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Everything posted by TheHighRunner

  1. Hello! I don't want to access command to stop billboards that stream videos and have a blurry frozen picture ruining the background of the city when I do recordings. Is it possible someone could replace them (or some) with high res ".gif" shorts that don't eat CPU? If replacing all of them with gifs is a lot, some (or all) can be replaced with high res pictures with some fancy flare? Thank you!
  2. Hello Requesting for a classic PS2 cheat code where Party Members don't disappear when Sora does a Form Change. Also, I dislike removing Donald/Goofy to use a party member from another world. Would also request to increase Party Limit by 1 Thank you for your time :>
  3. Hello! Tired of being unable to jump and run while saying "screw the rules, I own this game!@", but instead you're locked down to elementary school rules? Well, hopefully some brilliant modder(s) will swoop down and give us the true meaning of being a hardcore liberal! Thanks for your time! :>
  4. Hello! I could use a trainer, but it doesn't reload the map for time changes. However, the game has the Time Change button prompt when you activate a quest that requires a different time of day, and then some kind of reload happens. I would like to request that version! Thanks a bunch!
  5. Hello! This should've been modded/added since DL1. This is a requisition to add a new Volatile or replace a volatile with a Titan from the popular Anime/Manga series "Attack On Titan". If possible, adding severing points and weaknesses that follow the same canonical version of Attack On Titan is the ONLY thing I, personally, would at least like to have as the secondary unique feature of this mod. and hopefully modders could give the Titan mod more features like grabbing animations that swallow and finish the player in one-shot, etc etc etc following the lore of the series? Thank you SO MUCH for your time :)
  6. Hello! Tired of holding that Craft button as it fills that slowly and you need more than 5 items produced? Thanks to modders, that WILL EVENTUALLY happen! No more cramping up those 8-hour working hands! Shame on the devs for not thinking about accessibilities/flexibilities enough! Same thing for having a level limit to one-shot UNAWARE enemies? Talk about unrealistic and un-needed RPG mechanic when you want to do STEAL-OP missions for your own enjoyment. Thank you modders for your time.
  7. Squuaaaawwk.... Sqreeeeee...... Squaaaaaa..... Please help make them sqree less or none at all (because I can see them on mini map) Thank you :>
  8. This name is gonna sound quite on the nose, but is it possible to make a mod to play the entire game in Mirror Mode? Like in Mario Kart, the entire map is flipped? And if possible to make all missions/dashes/etc. done the same? Thanks :)
  9. Hello, Request for an Ability to be added for Sora whether if finishing a boss requires a complete combo finisher, including all Form Change Finishers/Last part of Shot Locks/Magic/Grand Magic/Counter Attacks. If you want it off, just toggle it again in Sora's Abilities. Reason: for hardcore players wanting to make fancy video clips without ruining it with some mid combo strike. Thank you for your time
  10. Hello again! I've been doing more photography and camera panning clips, and noticed that the Scanning Gridprint cameras that I've disabled from Disruption look like strange litter everywhere and they stand out. So I was wondering if you wonderful modders could make a mod to replace all Scanning Gridprint cameras with just fake ones that seem active but serve no function. Thank you so much!
  11. Hello! I've been doing some rookie photography and I'd like to ask for help in requesting a Fog Control mod. Too much fog gets generated randomly and a lot get in the way from vents. So that brings me to trying my luck here! :smile: If that is too much to ask, just a general fog reduction and fog distance removal is fine. Edit: just discovered that the Better Skies mod was the root cause of over producing random fog. So that just leaves fog reduction mod request. My apologies! Thanks a bunch and cheers!
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