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  1. I read somewhere that it's generally NOT considered a "necro" if it was the OP adding something to it. Once this https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/NexusMods.App NMM replacement is 'done' with Linux support I guess I'll try to get back into Skyrim SE. I tried it unmodded briefly and there's just no way I'd be able to tolerate it without extensive mods. Even with the elf-slaying. It felt like Skyrim's combat model was...outdated, or something. I'll have to look for some mod to try and improve the combat feel. The hits just seemed kind of 'fake' to me. I may have been spoiled by the melee combat in Ryse: Son of Rome recently.
  2. Does it count as a necro if it was intentionally 'necroed'? lol It's still alive!!! (kind of) I'm thinking, maybe once the new version of Nexus Mod Manager comes out (whatever the successor is), apparently the new one is Linux compatible. NMM isn't, so I'm not really inclined to do much with Skyrim modding right now. If I get an easier way to manage Skyrim modding insanity with a Linux compatible mod manager... this gets more interesting. I have plenty of modding experience for other stuff, maybe I try working on this if I can get back into the game then. But I'd probably need some help. I can't even remember half the lore anymore.
  3. What does "breaks destroy" mean? I'm able to remove things just fine using something called "Build Camera". Although now I'm not sure if I had to patch it myself to get it working. There appears to be two Build Camera mods now, do either of those work? If there's really a need for this I suppose I should stop being lazy and release a mod of my own.
  4. Twelve years later, wow. I hope it's okay if I bump this thread. If there's still an active community here, I wonder if there's any interest? I haven't touched Skyrim in a LONG time. (I don't even remember the lore I was talking about above, we were certainly having fun with the pseudo-RP haha.) But now that I guess the game isn't being updated and should be "stable" for mods (no more broken mods from updates), I would be very tempted to return for mods like what I described above.
  5. Surprised not to find a Linux version here. Steam Tinker Launch is kind of a pain to install on Debian distros (most people will not do it) and even after fighting it for longer than it's worth, I still ran into some issues, so that's kind of a no-go for some of us.
  6. Found an existing mod which already has support for Thalmor blood spilling, the best feature of Skyrim. Going to see if the author is interested in adding an embassy burning bonus. I'd like to see more, and larger elf patrols walking around too, there just isn't enough of those by default. I mean, why behead 5 when you could behead 10? Put that "sweep" perk to use... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17992
  7. A quest tie-in might work, but I don't know if Alik'r + Stormcloaks would still be an option if you sided against the Alik'r in that existing quest. I suppose you could work with a different faction of Alik'r via Saadia. The ones in that quest seem pretty shady to me. Not sure if this is a bug, but even after completing the Saadia quest, I still see Alik'r at the Whiterun gate & in the wild questioning women... I would think that would have changed a little after Dovahkiin mopped the floor with ~ten of them & beheaded their leader rather mercilessly. (Not to mention, collapsing the skulls of the ones encountered randomly...) :whistling: Would be nice to fix that in the process. The state that quest ends at doesn't make much sense, kind of like how Delphine says "if I didn't like the look of you, you'd already be dead by now". (I'm thinking: Oh, really Delphine? Really? You think so? :happy: ;D ) I'm not so much a fan of that style of music anymore in my "old" age, but you're right that it pretty much describes my character's "style".
  8. The storyline I was referring to was the quest, "In my time of need". (And actually, the title of which also seems to point to innocence on Saadia's part, rather than the reverse.) Anyway, not to get off topic... if I ever find some decent scripting/quest tutorials I just may tackle some projects like this myself, should I find the time. Hard to resist the prospect of destroying Thalmor property, and senseless anti-Elf violence.
  9. Hmm, not sure why so many authors do this, but it seems like that mod is "hidden". (Unless it's just some filtering setting I have, and the message is wrong.) Yeah it sounds like that might work, if it were available.
  10. Just one of those little immersion details. Would it be possible to make characters always carry a two handed weapon (like they would have to do in real life!) ? The difficulty, I guess, would be dealing with animations or spell casting which use the right hand that carries the weapon. (But you could probably disarm the weapon to hide it entirely if both hands are needed for something?) In my mind, I imagine most 2H weapons realistically being carried on your shoulder, most of the time. Has this ever bothered anyone else? For extra points: idle animations to make the character lean on the weapon, rest it on the ground, switch shoulders, or walk holding it with their arm hanging at random times.
