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Everything posted by Ichthyic

  1. I want this because im a modder and im making standalone power armor paints that i would like to package into single esp's. Just wanted to do things right from the start. Ive figured out a method of doing this now though =) thanks for replies Would you be willing to share how you accomplished this? I too would like to merge a number of standalone armor paints to a single .esp to bring my plugin count down. I used to know my way around the xEdit for FO3 and Skyrim, however I can't navigate my way as easily anymore. Not sure if I just forgot how to do things, or if the interface for FO4 is incomplete. There's no menus in FO4Edit other than the right-click menus, so I don't even know how to copy entries from one .esp into another. Anyone mind giving me a crash course? if you look for the author's paint compiler mod, he gives a complete detailed description of how he did it in the comments.
  2. here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2416/?
  3. yes. someone created a jetpack ring, IIRC. search for "jetpack" in the description field.
  4. I'm trying to make it so Strong can equip all the same weapons any human companion can. In playing around with RACE assignment values for NPCs, I see that changing their race changes what they can equip (makes sense). BUT... I have yet to figure out what exactly within the race tables controls what is equippable. at first, I was looking at VNAM equipment flags (and hilariously noting they were ripped straight out of Skyrim!), but changing those for say, SuperMutants such that they were the exact same as for Humans did not make any new items equippable for Strong> so, does anyone have any idea what variables need to be changed to get strong to be able to wield say, energy weapons? Specifically, I wanted him to be able to at least wield the gatling laser. If I can figure this out, I'll release it as a mod once I test it.
  5. ...OK, so in playing around with the assignment data for NPCs, it turns out that who can wield what appears to be entirely determined by their RACE value assignment. If you assign that value as "human" to Strong, then he can wield any weapon. Of course, then his body (everything but his head!) turns into a human one. So, looks like the values for what can be wielded by whom are in the race attributes. unfortunately, nothing I see in there seems an obvious choice to modify (many values are still unknowns to FOedit). ...but at least I know where to look now. If anyone has any feedback on editing race values, I'd appreciate it.
  6. you take yourself WAYYYY too seriously. Go outside. stop playing video games.
  7. half of her appendages are saws or shoot fire.... hmm.
  8. ditto. in fact, further zoom range for all views, not just the map!
  9. OK, so Strong has a very weird set of equipment he can handle. he can handle a gatling GUN... but not a gatling laser? what is different about Strong that he can't, while the other companions can? a lot of the time, I think Beth tossed Strong in there late in development, and never really tested him much. anywho, this is a request for either a mod to make it so Strong can equip anything a supermutant should be able to equip (short of human armor and power armor). if not, maybe someone can point me to which values to look at in FOedit and I'll do it myself.
  10. After finishing the Oghma quest, I suddenly have grown attached to the loveable amorphous eye blob. How much work would it take to create a generic follower out of it? something you could simply fine tune with AFT.
  11. want to really have fun playing VL? get: -better vampires -royal bloodline -pick a better mesh with bigger wings (there are a few out there) -apocalypse spell package (yes, even if you aren't a mage, though it helps if you are) -better magic -the mesh fixer that reduces the model size of the VL so you can actually fit through most doorways with it :P better vamps gives you a much more immersive experience as a vamp, as well as giving you a lot more choices for offense and defense, in your VL form or out. You can even complete the dawnguard vamp quests to turn others without ever needing to even convert to your VL form, which is handy when stealth is required. royal bloodlines gives you a whole new perk tree to play with, literally on top of the main perk tree for VL. plus.... you can get a perk that lets you FLY. comibined with the alternation spells from apocalypse, it makes your VL lord one hell of a lot of fun to play, for fighting OR just exploring (weave mythal plus the accelerate spell will let you fly faster than a horse can run). apocalypse gives you a ton of options that will work for your VL when in that form (automatic triggered defenses, cloaks, armor, etc). better magic gives you better defenses against elemental attacks if you go the destruction route, amongst other useful things. try it... it's WAYYY more fun that playing it vanilla.
  12. most memorable was my first fight against an ancient dragon using the royal blood mod that allows your VL to fly. it felt a lot like a Japanese wwII Zero fighting a p51 Mustang. I could turn faster, but the dragon had all the speed and firepower. was a good fight.... and all in the air. took about 10 minutes. So long as you are careful to fly past and behind the dragon as it slows up for its breath attack, you can whittle them down sufficiently. It was fun realizing that the dragon could no longer "escape" into the sky. It even tried to run when it got down to less than 25% health.... I tracked it down like a hunter after a wounded deer.
  13. the quest does not actually change the race type correctly. use the console and run the "setrace [spouserace]racevampire" on them, and their face and eyes will change correctly.
