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About DonnieBrasco453

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Wolfenstein: The New Order
  • Favourite Game
    The Last of Us, Fallout: New Vegas, BioShock

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  1. Good idea. I'm too lazy to make my thread anyway lol. Also, I modified my settings so I get notifications from almost everything now.
  2. For the Republic! Eureka!!!
  3. Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, TES. I don't usually mind whatever the system I'm playing the games are on, whether they are console or PC, but when it comes to Bethesda games (Obsidian in the case of FNV) I always go PC for them. The mods are just too much of a selling point to NOT play them on PC.
  4. Well, this is embarrassing. So after installing the r9 390 and EVGA 650W PSU, they both worked great for a few days....until I suddenly had this issue where my monitor was black and would not display anything, despite the keyboard, mouse, and tower being completely on. After inspecting the parts inside my PC and trying out a few things, I determined that the 390 was a broken card, and that the PSU couldn't be the problem since it powered everything else in my rig just fine. I had to install my old 750ti back in, and loe and behold, my monitor is actually able to display things now. So I think newegg shipped me a broken 390...in any case, I think I'm going to return it and get the 970 instead. This incident kind of left a bad taste in my mouth for the 390 since after spending 400+ dollars I expected it to work, dang it.
  5. What is that article trying to say, anyway? Fallout 4 runs better on Nvidia cards or something?
  6. So yeah, after a lot of research, I kept coming across numerous arguments about how one card is better over the other, and then i came across some conspiracy theories about how nvidia is worse than AMD, vice versa, and all of this other confusing stuff about graphics and benchmarks and blah blah blah. In the end, it all ended just feeling WAAAAAAAAAAAY too complicated. So in the end I'm gonna go with the MSI 390 mainly because its cheaper, and I've heard from numerous sources that its better than the 970. I also decided to go with this PSU. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438017 What do you guys think of it, and is it compatible with the 390?
  7. Damn, so it looks like both the 390 and 970 have their ups and downs. In all honestly this had made me even more confused as to which one I should buy haha. But in any case thanks everyone for the advice, I'll have to think long and hard about it. However, the PSU i was looking at is completely sold out, with the special deal anyway. Do any of you have any good PSUs you could recommend?
  8. So I am buying a new graphics card as a christmas gift for myself, and i am honestly at a loss at which card to buy. This: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487088 or this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127874&cm_re=390-_-14-127-874-_-Product Apparently they are both fantastic cards, and everyone I ask seem to always tell me "either one is great." I've also read a bunch of reviews, and done a lot of research, and the basic consensus seems to be that both cards are indeed fantastic....however, I have heard some people say that the 390 is more "future proof" due to its 8 GB of VRAM, and it is also 20 bucks cheaper than the 970. So, people, of Nexus, I ask you...which one is better? Which one would you personally choose? All feed back would be greatly appreciated. That 970 is very tempting though especially due to its free game.... Also, I also need a Power supply to go along with it, since i'm running a prebuilt PC. If you could find me one that's good for either of those cards, that would be appreciated also. I was looking at this PSU: http://www.ncixus.com/products/index.php?sku=97307&promoid=1027 However, I have heard that NCIX US is not a very good company to buy from....in addition, that savings code for 40 dollars off and 30 dollars mail in rebate seem almost too good to be true....What do you think of NCIX US, if you've purchased from them? And what do you think of the PSU? Again, any feed back would be greatly appreciated! This will be my first time buying a high end graphics card like this one. Currently running a 750ti.
  9. I'm using Project Nevada, oHUD, and Darnifued UI and everytime i activate oHud i get this: http://i.imgur.com/Atec8Bt.jpg I'm not sure what the issue is. It's only when i uninstall oHud does the Darnified UI show up. I've tried reinstalling Project Nevada, Darnified UI, oHUD, changing load orders, nothing seems to work. Any help would be appreciated. I've also installed UIO, but that doesn't seem to help at all.
  10. Does anyone know if there any modders with plans to make a Fallout 4 Stutter Remover mod like they did with New vegas and skyrim? I'm running Fallout 4 on an alright rig with a i7 processor, 750ti, and 16gb of ram on the lowest settings at 1080p resoltuion; i get 40-60 FPS and the game runs smooth, but in some interiors i get this really annoying micro stuttering issue which just doesn't seem to want to go away, even when i turn down all of the settings to lowest settings. So when do you all think we will be seeing a stutter remover mod for fo4?
  11. Man i dont even know. Im trying to remember whether or not i had this problem before i upgraded to my new GPU and whether it is the issue...but i honestly dont remember.
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