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Everything posted by TaxiVader

  1. Hi folks. I've got the mods "CharGenMenu" and "NPC Enhancer Gun" both going which allows me to modify both myself and NPCs for whatever look or body I like. I have noticed that when I make body changes, only SOME of the vanilla clothing items (such as settler comfortwear, neon city formwear, urban slackwear) take the same dimensions as the altered body, while many, such as the mining jackets, space undersuit etc, do NOT. Is there a mod already in existence that adapts ALL clothing to the new dimensions? I cannot find one. If not, is it possible to make one? I know that the naked body is just another clothing item as far as the game is concerned, so (maybe?) there's some importing of settings into some of the clothing items...? I have not played with the CK yet for Starfield but have with FO4 and Skyrim so if anyone has any suggestions / ideas / random thoughts on this topic I'm willing to give it a bash.. Help please??
  2. Hi Folks. I'm making an indoors settlement. All is well, however the player automatically owns the whole thing when they enter the cell. I assume this is from entering the "default empty trigger" box that is linked to the WB with the Primitive keyword. I want to change this to make it so they only own it when the player enters the "Workshop Set Owned Trigger" box surrounding the WB, as I can then force the player through a particular path using barricades that are later able to be scrapped. I used the YouTube tutorials from M0ds1984 and Neeher to create the settlement functionality. I have used the same process in exterior settlements and the WB is only owned once the "Workshop Set Owned Trigger" box is entered. Any ideas?
  3. Hi . Thanks, I'l have a look at that. I was able to solve it in game by using the "ignore build limits" function in SS.
  4. Hi again folks. I have made a indoors settlement. It recruits people and you can send to / from, but I am having a bit of an issue. When I try building SimSettlement plots they get that initial "under construction" look, then I get a message saying plots won't upgrade because the settlement build limit has been reached. The build limit bar for the settlement in the top right of the screen is completely empty, and I can continue to build non Sim Settlement items. Any suggestions about this? I really want it to work with Sim Settlements. I am testing it by dropping it into the middle of an existing game that has about 50 mods already running.
  5. Thanks Diode, you're a legend. I hadn't even seen that object template button. That's where it was defaulting to Vault 81 pattern. Thanks again.
  6. Hi Folks. I'm looking for possible suggestions for fixing this; so if you have any idea at all please let me know. I'm making a version of the Vault Suit with "62" on the back. So far so good; I got the female and male dirty version to work fine both on the player and on npcs and followers, but using exactly the same technique I can't get the replacement number to show up on either the male or female clean version. I've done the material replacement thing with the .dds and .bgsd files, also the Armor Addon etc. Also, when I look in the model data for the clean suit, it actually shows the new number on the back...but not in game! Each time I do a change I want to see I reload the CK so that's not the issue. The clean suit defaults to the Vault 81 pattern, which is also strange since I used the Vault 95 suit as the basis for this changed version. Admittedly, I am in-game testing using a modded game that I have just stuck the mod into. I suppose that could be a cause, but to show one and not the other version of the suit? Bizarre. So yes, if anyone has even a vague clue please let me know. EXTRA: When I do the "material swap" thing on an actor in the CK the new suit does show up. However, if I put that same suit in an Outfit and add that to the NPC, it only works with the dirty version and the clean one defaults to 81 again.
  7. Hiya. No, it was a fresh game. I even started one, saved right after character creation, tried to reload it and the game crashed.
  8. Hi folks. I'm finding that Sim Settlements 2 is causing the game to crash when I load a save. The game runs fine if I start a new game, saves OK, but won't load; I go straight to CTD. This only happened after installing Sim Settlements 2. I tried following the instructions on the SS2 help page re load order: Fallout 4 and DLCs Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch HUDFramework Workshop Framework Sim Settlements 2 All other mods but the same thing keeps happening. Any ideas I could try?
  9. OK, so update: I started the "remove mods to find the baddie" thing and the first one I removed solved the problem...Sim Settlements 2! I'll have to find out if anyone else is having this issue.
  10. Hi Folks. Fallout4 is crashing when I try to load a save game, any save game. A new game starts fine, no worries. It's stable too. I can also save successfully. But when I try to load a game it crashes to desktop. I have tried a few things: 1. remover the HUDmenu.swf file from the interface folder - no effect 2, I looked in the Fallout4 folder to investigate the fallout4.ini and the fallout4prefs.ini files, assuming it's not accepting the old files. However, neither of these is present; instead I have a file called fallout4_default.ini 3. Undaunted, I placed the line bInvalidateOlderFiles=0 into the falout4_defaut.ini file; still nothiing. Any suggestions?
