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  1. I have my reasons and they are none of your business, not everyone can afford to throw "just $2" on every site or thing they look at or use on top of the price of games and many other things. Not to mention the fact i don't come to this site often, the other day was the first time i came back here in like a year and a half and was immediately greeted with this ad. As for a picture of the extra gum ad, that one doesn't come up anymore but i still get video ads (luckily these ones are muted by default). I would appreciate straight up static banner ads over video ads. It has to be the provider you are using, i have used many sites with ads enabled and rarely if ever get video ads. I came back to this site after a while because i wanted to check out the various mods since it has been a while since i last played but was immediately greeted with said ad and every single ad on the site is a video ad. I am not trying to sound ungrateful or be a you know what but i seriously despise video ads, they are the sole reason i use adblock in the first place.
  2. But they DO have control over what ad provider they use, they should be using one that uses proper ads and not one that uses auto playing video ads. I too do not want to block ads on this site since it provides a great service and i can't afford to pay for premium but i have absolutely zero tolerance for video ads, especially ones that auto play WITH audio and will open up again even after closing it.
  3. In response to post #8294739. #8295941, #8297478 are all replies on the same post. @ Fresco This is a major issue with the filtering system making it completely useless. It is the sole reason i don't use the filter system at all even though i want to, i am sick of searching for mods and having them shoved down below a boatload of translated versions of it.
  4. In response to post #7608984. #7609047 is also a reply to the same post. Same thing here, the warnings seem to be disabled my default which should not be the case. I hope they change this in the next update.
  5. Could you guys add back the link to the NMM forum section, currently a pain to get to it as you have to click the forums button then navigate back to the main forum section then click the NMM section. Or just make the forums button go to the main forum area rather than the skyrim section.
  6. I noticed alot of things that are misaligned like that. Specifically the action buttons on mod pages and the "user bar" at the top of the page.
  7. Dark0ne, adblock plus has a fairly new program on it that is turned on by default where a site can submit themselves to the adblock team if they have non-intrusive ads so they get automatically white-listed. Personally i leave this option on since i only block ads because of many sites using video ads (which don't really seem to get blocked anymore) and other super annoying ads. If it weren't for those types of ads i would drop adblock in a heartbeat. i am sure i am not the only person like this. Here is a link to the page about it if you don't know about it already. https://adblockplus.org/en/acceptable-ads
  8. If you use heavy armor and have the perk or stone (the steed) that makes your armor weigh nothing when equipped then that may be your problem if it isn't equipped.
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