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Everything posted by Deathtoheaven731
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Deathtoheaven731 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24742594. #24742759, #24742849, #24742924, #24742934, #24743009, #24743059, #24743149, #24743254, #24743299, #24743359, #24743449, #24743474, #24743514, #24743524, #24743584, #24743604, #24743624, #24743724, #24743739, #24743769, #24743774, #24743884, #24743929, #24743984, #24744049, #24744139, #24744159 are all replies on the same post. My paid non-internet office job, which I make my living off of, is to listen to people complain all day. If you can't handle a few trolls, then you shouldn't do anything involving the public. Everyone gets trolled. I was bullied as a kid but I grew from it. At least the people on your Steam page can't physically attack you. You go on about entitlement, but you sound pretty entitled to the recognition of your mods. Mods get recognition on their merit of usefulness, not purely because you put a lot of effort into it (don't get me wrong, the fact that you put effort into it has merit too). If you want to make money off of your artistic talents, make a game. I enjoyed webdesign and in a few work instances I made websites. Don't try to make money off of an open source community. That's another thing, and it's quite an unethical thing. -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Deathtoheaven731 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24738759. #24739069, #24739704 are all replies on the same post. Bravo! -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Deathtoheaven731 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24738304. #24738404, #24738464, #24738479, #24738524, #24738604, #24738659, #24738679, #24738694, #24738739, #24738779, #24738799, #24738804, #24738919, #24738944, #24738974, #24739104, #24739184, #24739199, #24739204, #24739289, #24739329, #24739359, #24739394, #24739409, #24739474, #24739514, #24739544, #24739564, #24739609, #24739619, #24739639, #24739689, #24739759, #24739784, #24739884, #24739949, #24739999, #24740019, #24740029, #24740039, #24740124, #24740139, #24740174, #24740184, #24740199, #24740234, #24740349, #24740469, #24740494, #24740509, #24740569, #24740579, #24740584, #24740694, #24740734, #24740789, #24740809, #24740814, #24740834, #24740844, #24740859, #24740899, #24740939, #24740959, #24741039, #24741074, #24741079, #24741154, #24741159, #24741164, #24741289, #24741369, #24741419, #24741429, #24741444, #24741449, #24741529, #24741674, #24741699 are all replies on the same post. "It will cull the greedy from the passionate, and you know what? That's just fine with me." Amen! Modding is an altruistic endeavor, not self-enrichment. -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Deathtoheaven731 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24731849. Big amen! -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Deathtoheaven731 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Passion, community, open-source, and altruism triumph over greed. What a lovely story. I thank Dark0ne for his steadfast reasonable neutrality, if I ultimately disagreed with him, the modding community for standing up against the Great Workshop Paywall of 2015, and GabeN for being open to the voices of the community that made him so successful and revered. It was good to see you among the people in Reddit (I am not a user but appreciate that site nonetheless) answering our concerns, which were so many. Valve and Bethesda... you done goofed. You two have been lights in the darkness of our current era of gaming and to see you take the path of the Paid DLCs broke my heart. Nonetheless, you have chosen to repent, and for that you have my thanks. Many companies would not do such a thing. I and many others will be watching your next choices closely, but I do believe that this was not an act of malice... rather an act of stupidity. And to the modders who turned to the Paywall... you done goofed even more. Corporations are known to make short sighted decisions when they see a dollar as a matter of course and for them to take the long path is what earns them admiration. Individual humans, however, have a far greater bandwidth of ethics. Reading Chesko's story outraged me, because it was clear that all of you took a horrible deal. It is one thing to see monetary gain at the expense of an open source community that gave you praise and admiration for the joy you had coded, but it is another to do so for SO DIRT CHEAP. At least Occulus let itself be bought out despite ethical obligations to its Kickstarters at BILLIONS. You took a messily 25% cut, and a good portion of it from resources you didn't own. You set the worst precedent possible. But yet, I also believe this too was an act of stupidity. In most cases. Some of you later on openly spited the community and joined after the fact. No, you don't owe us the mods you create. Your creations are of your own free will, and you can add and remove them as you will. What you do owe us is basic respect, and by no means is that following the majority will. What that entails is considering what will hurt the community that has built you up... and not do it!!! But yes, you have my forgiveness and I hope that of the others here as well in time. Let us all come together to restitch this beautiful open source community of joy. -
Quick updates to the site, money money money edition
Deathtoheaven731 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24627129. #24627504, #24627699, #24628164 are all replies on the same post. I'm guessing someone flamed you? 'Cause I did not see these two posts of yours until just now.... -
Quick updates to the site, money money money edition
Deathtoheaven731 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24615349. #24615514, #24615539, #24615594, #24615744, #24615844, #24616559, #24616664, #24616684, #24616839, #24616949, #24617094, #24617659, #24617939, #24617944, #24618744, #24623334, #24624164, #24624429, #24625279, #24626674 are all replies on the same post. I salute this post. -
