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Everything posted by JaqenHghar96

  1. It would be awesome if someone made king joffrey's armor. It looks awesome! http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/30900000/Joffrey-s-armor-game-of-thrones-30966545-562-318.jpghttp://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/30900000/Joffrey-s-armor-game-of-thrones-30966547-563-318.jpghttp://www.jeremysadler.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/209-Joffrey.jpg
  2. It would be amazing if someone did some LOTR armor, specifically theoden's: http://www.brego.net/imglib/galleryimage/galleryimage_image_319.jpg And theodred's armor: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110212152422/lotr/pl/images/0/0f/Theodred.jpg You could use some armor from the game of thrones armor mod as reference, as they look similar. especially the skirt from Jorah mormont's armor mod.
  3. And i'm not talking about the thin silver armor. I'm talking about the huge black armor. Ps. if you haven't seen the film you should watch it. Best film ever made, trailer doesn't show much though.
  4. Is there any medieval english thick plate armor, like from the film excalibur? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMxZEK9xY-8 I think it would be bloody brilliant if there was, but i can't seem to find any.
  5. I wanna make a character like chase young. And i thought it would be awesome if someone made the hand to hand combat like kung fu, rather than the just throwing fists and hoping for the best. video of chase young:
  6. It would be AMAZING if somebody did this. He;s a awesome character of an old cartoon called "Xaiolin showdown" And if you wanted to make him an NPC you could use his real voice since his voice actor did some voice acting in skyrim. he does Eric the slayer. And for the armor you could use the blades armor as a start, since they look alike in places. Here's a you youtube video of him Can someone please do this? :biggrin:
  7. It would be AMAZING if somebody did this. He;s a awesome character of an old cartoon called "Xaiolin showdown" And if you wanted to make him an NPC you could use his real voice since his voice actor did some voice acting in skyrim. he does Eric the slayer. And for the armor you could use the blades armor as a start, since they look alike in places. here's a youtube video of him. Could someone please do this? :biggrin:
  8. I have no idea how to uninstall it properly, any help?
  9. s#*!, wrong link. I mean this! http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/934574-she-wolf/
  10. What armour is this? and does it come in male style? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22023
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