  11. I'm basing the Alik'r assassin theory off the Saadia storyline, which one could make a pretty good argument was a Thalmor assassination attempt. (Elves might have a harder time pulling it off & certainly wouldn't want to lower themselves to such a petty and dirty task. Anyway if she really was a traitor, going deeper into the empire you betrayed probably isn't the best or most likely idea.) Of course such mercs/assassins would have to be a special breed of scum. :) (Which makes beheading them all that much more fun.) Any sort or variety of hired assassins would work. I like your alternate Redguard plot idea, too. A Nord-Redguard alliance seems plausible to me given so many common enemies (admittedly I don't know much about the overall background lore) and definitely would be a cool thing to see. lol - Yes, you guessed the choice weapons! Mostly, I just really enjoy crushing and humiliating Aldmeri/Thalmor. Is that wrong? :whistling:
  12. As this would be a fairly major project, I'm only putting this here thinking it might inspire someone looking for a new idea. Obviously this would have to be set up so it can only take place after all embassy-related quests. And it'd be mostly of interest to Thalmor haters which are also Stormcloak sympathizers, due to the diplomatic & legal consequences. (Something tells me even an Imperial siding Dovahkiin wouldn't be able to get away with this without taking some heat for it.) Basically you'd either sneak or outright attack your way into the embassy (which would require some modding work, since you don't have access to the entire embassy), collapse the skulls of every last elf there, and then proceed to utterly trash the place. Preferably burning it down into a pile of smoking rubble. (Might need some kind of "bomb" or firestarting quest-item, so that the player can start the process & then leave? Not sure if it'd be difficult to have it start literally burning while the player is still there.) By the next time you return, the buildings should be replaced by a pile of ruins. On a later visit back, after a few days have passed, maybe place a nice gift for Dovahkiin like a small Thalmor army investigating the destruction... (the "gift" to Dovahkiin part is the skill point gains from all the pending elf decapitations). Personally I'd also prefer an option to spare the non-Thalmor residents there. Either ignore them entirely, or have them actually try to flee out of the embassy. Or at least the chef kitty, because everybody likes kitty. Some ways this might start: Dovahkiin initiative Stormcloak side-quest (only Dovahkiin can sneak that far behind enemy territory safely) Blades side-quest (although not sure what the motivational story would be, since dragons obviously take precedence with them) In character, I imagine this would be a major diplomatic incident which could have far reaching consequences. Probably not war (since this is the action of an individual), but perhaps: Start sending progressively stronger mercs/assassin groups like the Alik'r or Thalmor hunting parties after Dovahkiin specifically. (Ooooh, so much fun!) :) Thalmor patrols should attack a well-known Dovahkiin on sight Increased Thalmor patrols & interference in the war (I think they tend to say that they aren't interested in involvement... well, that may change) Imperial reaction in the form of a stronger military presence, possibly outright hostility to Dovahkiin After cleaving and crushing assassin & Thalmor skulls up to the highest progressive force strength (is it obvious what my weapons of choice are? :biggrin: ), their losses are just too great, and Dovahkiin finally gets a sort of "white peace" offering. You can either kill the messenger (which would cause the assassination attempts to continue indefinitely), or accept and end the quest line. And finally (although this might be difficult) - when Thalmor "assassins" or other hunting parties find the player in a town, guard factions shouldn't get involved!
  13. Never played that game, but I am a sw developer and might try this as a first mod if someone points me to a few resources or tutorials for getting started quickly. Was hoping someone would have said, "Follow this link dummy, it's already done!", but I guess not. And I don't see the relevance of the video, but thanks for the lol.
  14. NPC: Could you please LOOK at me when I'm speaking to you? Dovahkiin: No, sorry, I have a permanent neck injury. There is a metal plate in my neck... I mean, come on. Probably the single most annoying non-critical immersion bug/(lack of feature). A mod (or fix) for this to make your PC look at a speaking NPC would be way at the top of my list.
  15. Is there any fix out there to make your PC look at an NPC that is speaking? I don't mean rotate the camera in 1st person (although that might be good too if you play 1st person), what I mean is rotating the character's head in 3rd person. (It should only do so if not walking and not in combat.) Would be nice to have a random "look around" if standing idle for long enough too. Edit: Another possibility, if it isn't possible to identify the nearest speaking NPC, would be so simply look a nearby random NPC every so often while standing idle. That'd especially help with multi person conversations, anyway. Heck, ANYTHING to turn the PC's neck a little once in a while...
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