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Status Updates posted by Tomlong54210

  1. work. breakfast. ...yep.
  2. planning on taking down tescosi. copy and preserver what you want. ...life calls...
  3. Happy New Year to you too! ^___^
  4. It's nice to see you around too. ...Although, you always seem to be around, ha-ha.

    Happy gaming!


  5. I just want to say thanks for helping out around here all the time. Whether or not it's part of your job description, you probably aren't required to help as much as you do.

    Thank again and happy gaming!


  6. New site just went live yesterday!!
  7. Back from school, big updates scheduled for the site
  8. Going to start building...
    1. darlaten1


      i would like your help if you can i have ben useing the forms like i did months ago wheen you helpd me set up oblivion for lots of mods but i havent got much responce maybe im not doing it right i dont know this was the last thing i had left to try hope im not bothering you
  9. I'm not online...???
  10. ...3 Day Select shipping fails...and food...
  11. Cool. That is always nice to hear. ^____^

    Happy gaming!

    - Tomlong54210

  12. Hi there,

    Yes. TESIV:POSItive is my site. (I did not know where to respond, haha.)

    Happy gaming!

    - Tomlong54210

  13. ...busy updating the site...
    1. eXoduis


      your site is a life saver!
  14. I wonder what's on my mind too sometimes...
  15. I like your status, glad to know I'm not alone, haha... ^____^
  16. ...just passing by ^__^ ...
  17. I love tigers! They are such powerful and magnificent creatures, and the cubs are cute too. ^___^
  18. Unfortunately and forturnately, I was introduced to TES via Morrowind on the XBOX and have not played the PC version. I loved playing Morrowind on the console too. Also, I am content with spending too much time dealing with the PC version of Oblivion. The next TES game I plan to buy for the PC will hopefully be TESV, but only time will tell...
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