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Posts posted by icestormng

  1. There is a mod like this on LL (who would have thought this :laugh: haha). AFAIK itâs called Workshop Crosses or something like that. From the description, These crosses actually kill whoever is assigned to them...slowly. :devil:
  2. You probably need Intels TextureWorks DDS plug-in for Photoshop. Iâm sure itâs BC7 compressed if you have that much problems. Not all editing software can open this.

    Oh. And make sure you open the _d file for the color.

    What do you mean by black background? The part around the UV map (background) can be whatever color. Unusually itâs gray or black. Sometimes it is transparent.

  3. Hi all,


    I'm almost done with a wepaon mod. Only thing that's missing is a simple reload animation as the vanilla ones won't match.

    It's a single-use missile launcher, so the reload animation should be like dropping the launcher and taking out a new one.



    As I never did anything animation related, it would be really great if someone could help me with that.

  4. Hey,


    I'm currently facing a little problem with a script.


    I can reliably read the max. carry weight of the player. But there is no way to read the current inventory weight.


    My first idea was to read the whole inventory and sum up all the weights, but this will be a very bad idea. Especially for people with lot's of items in their inventory it takes a few seconds for the script engine to compute this.



    So is there any way for a papyrus script to get the current inventory weight of the player character (maybe with F4SE)?





  5. Cool, did that video help? It seemed like a good tutorial, but I never did try and use it lol. Maybe one of the A-lister animators could help you out with animations, just ask around and I'm sure someone will help you out.


    Thanks. I will start a topic as soon as the mod is more complete.



    Well, I thought I post a little update on the current status.


    Meshes are almost ready. Maybe some more sights and a drum mag (?). The meshes should be complete then.


    I took some time to add more details to the meshes. Here are some renders (with basic material).

    I hope the iron sights are ok like that...



    callofdutymoney, would it be ok for you like that or do you want the foldable stock like on your picture, too?

    I'm still working on that EOTech Holosight.




    This R91 has the charging handle on the barrel.


    Oh. There are multiple of them?!

    But the rifle is probably too long. Maybe it still works...

    I definitely need new animations for holding the gun, because the barrel is floating over the hands. Most bethesda weapons are more..flat in their shape. Hopefully, it's doable to edit the animation and move the hand a bit upwards.



    First, I will try to get the attachments ready. I already created some muzzle attachments, and some different (double)mags. Sights, different barrels and stocks are still missing. I'm currently working on the MP5K and MP5DS6 Barrel and the slidable stock in both positions.


    Some renders without textures.



  7. Yeah a lot. Thanks for that. Didn't found that during my google search for a tutorial. Now I have to make the meshes for the different barrels, sights, attachments, etc.. and of course textures.

    That will take some time ;)


    I watched mikemore's videos with the intention of one day making a cool weapon, but I have no software for animations or 3d moddeling stuff. But you should check out this

    , your already 1/4 of the way there man!


    Update: I got the weapon into the game now. I have to adjust a lot of things like size, but it doesn't crash and the animations are more or less correct.



    Get in touch with T41NT3D (or C1ph3rr) and ha_ru and see if you can use the R91 animations. They're the closest thing out there right now.

    The R91 has it's handle above the mag. The MP5 has it on the barrel. I didn't found any weapon mod that is like that. Looks like I have to live with that or someone makes a reload animation.


    I watched mikemore's videos with the intention of one day making a cool weapon, but I have no software for animations or 3d moddeling stuff. But you should check out this

    , your already 1/4 of the way there man!


    Thanks. I will check it out.

  10. Hm.. I would also really like to see an MP5 in the game.


    I created a MP5 model (initially for learning purpose, but it turned out to be not that bad), but I'm stuck at getting this into the game.

    This is not exactly the model from your image but they stock and barrel are separate objects, so they can be added.


    If someone want's do this, I would create the remaining upgrade parts and textures. I just can't get a working nif out of it.


    The renders show just the model, no textures yet.

    I'm pretty sure that this weapon can't reuse existing (reload) animations because of the position of the handle.








  11. This is for your armor to occupy more/less/different slots.


    You could create a helmt that uses the headband slot. Then you could create a attachable gasmask to this helmet. In this omod you specify that the helemt now uses the mouth and the beard slot additionaly.

    I didn't tested it yet but this it what it looks like.


    I only found out that power armor parts use these slots for some of their upgrades.

  12. Thanks for your replies :)


    Looked into it for a bit. Although I am by no means an expert I wonder if the "UsePowerarmorframevault" keyword is required. Never had to use it for my clothing / armor additions.