  11. Hi folks. I've tried doing the pool undress / redress thing too. Once again I am flailing around with little to no experience, so feel free to have some shots at me for that. Here's what I'm trying to do: I have parked two triggerboxes next to each other, with each running a single script. Undress box script: Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) if(akActionRef != Game.GetPlayer())actor who = akActionRef as actorwho.unequipall()endif EndEvent And the Redress box next to it: Armor property DummyRing auto Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) if(akActionRef != Game.GetPlayer())actor who = akActionRef as actorwho.AddItem(DummyRing, abSilent = true)who.EquipItem(DummyRing, abSilent = true)who.UnEquipItem(DummyRing, abSilent = true)who.RemoveItem(DummyRing, abSilent = true)endif EndEvent Yes, those are the same scripts from earlier in this thread. As I said, flailing. The first one works fine; go into it and I have nudie followers (but not nudie self...) Go into the second one and ... nothing happens, followers stay nudie. The scripts both compiled fine (of course; had I written them myself it would be a different story). Any ideas what might be missing? The triggers do not overlap. If I give a follower an item they re-equip all their stuff as normal. That makes me think that the whole dummyring thing is not actually being added/removed. Would perhaps using a non-dummy item help? TV
  12. Hi again DylBill. Thanks to you I got the files in the right place (operator error), and now it's working like a charm. Both full scripts and fragments are compiling properly. You're a champion.
  13. Hi Dylbill. Do I extract the scripts.rar into the Skyrim folder or the data\scripts\source ? I extracted it to the automatic location, and it looks as if the CK is looking in that area to find them. I'll have a go at that compiler, thanks for the link. Also, what about papyrus fragments like the ones in the quests? How would I compile those if I'm using the external compiler? TV
  14. Hi Ishara. There is no content in the dtm7.prc script; I was trying to make a new one and I only got as far as the error list shown above. I got the tesv_papyrus_flags.flg from Nexus, here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39140/? I tried following a quest tutorial to make a radiant quest but even the papyrus fragments there would not compile. At least it's consistent.
  15. Hi folks. My apologies for doubling up, I have also asked about this elsewhere. I was trying to add a script and got the "missing tesv_papyrus_flags.flg" warning. I have added the tesv_papyrus_flags.flg file so I no longer get that particular error when trying to compile, but have moved onto stage 2 of the error list: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "dtm7"...D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\Keyword.psc(4,33): unknown type locationD:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\Keyword.psc(8,45): unknown type locationD:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\Actor.psc(27,49): unknown type globalvariable and so on. Those files such as keyword.psc are present in the stated folder. I have extracted the stuff from scripts.rar to the correct location. After failing to compile, I can see a script called dtm7.psc in the data\scripts\source folder but can't see it in CK. Tried copying dtm7.psc to data\scripts folder with no effect. Not sure what I should do with SkyrimEditor.ini; it looks OK to me:[Papyrus]sScriptSourceFolder = "Data\Scripts\Source"sScriptCompiledFolder = "Data\Scripts\"sCompilerFolder = "Papyrus Compiler\"bPerforceEnabled = 0iMinMemoryPageSize = 128iMaxMemoryPageSize = 512iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 76800 ;75kb Any ideas?
  16. Hi folks. I have added the tesv_papyrus_flags.flg file so I no longer get that particular error when trying to compile, but have moved onto stage 2 of the error list: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "dtm7"...D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\Keyword.psc(4,33): unknown type locationD:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\Keyword.psc(8,45): unknown type locationD:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\Actor.psc(27,49): unknown type globalvariable and so on. Those files such as keyword.psc are present in the stated folder. I have extracted the stuff from scripts.rar to the correct location. After failing to compile, I can see a script called dtm7.psc in the data\scripts\source folder but can't see it in CK. Tried copying dtm7.psc to data\scripts folder with no effect. Not sure what I should do with SkyrimEditor.ini; it looks OK to me:[Papyrus]sScriptSourceFolder = "Data\Scripts\Source"sScriptCompiledFolder = "Data\Scripts\"sCompilerFolder = "Papyrus Compiler\"bPerforceEnabled = 0iMinMemoryPageSize = 128iMaxMemoryPageSize = 512iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 76800 ;75kb Any ideas?
  17. Hi Folks. I am making a mod at the moment that is sort of a large town. It contains lots of shops, pubs and other interesting places. Part of the population of the town is the idle elite, and I want them to behave that way. I now understand the package system of setting NPC movements, but what I'd really like is for my idle rich people to wander around town popping into shops, pubs, whatever, throughout the day in the times when I don't have them specifically being elsewhere. Giving the appearance of that sort of thing with packages is possible but extremely clunky, each NPC would have a package list as long as my arm, especially if they are to be doing different sequences on different days of the week. Can anyone suggest a method for doing this, perhaps using some form of script(s)? Like, can I have a list of locations that the NPC will visit randomly during specified times of the day for either set or random periods of time per visit? If I was doing this in Microsoft Excel I'd use random numbers, vlookups and indexes, is such a thing possible here? I have little experience with scripting to date but am not afraid to give anything a go. Any ideas? Thanks, TV
  18. I haven't played with this part, but in Creation Kit you can change or import colors for skin tone. Not sure if this works on the player, but you can also edit the character presets in the same way.
  19. Hiya. I imagine you'd need to get an Archive Extractor and extract the textures from the .bsa. Then you can find one that is for the race and skin you want to change, open that file in paint.net and darken it. Then you save it in the same place as the original (you'll need to add the file structure), duplicate the in-game texture set and select the newly made texture. Then apply this to the npc. At least that's how I think it's done; I'm about 50% of the way through figuring all that out. Or you could open the texture set in Creation kit and try changing the texture in that for random stuff until you get a good look; that's what I used to do.
  20. That's awesome, thanks. I'll get to work.
  21. Thanks a bunch Ishara, I'll get stuck into that. I'm assuming the same goes for including new .nif files? That's exactly what I needed, you're the bomb.
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