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About asdgora

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  1. run BOSS and post the log it generates.
  2. Probably the mesh was made up of several parts. In maya, try moving some vertices where the tears appear. If they split, then you need to weld all disconnected vertices. This is what I noticed about some meshes in Skyrim. Never tried Morrowind though.
  3. A quick search returned this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15725
  4. They're conflicting with other mods you have. Download and run BOSS and post the log it generates. Running BOSS may even solve your problem all by itself.
  5. There was a mod that did that in oblivion. Don't know why no one has yet madeit for skyrim. It'll definetly be one of those "essential" mods.
  6. Do as ghosu said but delete the material (you mean the NiMaterialProperty, right ?). Attach a BSLightingShaderProperty with a BSShaderTextureSet and apply your textures. Save the file. Open it using the newest version of Nifskope then save it again.
  7. What the two previous posters said. I once had extreme in-game specularity while doing green plant textures. Playing with specular and environment maps didn't help at all. Darkening the diffuse map solved my problem. Don't know how that would work with whitte textures though :/
  8. The problem is that you seem to carelessly download and install mods without reading their descriptions. You should have made sure that ALL 150 mods are compatible with your game before you install them. HearthFires.esm Active birds.esp Active Incompatible with: Heartfires DLC. Remove this and install BirdsHF.esp crimson tide - blood.esp Active Incompatible with: dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp dd - enhanced blood main.esp Active Note: Be sure you have downloaded and installed the script Hotfixes. Requires: Dawnguard Compatibility_Patch. And the bashed patch should be on the bottom of your list
  9. What do you mean by optical range? Is it FOV? or do you mean that you want distant terrain (e.g mountains) to look more detailed (Improve LOD).?
  10. First use BOSS to sort your load order then see if you crash. If you do, I suggest you turn off the lower half of your mods then play, if you still crash , re-enable them and disbale the upper half of your mods except for Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and the original HQ Texture Packs. You probably shouldn't crash now. Then re-enable only half of of your disabled upper half mods and see if you crash and so on until you find which mod is causing the crash. This is a quick way to do it. A betterway would be to disable mods one by one and see what causes the CTD, but that needs a lot of time.
  11. "Frostfall" and "Hypothermia" are not compatiblle with each other (It says so in frostfall's description). Also "Frostfall" doesn't contain "Wet and Cold", but another mod "Get Wet - Water FX" which only makes you drip when you're wet. Hypothermia seems to be abandoned, so , I'd recommend you get "Frostfall" and "Wet and Cold".
  12. Getting a new CPU will make your gamr run smoother, but you still will crash within 5-30 mins. I see you had another topic on constant CTDs and couldn't get much help, thing is you need to run a lower amount of mods to have a stable game.
  13. unfortunately seems like only lesser mods would increase stability. if you want to upgrade you PC, then go with better CPU, since it's the likely bottleneck for your system.
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