    Also missing the "ma_armor lining" keyword and it might require Objectype and/or ArmorBodyPart keywords.


    I would play around with that. Best to post some screens so more knowledgeable folks can easily check your armor templates for possible causes. And also look into (more?) existing mods that do similar things to see how they implemented all the keywords.


    Good luck.


    Well, I based my outfit record on the vault suit's one. The "UsePowerarmorframevault" keyword just indicates that the power armor frame uses a vault suit underneath instead of some generic armor. It makes no difference for this mod, so I removed it. I added the ma_ armor_lining keyword but for me nothing changed.

    I alread looked into other clohtes mods and there is nothing special I forgot.


    I attached a few images of the CK editor to the orignal post.



    I don't see anything wrong with the crafting plugin. I didn't download the main archive as I didn't want to get a 200mb pack just to check the plugin. In any case I don't see anything wrong with it.


    As rude as it's going to sound, if the users that are having a problem won't give you info I ignore them. There's plenty who have opened bug reports for my mods with issues I can't reproduce and never respond when I ask them for info. So I close the report and move on. I'm not going to waste a bunch of my valuable time trying to track down something which, in all honesty, probably has nothing to do with my mod.


    It's very possible, if not likely, that the issue those few users are having are due to some other mod they have. Probably causing conflicts with other stuff. If it were PC only users I might even venture to suggest they're using an outdated version of the game. Another thing I refuse to try and support.


    Well, the crafting plugin contains everything plus the additional receips for the outfits. I'm very sure this problem is not caused by assets like meshes, which was my first thought as they are hi-poly.


    I'm also the opinion that this is an incompatibility. Either with another mod (or maybe CC stuff? I heard they have some paints there that my try to inject into this outfit because it has the Vault Suit mod association attached) or with an outdated game version. And as you said, in both cases this is not my really problem.

    Well, I would at least like to know which mod causes this, to update the FAQ or something like that.

  13. Hi,


    About a week ago, I uploaded a mod (this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/34392) and people start complaining that they can't customize the outfits at the armor workbench, because most mod categories are missing and whenever they click on one of the categories which are available (which are the base-game collections like 'Lining', 'Ballistic weave' and 'Addons' - while 'Addons' shouldn't be there as I didn't created such an attach point), the menu gets stuck and they have to use the console to move the player or quit the game and restart. This problem was reported to occur on PC and XBox.


    The weird thing is, I can't reproduce this problem. There were two guys, who tested this mod (with their load order) for me, and I even tested that mod with a fresh install and no other mods installed. The result: We three were unable to get the same problem. The mod doesn't overwrite any armor/omod records of the basegame (just some cell edits to fallons basemet and becky's leveled list).


    Now I thought, it might be an conflict with another mod, but one user said, he even tested with all other mods disabled and still didn't get it to work.



    And now, I have no idea what's causing this. And for some reason, the affected users won't provide me the info I asked for, to get the problem solved.



    Now my question: Did anyone had the same problem? Maybe with another mod and knows what was causing this?

    I found posts on the internet, that this even happened with an unmodded game, because of some engine bugs, but they are fixed.



    I really hope someone can help me.




    Some screenshots of the amor and an omod record.








  14. Now i may understand what you did.

    When you copy as new record, all references still point to the original esp. You have to copy them to and then relink them to your copied records. It seems that you forgot to relink them and missed a few things like keywords, preview transforms and omods.

  15. Well it's quiet easy.


    Whenever your mod contains assets from someone else (except the base game assets), you NEED permission when you want to publish your mod.

    When you do a re-texture, you don't need the original texture but the UV maps only. So if you create a texture from scratch without using assets from the original mod author you don't need permission as you didn't used his/her assets.


    Your mesh contains parts from meshes that were made by someone else. Of course you need permission to use them.

  16. Would it be possible to send me the ESP? Maybe I can find whatâs wrong there. There must be some invalid data attached to the records.


    Itâs just hard to guess whatâs wrong without knowing how your records look like.

  17. Are the material files in the folder you specified in the material swap?


    And how does the material look like? Getting crashes at the main menu is weird because the esps arenât loaded completely at this point. They get fully loaded when you load a save or start a new game. The material files also get loaded while loading the world not at the main menu. This indicates a corrupted or invalid esp.

  18. Great it worked. You won't have any downside. I just thought you want this armor to be one piece. And when a mesh's name is green it means 'reference'. When you export as nif, the reference is removed. If you want to keep the reference, you have to export as 'nif with reference'. So no. You don't have to expect any downsides.

    Just walk around and see if the helmet moves along the body as expected. If not, try another bone. If it does, you're done.

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