Quick updates to the site, money money money edition
Deathtoheaven731 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
So many times I read people saying "time is precious, people need to be compensated so that modding can go somewhere." Last I checked, all the progress we had until now with modding came from people volunteering their time and passion with ZERO compensation, of their own free will, to the enjoyment of an open source community. Somehow the history of that seems to be lost on people who insist money is the only true motivator. I was a betatester for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification, under the username Lord of Hunger. At one point I did an interview about my experience with that. I got jack squat in terms of financial reward, but it was one of the most worthwhile things I have done with my life. Why? Because I had fun participating in a creative endeavor that took a rushed game and turned it into the art piece it should have been to begin with, thereby creating hours of joy and entertainment for many others in the process. Modding is ALTRUISTIC. If you want to make a career of video games, then go join a team and make a game. Yes, not everyone succeeds, but tough. You will ultimately do better at that than trying to squeeze a few bucks from a damn 25% cut of a few $1 models or something that uses SKSE, FNIS, etc., WHICH IS ILLEGAL ANYWAY BECAUSE MODS ARE OPEN SOURCE INTERCONNECTED RESOURCES. I don't think this move will kill modding, modding is too beautiful of a thing to be killed unless gaming itself dies by absolute DRMification of the entire experience. But Paid Modding is unquestionably evil. That is not an insult upon the modders who joined this endeavor, they have clearly be deceived and mislead into this, if through comedic naivete. No, the ones worthy of insults are the marketing departments of Valve and Bethesda. It's always marketing. -
Quick updates to the site, money money money edition
Deathtoheaven731 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24615349. #24615514, #24615539, #24615594, #24615744, #24615844, #24616559, #24616664, #24616684, #24616839, #24616949, #24617094, #24617659, #24617939, #24617944, #24618744, #24623334, #24624164, #24624429, #24625279 are all replies on the same post. Excuse me sir, and I mean this as respectfully as I can, but you could not be more utterly wrong. Yes, this is not the end of the world or the end of free modding. But on any other point you made you are so completely wrong that you are likely from a parallel universe where Comcast cares for its customers, EA makes games that intelligent, well-adjusted individuals enjoy, and Islamic State is a humanist, welfare organization that promotes women's rights and protects Christians from persecution. These are VIDEO GAMES. ENTERTAINMENT. An escape from the daily stress of the world. Mods are open source creative artistic endeavors meant to expand the replayability of that entertainment media. To endlessly monetize every aspect of video games, to take art and put it behind paywalls, is the antithesis of what video gaming is about. We have watched video game budgets balloon to support superficial graphical improvements with nearly no improvements to actual gameplay innovation, release content carved from games in development to become paid DLC that subtracts from the value of the game but increases the price, AAA and Indie products released not only in unplayable forms upon official release dates but be complete deceptions of their gameplay demonstration videos, microtransactions that sell away challenge into oblivion.... And now we are to be nickel and dime'd for free, open source creative art that we have enjoyed for years so that content creators can sell stolen collaborative work from our community for a messily 25% cut of the earnings so maybe, just maybe they can pay rent while Bethesda and Valve trample on the communities that built them up to oppose the greedy profiteers like EA, Ubisoft, and Activision? If the Dark0ne considers this to be abuse in anyway, then he is entitled to permaban me. I will not resent it (much). But while I abhor genuine abuse myself, I also abhor the notion that people would support the absolute, unconditional monetization, copyright, and commodification of joy and imagination. And while I will do my best, in my current state of passionate outrage (my 498 hours of Skyrim is not the most but I am a mod enthusiast at heart and a former beta tester of The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod that brought a game back from unplayability to near-completion), to remain civil, I do not begrudge those who resort to crude, language to lament and protest this most unholy disrespect to the divine spirit of PC video gaming. I wish you well. Good day. Etc. -
Okay, so I used VideoMemorySizeMb=2 + 16 * 1024 - 2048 = 16384 as chevyowner suggested and Ancestor's Glade, which was a bit crash happy, and no crashing so far. However, when I went to Whiterun, anytime I faced a bunch of NPCs my game starts to stutter a lot. Anything I can do to fix that? Btw, I have AA, AF, and FXAA off.
This is what I just found in my settings enblocal.ini: ExpandSystemMemoryX64=trueReduceSystemMemoryUsage=trueDisableDriverMemoryManager=falseDisablePreloadToVRAM=falseReservedMemorySizeMb=512EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=falseVideoMemorySizeMb=1024 // VRAM + RAM - 2048 What should I change specifically?
So after installing Project ENB for the first time, my game has been crashing more than it has been in a long time. Lowering my graphics settings has not been helping that much, nor has using a version of Project ENB without the SSAO. I even tried installing SSME, but that's barely making a difference either. What am I doing wrong here? My rig: AMD FX Quad Core Processor 4.2 GHz (not overclocked) NVidia GeForce GTX 760 2GB GDDR5 RAM 16 GB DDR3 RAM 128 SSD (OS and Game are on this drive) Windows 7 64 bit My mods: If you need any more information, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you very much in advance for any help you can offer me.
