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  1. HI, I've not tried to run Oblivion since I built this new computer 2 years ago. The game is on the old HDD which is my data drive with SSD now as C:. I can launch it and get in game but I get a message about "some content that this save depends on is not available do you wish to continue? I click yes but so far, just in Bruma (no idea why I'm there), there seem to be a lot missing meshes on bottles and stuff on shelves. Checking OBMM, many of my original mods had not been checked like an NPC mod and Natural Mods with water but nothing that seemed to affect static stuff. I checked those and Vilja the NPC came back to tell me I should change clothes-- ha got to like that. So since I don't know what else might be wrong, is it a better idea just to reinstall OB and SI in another folder and then move the data folder back? As I remember, getting this setup in the first place took hours and hours even with only a few mods, like Qarls Textures, Illuminated Interiors and a few minor ones. Any advice appriciated.
  2. Something started happening today and now it seems to be getting worse. First I noticed my fire damage ebony bow had lost fire damage. It showed 19 points and it was 23. I have a screen shot of when I made it so I know it was 23. Later I noticed when I went to enchant something, it seemed as if my enchant skill was lower even though I just hit 60. So I thought, maybe I'm wrong. Now later I went into a mod and found my 2nd Ebony Greatsword to give to Lyidia after enchanting. I looked at it and it had normal damage. Then a few minutes later inside the dungeon, I looked at it and it only had 20 damage. Then I looked at the on I found for Lydia ages ago and it also showed 20! But it was superior before, with 27 damage. I've only installed one new mod in weeks Crimson Tide for the blood. But earlier I went back to a save before that mod and the bow was still off on enchant damage. Can anyone point me in a direction as to what caused this? Is there anyway to fix. Could an errant mod be running a script? I've used the workshop for a few.
  3. I've searched around and all I find is the usual mods with alternate clothing etc. I'm wondering if there is anything out that fixes the non-levelling of the followers, the pathing AI, choosing the wrong weapons, adds a new compelling story to one, or anything half as good as the Vilja Companion from Oblivion. Someone even a bit dynamic that can change lines once in a while or is aware of the time they have spent with you. I use Lydia and take effort to maintain her gear and level her up but it's a flat experience. I don't need a romance element or adult content, just a companion that has a story and is more consistent than the defaults.
  4. I remember in Morrowind I forced myself to get to the main quest at level 20 or so. I also think I relied on walkthroughs back when directions where a bit up to the imagination. It was very exciting to see the one cutscene in the whole game as I remember-- Azura coming for a visit. I put probably 200 hours in there, playing all the strange quest and companion mods after becoming messiah. My journal covered 750 days or so... Oblivion, I got tired of the gates and the levelling system never got to main quest. I think I had to go get everyone's buy in on fighting and said the heck with that. I restarted it recently with the awesome Vilja companion mod and got to level 10 I think. In Skyrim, I don't even know what the main quest really is. I went to visit the Hrothgar dudes, I'm a member, that's all I know right now. Maybe I'll find it sometime but not too concerned.
  5. Well where the heck was she? Just curious in case I lose her. I rely on her sometimes to take the brunt of combat so I always try to find her.
  6. Did you play one character that long? That's a lot I think. I don't have more because I just bought during last sale but I'm 82 hrs in two weeks. Not sure if steam hours are always accurate but it sure feels like I've lived a bit in Skyrim. I've still got a long way to go but itching to start up a sneaky bow character. I'm going to recreate my Morrowind girl, a depressed psycho wood-elf who slaughtered the entire dance club. Not sure if she could make it 200 years but they don't talk about life expectancy much so who knows...
  7. Well it would be similar strategy to mine. I conjure in beast and let him draw aggro with my follower. Then I blast from the side with destruction. You'd kinda do the same but with arrows. i only use bow occasionally so you'd have to check on how much stamina is needed. You can go light armor or invest in magic armor (alteration) not sure if both needed, you will be distance fighter. Conjuration Archery Light Armor Stealth Alchemy for poison arrows (might be nice) Illusion Enchantment (anyone doesn't need this?) You want a nice bow. Check out how much stamina is needed for archery, I only use occasionally. I figure something like Magicka at 200, the rest in health or stamina by level 25 ish. Initially, work Conjuration a lot and archery. Get your basic trees on archery, a lot of them will help early. Conjuration, Flame Atronach after Familar is really good for many levels.
