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About paniqwarrior

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  1. I think it is possible to do this without a new skeleton , just use the one the Vampire Lords have. smart! : Can someone make pls this mod
  2. I love this idea!!!' maybe you could sell your soul and become illuminati and then own the world etc. jk but i love the main idea
  3. hello guys i tried to make my own texture but i seem to fail open dds with photoshop even tho i have nvida plugin. I was trying to edit normal armor in skyrim using CK and make it look like armor from immortals where the gods use them (poseidon). I failed so i shut it down, but u guys make it better. Can someone pls make 1 mod including the Gold Armor the gods use? with also the gauntles and boots and helmet with spikes, then i can edit them in CK and changing their rating and value. Pls, how easy it is to create this armor? How long would it take for a person to create this kind of armors? http://i.imgur.com/ioqSU0U.jpg and pls respond anyone
  4. i hate being vampire lord and having weakness to sunlight and not regain stamina etc. is there a mod that remove that weakness? because i am mage and need magicka regen
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