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About lordofthestrings63

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  1. You were right, male without a father. I removed both versions of Firemoth and Elador is now complete. And since I played the Firemoth mod a long time ago, I really have no further need of it. Thanks, MB!
  2. Thanks, Dilvish! I found him and made it to Daggersoul and started the main quest. And now there's a new problem (maybe): On my trip to Elador (I think) I discovered that part of the town appears to be hanging in thin air with no ground beneath it and I'm guessing that it's not supposed to be that way. I thought maybe another mod was conflicting with SOD. Wizard's Island seemed most likely so I turned that one off and reloaded and that didnt fix the problem. I was still able to reach the council building to get the information I needed and have moved on. Here is the complete list of mods I'm currently running besdides SOD: Imperial Guard anticlone Seasons Wizard's island Entertainers Master Index Admantium armor Firemoth Helm's Deep Floating City Ebonheart Gentleman's Club Wizard's Island SotF Firemoth moved Elven warrior halberd Sword Of The Seven Spirits Azu Kiri Dragon Blade Armies
  3. I've just installed the Sea Of Destiny mod and now I don't have a clue how to get there. I can see the new landmass on my world map, but where do you find transportation?
  4. This happened in Tribunal of course. After the attacks in the plaza I was surveying the wreckage and looting the dead fabricators of their elixir, when I was greeted by a royal guard with "Mournhold: City Of Light, City Of Magic!" I guess the glass is always half full in Mournhold.
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