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Status Updates posted by josh900

  1. Oh oh!! I know! iiittt's Santa! no... The Easter bunny! Wait....The leprechaun on the box of Lucky charms! Hmm.. No? A figment of my overactive imagination? Meh.. More likely than all the others :P And before you ask.. No. being out of school hasn't improved my sanity at all.. I actually think it's made it worse.. As you can probably tell lol.
  2. lawl hey Cynder. Never thought i'd see you on here lol. So what brings you to this corner of the net?
  3. hey dez. been horribly busy lately. How have you been?
  4. lol.no i don't think there's any cake left.besides.it would be bad by now.sorry.
  5. hey dez.how are you doing?
  6. yep.you caught me red handed.
  7. happy new year!
  8. happy new year!
  9. happy new year to you too jacob.i'll join you in the new year in 5 hours and 40 minutes.
  10. got into a fight with this guy who was so big.he could be mistaken for a gorilla.and everyone calls him truck.so i was hit by a truck.
  11. i'm currently recuperating from the fun.i wore myself out. i feel like i got hit by a truck.(which isn't that far from the truth)
  12. eh.i'm alive.so i guess i'm doing good.how are you?
  13. thanks spyro.and no it's not too late.there's still eight hours left in the day here!
  14. well that should get you alot of attention.merry christmas dez.
  15. hey y'all to you too.how are you dez?
  16. hey dez.how's life treating you?
  17. that's good to hear.i'm alive.so i guess i'm doing okay.
  18. hey aaron.how's it going?
  19. well okay then.hey did you read that one that i sent you?
  20. i'm doing okay.i'll probably get back to writing in a couple of days.
  21. hey aaron!how's life treating you?
  22. hey there.how's life treating you?
  23. not so good actually.thanks for asking.it's good to hear that your doing good.
  24. hey aaron.how's it going?
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