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Posts posted by Gratus

  1. That trick above with the Hand Diffuse it seems i had just luck that it was working i guess it only works if the Engine is under high VRAM pressure, currently it seems not to work anymore cant reproduce the behavior i experienced above, so it might be a very Random thing and so not really usable at all so it can work but it doesn't have to, sorry was to fast excited not needing to reload the whole Game all the time after editing resources :sad:


    Or maybe a given number of resources must first be loaded unloaded before it works, or it's some kind of GC taking place and it's bound to a timeframe the resources get unloaded after not being triggered from memory and if you then unequip they get reloaded from the Physical Data Location.


    And Nope not tested it via the CK but just Hot Loading works also with the hlp function ingame directly.


    For Hot loading the Plugin open the Console and then type


    hlp "name of the esp/esm without it's extension"


    but not sure if it can be done maybe a 2nd time and if it then maybe reloads all resources i guess it works that way but i didn't test it, also every time you do this it will write the loaded esp/esm in your savegame so if you do it 2 times and then save the gamestate after it it will write it 2 times in the savegames requirement list :wink:


    This might also indicate that it wasn't really meant for a Hot loading purpose and who knows what else it writes double inside your savegame it could easily also brake stuff i guess or at least extremely bloat your savegames if you change data often and reload them on the fly while the Game is running.



    Maybe the CK Hot loading button is actually meant to tell the running Game which Data structures have been changed as well and by clicking it you can safely reload them on the Fly inside the running Game including all it's linked resources :smile: ?


    But such a major improvement Bethesda i guess would mention in their Wiki i didn't read nothing about it there tough. so i guess it pretty much stays fantasy.


    I guess what i dreaming of is


    hrf = Hot Refresh Plugin


    not the current hlp


    hlp = Hot Load Plugin

  2. Im not sure if it's known but yes it's possible and a big big timesaver for testing results fast ingame :smile:


    You can even load whole Mods on the Fly with the hlp function in the console


    hlp "plugin name"


    So how to change resources on the Fly without leaving the Engine


    i tested it for now only on the Body part im not sure if it will work with any resources and how it could be triggered for them but i don't know why it shouldn't work for anything seeing it's most likely part of the Streaming Architecture to be able todo this Dynamically.



    So for the Body texture parts Diffuse,Normals, Specular it works, but for that wee need to load the resources from the Medium not the Memory and here is how you can trigger this :smile:


    So for example you want to change the hand Diffuse texture on the fly without reloading the Game.


    For the Hand you need a Glove you equip that glove after unequiping that glove it will trigger a IO reload of the resource of the Hand part but only if you leave the console (game pause) and wait some seconds else it will load the resources from Memory again and again and you won't see a change until you leave it and trigger it again the same happens for other parts of the body as well so if you equipping a entire body for example and then unequip it and before you doing that changing the resources of the underlaying structure it will reload them to those you have changed them or if you delete the diffuse before the reload it will load the Pure Material Result (purple) untextured :smile:



    This can save a lot of time :smile:


    Hope it can be useful to those that didn't knew the Engine is actually doing it this Way :smile:


    Scr Gratus


    PS: it could be even that the hlp function could trigger this for anything because i saw how the Lod Fade did rebuild after using it.

  3. Im not 100% sure but i think in Skyrim it worked regardless of the TFC state at least in the not time freezing one but now i have to go all the time back to the static camera to see a update no matter if tfc or tfc 1 :sad: ?


    This is pretty bad in the Workflow when you need a exact camera position.

  4. In response to post #23594774. #23595459, #23595604 are all replies on the same post.

    Yep you asking the right question how will all this change our Societies as a whole it is not only about Modding every Average joeys talents are tried to be taken away from the purpose of sharing it for Money instead for free and Commercialize these Values.
    If that become the core values and that after the big Economy Crash from 2008 (which we only survived pushing more money into it and slowly it shoots back) im not sure where this will end.

