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Everything posted by dudeapocalypse

  1. Self-explanatory. Happened after force-reboot, googling wasn't much of a help ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Self-explanatory. Happened after force-reboot, googling wasn't much of a help ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Thanks a lot, I deleted Plugins.fnvviewsettings from AppData/ Local/ FalloutNV and it reset FNVEdit back to factory values. daliawithoutanh,
  4. Doesn't matter if launched directly or through Mod Organiser 2. FNVEditQuickAutoClean - same story.
  5. Happened after some tinkering in the settings. I tried to delete FNVEdit and all the associated files I could find and start anew, didn't help. Maybe I missed some .ini where FNVEdit settings are stored?
  6. Thanks daliawithoutanh, I learned something from your post too :thumbsup:
  7. Well some NPCs level up with player, so their health increases with each level. I think you should try a mod that lets you to just adjust every setting to your liking, i would try Cover Based Stealth Mechanics (has weapon damage modifier too) or Project Nevada's Rebalance module (the main module may be outdated by today's standards but the Rebalance I think is still the best for such tuning considering the variety of settings and that everything is easily configurable in game through the Mod Configuration Menu).
  8. "Remove identical to previous override records". I think I edited out // skip records that have elements in child group (WRLD, CELL, DIAL) if ElementCount(ChildGroup(e)) <> 0 then Exit;from it too.
  9. I'm not really qualified to give any advice on scripting but I would try to attach script like this: scn equipIT! Begin ScriptEfectStart Player.Additem DoomHelm 1 Player.EquipItem DoomHelm 1 endto a magic effect, then attach this magic effect to an ability, and then add this ability in your trait "Perk Entries" field.I dunno, may not work but maybe it'll point you in the right direction.
  10. So YUP changes 40mm ammo projectile from "None" to 40mmGrenadeProjectile, which overrides Frontier's grenade launchers custom projectiles (and of course their attached new explosions too) with vanilla ones. Apparently "None" allows variety, while any other projectile type just overrides every using this ammo weapon projectile with itself, despite the fact that weapon may have it's own custom projectile set. For example: let's say some mod adds a unique grenade rifle which uses 40mm grenades but is set to fire flame globs like Incinerator. If YUP is active, this weapon will just shoot basic vanilla 40mm grenade projectiles with ballistic explosions. Replacing 40mm ammo projectile through script works, but only with a concrete projectile name, like: SetAmmoProjectile Ammo40mmGrenade TFMB40mmGrenadeProjectileBut it's not a solution, because people may not want these Frontier overrides for the vanilla 40 mm grenade weapons. This command seems to be a better choice, because it should just return everything to vanilla settings: SetAmmoProjectile Ammo40mmGrenade ; (Sets the projectile to None)but it doesn't seem to have any effect in game, so my question is - is it maybe known to be bugged, or is it possibly me doing something wrong?
  11. Thanks, but what I was actually asking is not how to get rid of masters, but how to remove records that I edited and then returned them back to original settings (tested them in game and decided no to do that), because they are still marked as edited and can override things. All that without QuickAutoClean returning back all the master's interior clutter that I removed. If anyone is interested, the solution is: Thanks TheBiggestBrother666 on Discord for that.
  12. She has a fairy tale bimbo personality that doesn't really fit the game setting. I could also do without vanilla interiors being littered with unsuitable collectible toys (maybe it'll be all right in shops or houses with other toys around, but mostly they are out of place). Gameplay-wise though she surpasses any other NV companion, original or not, which is even more impressive considering mod's release date. Much needed combat options, complicated bonding / reputation system, lots of companions and locations comments (and option to turn them off), quests being unlocked after months of in-game time, separate inventory for player's stuff and a lot more. Everything is also consistently written and well scripted without any serious bugs.
  13. It returns back all the interiors clutter, furniture, light, etc. that I removed in GECK.
  14. I'm trying to fix YUP overriding frontier's 40mm Grenade APW's explosion with vanilla one (it changes 40mm ammo projective from "None" to 40mmgrenadeprojectile so it doesn't allow any other projectiles for weapons using 40mm grenades). So far my best attempt was to make it dependant on the visibility of the Frontier's map markers, like .45 ammo recipes visibility is handled. But it's not ideal, because the first marker you discover in the Frontier (NCR airport base) can get removed from the map if you lose reputation with NCR while working for the Crusaders, so it's not reliable. Of course I can just put there like a dozen of other markers player is more likely to discover fist, like this: If (RobCoTowerMapMarkerRef.GetMapMarkerVisible > 0) || (WastedAngelMapMarkerRef.GetMapMarkerVisible > 0) ; and so on SetProjectileExplosion 40mmGrenadeProjectile TF40mmGrenadeLauncherExplosion but there's also a question of how the script would update. Is it reasonable performance-wise to make a script that would update every second through entire game (like NVDLC04AutoInjectQuestSCRIPT for auto-inject stimpacks) for such a small thing? Are there any other options?
  15. Oh, now I get it. I was clicking on the null reference itself. Thanks man.
  16. I noticed that Unbound pistol in The Frontier as well as any Mauser-type pistol from mods I add to my game are missing a reloading sound, so I thought maybe I'll dig into that. It seems like it should be WPNPistolChineseReload sound but I don't hear it in game.
  17. 1. How to delete these null references? It was something I added before and then removed. Like here in the picture the empty spot in "The Frontier" column if you click it shows that it's the same "NULL - null reference (000...)" as in "The Frontier Edits" column, but FNVEdit Quick Auto Clean refuses to remove it like other identical to master records. 2. How to deal with this: It doesn't allow to put anything into "The Frontier Edits" column (shows those grey dialog windows where you can't type anything.) File is here if you need to check it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qKMpy2oESlpx6dabXHpCPa9U5NCW82pV/view?usp=sharing
  18. Update: it was just Project Nevada's crosshairs problem, with "Just Dynamic Crosshair" spread is reflected correctly.
  19. 1. Is there a way to enable mid-air grenades / throwing projectiles shooting in VATS? They are always recognised, but the chance to hit is always zero. 2. I made a custom throwable mine from a Time Bomb and VATS catches it (not only in enemy's hand, but also when it becomes an armed mine projectile on the ground). The only reason I see in GECK why vanilla mines don't do that, is that mines are added to VATSBannedWeapons form list, together with detonators, binoculars, etc, but removing them from there seems to have no effect, at least in my game. 3. Fire Bomb is not shown in VATS when in enemy's hand (but it's projectile can be caught in air with zero chance to hit, like any other grenade). It wasn't in the appropriate vanilla explosives lists, but adding it there seems to be ineffectual for me.
  20. As for player, it should be pretty simple, just reverse an Unstoppable Force perk and make a Begin GameMode quest for it to be added. But what about NPC? Adding perks to them does nothing as far as I know?
  21. Has anybody tried to implement that? Also, is it possible to make your power attacks vary with every weapon (for example, being able to do war club's "lights out", or default NPC's large hack along with a "back slash" when using a katana)? As for unarmed, maybe there's a way to randomly replace some back / side dodges with a Khan Trick and Ranger Takedown and insert some Legion Assaults into generic forward attacks?
  22. Oh, It's that simple huh. It didn't allow to select multiple files while holding Ctrl, so I didn't even try to select the folder, how inattentive of me. Thanks man.
  23. It's all clear when you have just one .wav, you just choose it in the new sound's editing window, but what about sounds like UIRepairWeapon, where varying sound bits are played at random order?
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