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Everything posted by Kaizykat

  1. The questline in Markarth with the Forsworn. I kind of ended up in the city due to the "A Night to Remember" quest. I had never been further than the Sky Haven Temple and my only interaction with the faction had been in clearing out the encampment directly in front of the temple. Skyrim was also my first Elder Scrolls game, so I had no idea about any of the lore behind the series. Throughout the Forsworn questline, I had the nagging feeling that I knew what they were. I recognized the name, but I didn't put two and two together until we were all free from the mines and they gave me the armor and started killing the guards. I literally said "Oh dear God, what have I done?" The guilt trip that the townspeople give you didn't help, either. It was a long while before I was able to go back to Markarth as that character (I don't delete characters because they do something bad; I simply weave it into the story).
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