    We see this Trend since years it's not only Games it's everywhere around us happening also in Real Life.

    Even to the hardest point of our Personal Data getting Commercialized more then ever before.

    We are all made into sellers i fear this heavily but more for the next generation then myself :(
    We are already selling us at our core jobs to someone else now we should do that everywhere ?

    It's like the System tries to drain out the last bit of Energy from the Resources it has available until it Collapses heavily with a big big booom, because it can't control the draining rate anymore and the power is not regenerating fast enough so the batteries are slowly not recharging anymore and they need to be replaced all the time with fresh ones fast.

  5. Yeah we had a similar issue some times back already funny this time it's just not overwriting but it's melting posts together from the forum part of the nexus system, my and Aurians posts database wise melted into 1 but only from the Forum Reply part :smile:


    Hehe 2 posts melted into 1 maybe a sign Auria :wink:


    i think the timing could have been so perfect that the Site Bot wrote in the same process thread that would be really something special, not really wanted think about such a thing happening on a eCommerce system, or happening with the paypal donation part of the nexus system or the payment part :wink:



  6. The Image share overwrites the previous pictures comments and sometimes adds double posts that gets counted as new ones very crazy and so even if you have 4 pictures posted and normally it would allow a 5th that is now rejected, but now it becomes even more problematic it doesn't displays the 5 images limit message anymore but instead it creates a database entry (into the display activity) of the posted image title with a link to the previous posted image, this could be a potential attack vector ddos the database see my activity display.
  7. Read my post on the previous page and then bben46 answer to that


    though uncertainty stays and it's more or less the mods decision :wink:


    also still not fixed





    so you have to interpolate your answer from this ;)



  8. It's nice to see all this but what is with the absolute essential internal search function without it it isn't possible anymore in any usable way to manage the sheer amount of mods anymore efficiently.

    Also categories only help partially if you have a lot of mods in 1 category it can take a lot of time finding a specific one as well.

    Search function should get the highest priority on the roadmap and that even already since the first versions of NMM.


    Hmm so she looks east europe russian caucasian ? do you have a photo of your wife and could you PM it to me, or have some photos of women that come close to your wife and above or bellow ? :)


    still your wife and how old is she 20-30 ?



    I'm sorry, but I can not send a photo of my wife. She is now pregnant, we can not show photo of pregnant women, bad luck (a Russian tradition).


    Typical Russian woman. Light brown hair and light eyes.







    No problem and thx for the references but i didn't wanted a full body photo of your wife lol (guess you misunderstood that) just a shoot of her face to compare Casandra to it you really made me curios when you said she looks like your wife, as i still search for a comparable Real Life face to her that matches age and facial properties somewhat :)

    Neither of those you posted seems to match in facial properties but yeah they most likely match in the age area (teen,young woman 20-30).


    It doesn't need to be Real Life explicitly it could be also a Comic character face or a Hand Painted Portrait of an Artist (either imagination or painted after a model).


    Though im sorry for of topping your thread i guess it's better to open a new thread for this "Who is she" thing ;)

    First i guesed you might have seen some Hollywood actress that comes close to her due to your cloning work, but when you mentioned your wife it was like the jackpot for me :)

  10. Great work theru


    It's good to see that niftools is getting some attention again. I appreciate the updates and your hard work. Kudos.



    to my understanding reading the wiki niftools @ least the Blender Plugin is under full development

    And in the Forum you find the answer why it takes so long from the last release

    the unstable not freezed Blender API from 2.49 till 2.57 required some very extensive work on it. I guess soon the new Plugin for Blenders now freezed API 2.58 and upwards with full Skyrim Nif support (without needing to modify the version header) is going to be released :)


    So i guess in no time it will have then the same functionality as the Max Branch has now, and further development should be quicker with the for now stable Blender API :)


    Which is very exciting, seeing all the time these folder views in Blender 2.49 makes me wanna cry, before even doing anything @ all.