Perfect! All fixed. Thank you very much for your help. I'll have to try and remember this trick in case I have this problem in the future. :)
Hi. So I recently upgrades from the pre-0.50.3 version of Nexus Mod Manager to 0.50.3. To do this, I was instructed to uninstall Mod Manager and then install. However, my mods are still installed, but according to Mod Manager they aren't. Is there any way for me to get Mod Manager to recognize what is already installed? Alternatively, I would not entirely mind starting fresh, but my internet sucks so I would prefer NOT to reinstall the game, so is there a way to clean everything out of the Steam data folder except for the vanilla files? Thanks!
"I am told that there is potential for it to give Skyrim.exe even MORE memory" If you use ENBoost, it moves a lot of data out of the Skyrim process memory, so that limitation isn't a problem. "I don't know whether to be angry at Bethesda or happy for this community." You should probably be both. Oops, sorry, I should have mentioned that I have ENBoost (an outdated version, but still does its job). Incidentally, I just installed a GTX 760 in my computer a couple hours ago and my FPS went from 22-47 to 34-110 with the occasional 27. This includes recording with NVidia Shadowplay Beta, and I have completely maxed out my settings. I'm going to find myself a performance oriented ENB (been waiting to try that for awhile) and see if there is a significant difference in my performance.
Shared this in another thread, but you have better documentation. I'll help this thread by "testifying." :D So I have an AMD Quad-Core CPU at 4.2GHz natively (and I don't overclock), 16GBs of RAM, 128 GB SSD that I run Skyrim on, a GTX 550Ti (that changes tomorrow when I swap for a GTX 760), and Windows 7 Home Premium. I typically run Skyrim at max settings except for AF and AA, both of which I just turn off. I have plenty of HD retextures (the majority of my mods) and Static Mesh Improvement Mod, but nothing like Open Cities or Better Cities. Typically Skyrim runs at 22-44 FPS (depends on where I am looking), occassionally CTDs, and the loadscreen time sucks. When I swapped in this patch my game got incredibly faster, as if I was running 60FPS constant. When I cranked up AF and AA to max (and remembered to turn on Fraps), I got 22 FPS like before. However, my experience was less jerky in general, and the fact that I have had no problems with the game so far is a good sign. I think this patch has really done it. I am told that there is potential for it to give Skyrim.exe even MORE memory, and I hope this can be accomplished without making the game unstable. However, this small allowance of extra RAM seems to be enough to resolve nearly all of Skyrim's inherent stability problems. I don't know whether to be angry at Bethesda or happy for this community.
Surprised I haven't seen this mentioned here. It's still experimental, but I've tried it briefly and there weren't any problems. http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1vjcuw/ctdfreeze_memory_fixes_this_guy_pretty_much/ Hope posting this doesn't violate any rules or ediqutte here. I just wanted to share the good news. :smile: EDIT: Kotaku story on the subject: http://kotaku.com/skyrim-modding-gets-its-doors-blown-off-1504712215
Salutations to the Dark0ne, who labors incessantly so that we shall not at all.
All hail and worship the Dark0ne, who doth make mods free accessible through the divine Cloud!
In response to post #9708124. #9708309, #9708627, #9708769, #9714534, #9717612, #9717939, #9718295, #9724793, #9725265, #9727225, #9734443, #9742372, #9746464, #9753787 are all replies on the same post. Hear hear!
[Disclaimer: This is a vent, but not at any person or group. It's also just to see if anyone shares my situation and/or is willing to speak to it.] So, I have always loved Skyrim. Modded quite a bit of it, upgraded my rig to play it better, bought the game and all the DLC at full price... definitely an enthusiastic Dragonborn. My problem now isthat my boredom with any of the vanilla quests is at an all-time high. Everything now feels like a chore. It's bad enough I'm out of university and don't have time to be playing that many video games. In between daily tasks I download updates to my careful selection of mods, but to what end? The modding community thrives without question, but after two years my joy is no longer there. I'm lucky that we got any user-based expansions like Falskaar to tide me over. The fact is, I want Fallout 4 or TESVI: Elsewyr. Or at the very least, I want Bethesda to release an 8GB RAM limit patch. >.< Aside from that last bit (beause I know we want those things), does anyone else feel the same way here in the middle of the community? Or, with all due respect, are outfit and companion mods (the staple of TES modding) enough?
If I install high-level texture mods in Skyrim
Deathtoheaven731 replied to Deathtoheaven731's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thanks for the input! I am aware of the 3.1 GB limit (I wish Bethesda would fix that), but I really don't want to use ENBoost. Maybe I will end up doing so anyway. -
If I install high-level texture mods in Skyrim
Deathtoheaven731 posted a topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Do I need to have the texture setting in the graphics option up? Thanks for any answers in advance! -
Witcher 2 "Redkit" SDK released for modders, NMM support inbound
Deathtoheaven731 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
It's probably a crime against humanity that I haven't played this game yet. Glad to hear that it's getting NMM support. :) -
BLOG PIECE: supporting modding in totality
Deathtoheaven731 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #7833384. Here here!