience.. i always just play the games in the way they apear.. a patch maybe, nothing more, so im a lots blind in this thing... now im using CBBE things.. coz they work more estable for me at last, but i see unp.. chdbwherever and a lots more.. and im afraid of try them.. coz now i have like 60+ thing working on my NMM plugin list.. was a hard try and fail way to find them (most of my friend say that my new game is NMM... not skyrim.. skyrim is just the excuse to spend months on NMM) so whit this question.. i come whit a sugestion: can u guys make a list, and i mean u guys coz u are the ones that have the experience to say it, of mods to use whit the diferents body things and improvement? i mean.. a CBBE list.. a UNP one.. a ADEC one.. and any other u have.. whit the mods u sugest and the order of plugins loads... for graphics improvements.. bodies, clothes, races, wherever u want.. or the list of things u already use and is estable.. thank u so much for the time of read this, and sorry if my english is not so good. (i play skyrim on my notebook: 1,8 quad core A8, 1 g video dual graphics, 8 g ram.. just in case u need some technical especs for the list)
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