  11. Yes, she looks like my wife. :blush:


    Saints Row 3


    Megan Fox



    Mass Effect 3

    Samuel L Jackson



    Yes, I get code after using the sliders.


    Hmm so she looks east europe russian caucasian ? do you have a photo of your wife and could you PM it to me, or have some photos of women that come close to your wife and above or bellow ? :)


    still your wife and how old is she 20-30 ?





  12. Thx Volika for Lady Gaga the base looks good only detail work is missing as you already said the weakest point currently :)


    Btw here is my Character i created it's no clone maybe though you know someone in the Real Life she could be compared with from all your cloning experience :) ?




    This girl looks like my wife. :biggrin:


    Really she looks like your wife ? ;)




    Saints Row 3s system seems to allow some more adjusting indeed (lot of freedom in adjusting ears lol) but overall i dunno the rendering doesn't look as believable as the Mass Effect 3 or Skyrim results to me (though this could be also deceiving through the Cartoon Style goal), actually the BioWare results are very good lot of research work must have gone in their System as well.


    Could you try to Clone her in SaintsRow 3 and Mass Effect 3 ;)


    How does the Code System in Mass Effect 3 works, do you get that code after using the sliders ?

  13. This girl ;)







    You have a very sharp eye like your work especially the Mass Effect 3 morphing was fascinating, do you by any chance also pencil portrait people on the streets ? :)



    You should also take a look @ Eve onlines Character Creation i guess with the almost unlimited Freedom in Morphing you have their with CCPs Carbon Technology you would be awesome, i mean you already are but you need more Freedom then what Skyrim and Mass Effects 3 limited Slider Morph systems can supply, especially for cloning someone :)




    And sooner or later you can work @ CCP as Character Creator for their Games ;)


    I also would really like to know how you find Skyrims (Bethesdas) Creation system compared to Biowares :) ?

  14. When i try to open up the Skyrim mod pages I get a 504 gateway error yet I can open all the others and the forums. Anyone got an idea whats going on ?


    Seems down maybe technical issues first it timed out then error

  15. A Search function could make the Usability of NMM 100% better CTRL+F (or even a Search Box directly in the GUI without the need for a Key Shortcut regular expression aware):( same for sorting off the colums with millions of mod installed the user gets very fast lost in managing and keeping a clear overview (sorting after Author,Times,Version ect)

    Which fails the Goal of Nexus Mod Manager


    Just being able to scroll is not cutting it anymore seeing the vast amount of mods


    Including more and more features without these client basics seems a very crazy approach from the Dev side

  16. I have a problem now i used a lot of mods and currently working on my own i disabled all mods and deleted /Data/textures/character/actors/ and all the female folders though still something modifies female faces as Hilde still looks way to young and i have no idea where this gets loaded from as there is also so much clutter from other mods (due to NMM, and mod authors that seem to like putting their data in all kind of strange folders, it's really chaotic) inside the Data folder that im a little lost of course i searched the Folder for any femalehead.dds/femalehead_msn.dds and found several though they are in their rather unique folder structures so theoretically they shouldn't be loaded @ all if their ESP ESM aren't active (and they aren't according to NMM) so i don't consider those as the problem, so does somebody know how i can find out which data is currently loaded and from where pinpointing what is changing the character currently from it's default ?


    I would wish to avoid cleaning everything but exactly pinpointing why i see ingame what i currently see and what does change it and from where :)


    Or do i maybe overlook something here is it maybe not guaranteed that a disabled mod in NMM is really disabled ?


    is \Data\Optional\Character Normal Maps\Data\textures\actors\character\female <- a official Bethesda used folder too ?


    or could it maybe get loaded from a BSA now that sits lose in the Data folder, but how do i find out which BSA is modifying it, without trial & error ?


    im really thankful for any help on this :)


    this is also funny


    /Data/Data/textures/ <- i guess i never saw this mod authors content @ all :P


    /Data/ 42 directories (so far)

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