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I've thought the same thing. And it's something to do with both the engine Oblivion runs on AND the arrows and bodies....I think. If you leave a sword in a place...it will be there forever. But arrows and bodies and various other things were designed to disappear. It's probably possible to make a war-scene via the construction set and have that scene always be there. But I do not know of a mod that allows the player to do that with arrows and bodies.
I had the same question after I completed the main quest after oblivion came out. I felt like Obilvion lacked big battles. But there are various ways to get your war-thirst quenched. Just keep in mind that the more NPC's you are battling, the more powerful your computer has to be. Although I do not know of a mod that does this, I'll name 2 different ways you might go about fighting a hoard or two. 1. You can use a "cheat" of sorts. You will need the following cheat and this list: http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/924363-the-elder-scrolls-iv-oblivion/faqs/42742 that is a list of everything in the game and everything in the game has a reference code consisting of letters and numbers. There is a section on NPCs. Try using the "marauder" NPC in this case. So open up your console and type player.placeatme <Form ID> <number of spawns> In the <Form ID> put the reference for a marauder and how many you want in the <spawns>. of course don't use the left and right arrows when you do this for real. So that was one way. 2.If you are familiar with the Construction Set you can make an arena for yourself. for instance take a patch of land in the Colovian Highlands, surround it with a high fence. Now make a copy of a Marauder NPC. Change the ID to "MyArenaWarrior1" and say yes when you are asked a question. Now configure the combatant how you wish ex: armor, weapons, spells, etc. BE SURE AND CHECK THE "ESSENTIAL" box on the NPC menue so that once you kill the person, he'll get back up. OR you can select the "RESPAWN" box and in a game-week or so he'll have respawned. Put a lot of these guys in your arena. Concerning Allies...you can download the "CM Companions" mod and use it to recruit a little army for yourself. But I remind you again, the more people you have around you the more powerful your computer will need to be.
I didn't get much feedback from my last request on a pistol mod. I just want a clean, kick@$$ pistol mod. Kendo2 Gunman had a great pistol mod, but you couldn't equip a pistol without also having new clothes put on your character, I think that should be an option only. And Kendo2 Gunman had some pretty cartoonish guns.....great for some people, not for me. I'd like....even if it's just one pistol......a clean, real looking revolver or semi-auto pistol. I know that's a lot of animation work....but I know nothing about animation or real modding, or care to learn. I think It would be a very appreciated mod for Oblivion. Thanks for looking. You received your answer in your other thread. Neither the game mechanics nor the existing animations allow for something like this in Oblivion without royally screwing up other key systems. If you have any real content to add to your request in hopes that someone exceptionally skilled feels like jumping through burning hoops in a tutu, while yodeling and doing a ventriloquist act (easier and less troublesome than modding this), please do it to the existing thread, being mindful of the rules related to bumping of posts. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/2881-all-newbies-read-this-before-posting/ If it was easy or practical, someone would have probably done it or gotten somewhere in trying by now. Thanks - Vagrant0
I think that to have a door that can only be opened by a key, will need new scripts written for it, and that is something I do not know how to do. Yes I think to make the door owned by the player would add security, and you could also enchant the door with a really powerful enchantment as well.
I'm not quite sure what you're talking about here. But if you are talking about being in the Construction Set and trying to set a lock level, you can choose anything between 1 and 100. you can still pick a lock at level 100 though. You can also assign a key to any lock level. I hope thats what you were looking for. Good luck!
I don't know of a mod that does this, but you can do this yourself in the Construction Set. You will have to modify each enchanted weapon individually though. I'll give you an example. What you'll be doing is creating a new enchantment, duplicating a steel longsword, and using that enchantment on the sword. The thing is, the enchantment wont use any magicka and so you'll never run out of charge. 1.With the CS open, find a steel longsword and open it's menu up. Change the ID to something like "Mylongsword" and click okay down at the bottom right. You'll be asked if you want to create a new item, click yes. Now you have a new steel longsword. 2.Find the "enchantments" section of the CS. right click and create a new enchantment. add the spell effects you wish your new weapon to have, and set the cost of the spell(s) to zero. Be sure that the "auto calculate cost" box is unchecked at the bottom of the menu, or else your spell effects will change from zero and it wont work. Name it something you'll remember easily. 3. Go back to your custom longsword and open it's menu back up. find the "enchantment" box and select your enchantment that you just created. Go ahead and give the sword some charge, any number will work but to be on the safe side, make it 99999 or something of that sort. now place your sword in the game somewhere easy to get to, save your new mod, activate it, and play away. It's been some time since I've done anything of that sort so I hope this works fine. And I hope that was easy to follow. Good luck.
That race looks really custom made. I have no clue about the race itself, BUT I know what mod those horns came from: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13105 Also, the ears on her look like she is probably from an elf mod, which there are many. Her eyes look like the Dremora eyes, which would not be likely in a well done elf mod. Is there any chance this was not a race mod? But rather a quest/land mod?
Yes thats the right idea! I'm just not much of a modder and it would be great for someone with some modding talent to take this on.
Thank you, and Kudos to you both. I re-organized all of my Oblivion stuff. Turned out that I was continuing to install OBSE16 instead of version 18. Dumb error on my part. Everything works fine now,
I downloaded Wrye Bash and All the python stuff. Read up a bunch, did a few things, created a Bashed patch, but that did no good, it didn't even include Deadly Reflexes. Infact, all of this seems to have made things worse. I can get through the intro scenes, into Oblivion and to the Load save game screen. But When I load a save game, it crashes. And I can't create a new game for some reason. It's all quite confusing. :wallbash:
You can do this yourself with ease if you want to. With a basic knowledge of the Construction Set. Open the CS with both Ren's and M.S. elves activated along with your oblivion master file. go to the character tab up top, click on races. Open up the moonshadow elves race and find the section where you can see the hair options for the race. Now, with that window open, open the character tab again, click on hair, then find Ren's hair models. right click on the one(s) you want, duplicate them, and drag the duplicates into the Moonshadow elve's hair options section. save the file as a new one, or under another esp. load it up and see if that works for you. I hope that was simple enough to follow. Good luck
Hello! I just downloaded Deadly Reflexes. I did all the right stuff, as I do with my other five trillion mods, but when I activate the esp for Deadly Reflexes and start the game with OBSE18 it crashes just as the Bethesda credit video starts playing. I know thats vague, but does this ring a bell with anyone? Can anyone give me some help here? :wallbash:
Hello! I'm a gun mod fan, but I despise all of the gun mods for oblivion. Kendo-2's pistol mod is as close as they get to being realistic enough for me, but with that one you get that auto-equip armor that gets annoying quickly. I would like to see some good pistol/rifle mods that are kept simple, clean, and kick @$$. LIKE this one: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=7231&id=4838 The problem here is that this is for Morrowind. I don't know much about modding and I'd like for someone who's interested in this to convert it to oblivion, or give me some directions so I can do it myself. Perhaps a large request, but I think this needs to be done. Thank you.
You can modify this in the Construction Set if you choose to. open up the CS and look for the "character" tab at the top, open it up and look for "skills" click that and you will see a list of all the skills to the right where you can select them and modify anything about them. You should be able to figure it out from there, but, there are numbers correlating to the speed that skill levels up. Save that as your own mod, activate it and you're good to go. I hope that wasn't redundant. Good Luck.
I see. Well I'm not sure how to help you out with that one. It may be a case of cheating with your endurance until all your stats are maxed and you are satisfied with your character. Sorry I couldn't help further. Good luck.