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About TheDimitrijSquirrel

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  1. I wish to edit some skills, along with possibly adding some to some classes, but I cannot find the files which govern the skills, neither what class receives them. Does anyone know anything about this? Is it hardcoded? I looked in various places both inside and outside game_main, but to no avail.
  2. I have Fallout 3 GOTY edition with all the DLCs ofc, and I installed the following mods: FWE WMK Fellout Enhanced Weather Enhanced Night I made sure that all the mods are working with eachother and with DLCs. I was doing the Guidebook quest thing from... Moira? I can't exactly remember her name. I was doing the one where you have to go to the RobCo (again I'm bad with names) and I did it, went back, but it was a little late, Craterside Supply was closed so I had to wait a little while. I did so. As soon as the waiting screen thing was gone, the game crashed. I tried a few more times, to no success. Then I said "Alright game, if you want to play that way.", so I decided to go to my home, and slept there. For the same amount of time. No crash. I went outside. Crash. I tried to load my save. Crash. I could load an earlier save but that is a lot of lost time. EDIT: I forgot to mention, I also crashed when I first fast traveled to back to Megaton, but that fixed itself after a retry.
  3. There are several flamberge mods but none of them appear to show the real flamberge that existed in late medieval Europe. It would be really nice to have a mod with several appearances available, search on the internet for those, but the one I'm specifically interested in is this one: https://www.ateliers-nemesis.com/i/upload/products867_flamberge-deux-mains.jpg
  4. http://dragoroth-stock.deviantart.com/art/The-Executioner-1-317949080 http://dl120471.deviantart.com/art/The-Executioner-335369043 Here's a little more I found.
  5. I was thinking, this hairstyle would look really cool and intimidating. I would love to see it in-game. If you're wondering, this is Orion from Behemoth. http://www.musikuniverse.net/compterendu/data/media/2472/behemoth_-_19.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Tomasz_Wr%C3%B3blewski_at_Empik.jpg http://www.topstars.pl/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/darski70.jpg http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/500/56194605/Behemoth+Orion+and+Seth.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/Behemoth_band_at_Empik_30.09.2009.jpg Also found something similar, but on a female: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1.0-9/1375064_637712186298297_5953345831118842696_n.jpg
  6. Hm, interesting. Again if this doesn't get attention from a modder I'll consider it.
  7. I already saw that one, It's okay but it's not really that close to this one. Other than the hood and some other stuff, this is a completely different armor set.
  8. That's a good start, if this won't bring attention to any of the more experienced modelers/texture-ers/whatevers, it would be a nice alternative.
  9. Well, the falmers can be seen as realistic since they're the descendants of the Snow elves that had to live in caves for a very long time to survive.
  10. Well, you can do that of course, I might take it and I'm sure some people will, but I'd personally prefer to take this thing in the picture.
  11. Yea, but I don't really like either, but this is the perfect combination. Anyway, it is agreeable that the armor should be craftable with ebony ingots. along with other things. One thing that's kinda hard to figure out if the black cloth is only covering the front of the legs, or it goes all the way around. I'd personally prefer the latter.
  12. Well, you could take it as a personal symbol or something. I'm a lore-elitist (or whatever is the name) and I'm honestly fine with it.
  13. Let's say that I have 2 texture packs, A and B, and some of their textures are overlapping, and I decided that the textures don't like the Bs textures, and I decided to uninstall it. What of the following will happen: a) All of the Bs files will be deleted, and replaced with vanilla textures. b) All of the Bs files will be deleted, and replaced with vanilla textures, except the textures that were overwritten, they stay. c) All of the Bs files will be deleted, and replaced with vanilla textures, except the textures that were overwritten, they will be replaced with the custom textures from A, that were originally overwritten. Edit: sorry about the misspelled title, question*
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