  8. I've just hit level 24 mage, playing with no armor but using Conjuration and Destruction mainly. I heavily rely on my follower and summons to fight but come in and blast from the side. The benefit I see is having Mage Armor, which doubles or triples your base magic armor. However, i only go this route in case something comes after me, I'm usually dead quickly if it's something strong regardless because i have weak health. The problem with doing a hybrid build as I see it, means you will be wasting points in magic when you would want: Smithing and perks. Enchantment and perks (need some conjuration for soul trap). Health and stamina not magicka Two-handed tree I like the idea but i think it would take some planning out for first 20 levels. Also, it alchemy worth it for someone who wants to close fight? It seems to be suggested for stealthy types in this game, like a poison bow which someday I will try. I'm 50 hours in and getting a bit tired myself as I have so much stuff on my quest log I can't think.
  9. Some more of that would be interesting. Cyrodil a less mysterious place I think. I mean even the Ayleid ruins hardly interest anyone, whereas the dwarven fortresses...that was a mystery, people talked about it. I remember finding a dead guy way out west in Morrowind. He had a note in his hand, talks about missing his family and dying of a disease. There were a few of these lost soul stories, some pointing to a treasure, whereas Oblivion has "Dead Adventurer".
  10. Wow, that doesn't sound like a good idea at all but fits the consoles well I think. I'm looking forward to getting this game but I feel I need to do the first one which I never got to run on modern hardware. Maybe I'll try it again, once I get out of playing Oblivion over.
  11. That was a very good post ffa. I found out I don't have the bug for Deepscorn, I just missed his schedule. But I'm not wasting gold on this now and it's silly pricey. So now i contradict myself (just started DB) by saying the Orc bragging about killing the Nord girl on her birthday isn't cool. Why would a hit squad be killing a 6-year old girl? I know it's supposed to be humor but where are their principals? I guess with Infamy to me, it should be intimidating to npcs. They should be afraid. Just like fame should intimidate evil npcs. But they aren't, they just don't sell or rip you off. Maybe the problem with the whole telepathic and levelling world. I pay attention to when to join just because of the way gear levels and optimal rewards. This time I'm ignoring it and i'm sure I'll pay for it at some point. So I'll have to make my own gear again which is ok.
  12. Ok so maybe the lesson is I need more self-control. I just start doing whatever pops up, have a bunch of quests open always. So I'll have to make an effort to not to get distracted from my path. Is level 5 too soon to start Dark Brotherhood? Assuming Deepscorn Hollow is related, that guy won't sell me anything yet so not sure.
  13. I played another character as good, simplified by Bethesda to always mean who you prefer to murder I guess. It's one psychosis for another and who cares? But it's getting annoying already at infamy 3 with my assassin, I can't even get a blessing from Mara even though my fame is 17? I checked the wiki and it doesn't mention this problem. I don't even need the blessing but if I'm out in the woods, where I am a lot, it's just something to do. I don't need less to do, I need more. I want to play evil but it seems it really isn't possible, even to roleplay. The entire Knights dlc is for goodies right? Where is the pay-off? On another note, I just started the Dark Brotherhood will this be EVIL?
  14. Nevermind, I found this answer in this old thread I just had to fast travel back to caves to get the script to trigger. thanks http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/60643-the-blackwood-company/page__st__80 I guess this is the 2nd special quest and I found this cart and it says to find the smugglers who went east and I can't find them. Explored the Onyx caverns and they aren't in there. Went all the way to east border. No luck. Any ideas? I searched online and found nothing on it.
  15. I'm playing a 2nd character after putting in 100 hours or so a couple years ago. Never finished the main quest because I got sick of Oblivion gates and the levelling system. At 30 hours now and only level 4 I can see I'm reaching a level of apathy. I'm going to pursue the Dark Brotherhood path soon and try to finish some quest mods. And that will probably be it. But modelers probably do pics more than players and I don't know how to post em anyway.
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