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Another update on the sites and NMM


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In response to post #9715500.

A respectable point of view to hold. People often forget that critics are also integral to the process of refining and improving quality. The Nexus would be in a different and possibly worse shape if all of its users simple nodded their heads and said nothing but praise for everything that happened. I'm not saying that the site owners themselves don't have anything to do with the quality, because they very much do. Moreover, it is almost assured that they would roll out improvements regardless, but constructive criticism ensures that it happens.

(I will not even touch what separates constructive criticism and "whining" because that's a whole other topic with enough fire.)

[Casts steadfast ward]
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There's some things with the NMM where it crashes for seemingly no reason, but I understand it's not supposed to do that, and it usually happens when I'm doing stuff I don't know too much about.

Upside: I've kinda learned what I can and can't do with it now in ways of adding mods.


As for that update: I don't care if it's "near" or not. I'd much rather you guys take your time and deliver something that works like it should, and not something that'll break a lot of stuff..

Besides, the one we got now works a helluva lot easier than manually installing and uninstalling everything, so I'm already happy with that.


Keep up the good work!!

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Could there ever be a way have a filter for tracked files?


Sometimes I can get alittle lost in the mods I have tracked, and having a filter to sort them could make navigating much easier.


Thanks for all the work you guys put into the Nexus ;)

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