  14. I am on the PC :thumbsup: Tried what you said, went to console, clicked on Mjoll, typed, setrace nordvampirerace, says, setrace could not find a matching form. Hmm? Is there a way I could use the CK to change just Mjoll's eyes? I see this mod here where someone made it so that all vampires don't have the vampire face. He used the CK to do it. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21921/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D21921 Ok, the problem is, it's actually kinda hard to confirm you have your spouse selected when in the console. sometimes it will select an item that is nearby instead. If properly selected, you will see a string of data including your spouse's name pass by when you do the setrace function. if you keep getting that message, try moving a bit closer or further away and try selecting your spouse again in the console. Also, look up the reference ID for your spouse on the wiki; that way you can be sure when the id number pops, it has indeed selected your spouse. This works; I just did it with Mjoll myself.
  15. " but I feel the ability to keep my squad numbers up with Revive is possibly a tad bit more importent" meh, not in my experience, but then I tend to be very cautious in how I deploy. If you're more... ambitious... and like to rush things a bit, yeah revive might come in handy on longer missions. "Normally I don't really like "wasting" an action on stuff like suppression, throwing a smoke grenade, etc. Basicly anything that does not do actual damage to the enemy. Because I prefer to have as much damage dealing lead/laser/plasma/etc as possible in the air, trying to actually kill the enemy, rather then letting them live even for 1 turn longer. Granted that is not always the best choice, but most of the time it's as effective as suppressing or smoke grenading... if not more effective. One less alien alive is one less alien with the ability to injure/kill my troops, that's how I tend to look at it. " something tells me you haven't even tried suppression. It works almost as well as "panic" to limit an alien's actions. ...and it never misses :)
  16. huh. I tried shooting down one of the "revealed after hyperwave" stealth ships with a standard interceptor with plasma. it's simply not possible, not even with ALL of the buffs enabled (AIM, targeting, dodge). You can damage it, but the next interceptor you send up never gets there in time to intercept the alien before it speeds off. I tried variations on timing the triggering of buffs over 2 dozen times. Either I get heavily damaged and run out of time, or just plain shot down on the first attempt. second attempt never catches up to UFO. this is on classic. are you sure you did that on classic, and not normal? I think it actually is easier to shoot down a battleship, because you have more time to engage. You'll likely lose at least your first regular interceptor, maybe the second or third too, but you CAN bring those down without them running away on you. point being this statment: "you should be able to take down pretty much any UFO" with an interceptor only applies to a limited class of ufos.
  17. well, deep pockets is actually a pretty damn good upgrade IMO, but keep on doing what you're doing; it can't but help tinkering with all these values.
  18. pulling from the algorithms others pulled from the UPK files. using random seeds is common in turn based games. but you can easily test it yourself by doing exactly what I said.
  19. ^^and what HE meant was: seeds are preset at mission start. if you got a bad roll for a particular action, reloading doesn't change that, only performing a different action of the same type with a different actor (so they get that roll instead of you) does. so, for example, if your sniper is missing a 95% shot, reloading will NEVER have your sniper making that shot. if, otoh, you reload and have someone ELSE take that shot, no matter what the roll percentage is, then going back to your sniper after that gives them a different roll. if all your guys get miss rolls, you can reload, set them all to overwatch or hunker or whatever, and give those miss shot rolls to the aliens on their turn.
  20. it seems to be the natural next step: someone finds the abilities control file and adds it to the list of files that can be modded with the patcher utility. *taps fingers on desk impatiently* well? :wink:
  21. hmm, yeah, that might make it a tad less annoying, as it is a smooth function instead of a snap-jump like the mousewheel level-scroll function. as to the devs... I think they got a build that had relatively few bugs in it and were told to just ship it as is. it does actually have relatively few game-killing bugs compared to a great many games I've played on release over the last 20 years. my point being, is that this issue was likely reported as "cosmetic" bug instead of "gamekilling" so they just let it go for expediency. anywho, can you do that through the standard in game options, or did you have to mod an ini file? (edit: nvmd, i see you can do it through the standard options. yes, I like that config better, but it doesn't remove the "jump past roof when switch units" issue, though it does make it easier to refocus).
  22. ditto. I'd like to figure out how to add being able to use stun to the run and gun perk, but in general being able to edit abilities via a text ini file just like the defaultgamecore anyone got that far yet?
  23. yeah, the game rolls percentages differently that one might expect. the formula is correct though, if you want to make sure every soldier get's psi, change the gift value so that it multiplies by ten, instead of divides by 4, by changing it to 0.1
  24. I'm a tad confused. you want to be able to use psi-rift with your soldiers? that's easy enough, but will be way OP... you just need to change the last experience level requirement for the 4th psi ability to a reasonable number instead of "10000000" and your soldiers with psi will learn rift as their 4th psi skill. normally, of course, only ONE of your soldiers will ever learn this skill...
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