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Posts posted by DtheHun

  1. In response to post #74727003. #74730663 is also a reply to the same post.

    Outlawhurdle wrote: Character models need work.

    and there's tiddies in the first 15s of the video, that's the real reason it's here - nexus knows its client base
    audixas wrote: This comment really shows how you know nothing about Daggerfall.

    There are no models. Those are 2D sprites, faithful to Daggerfall.
  2. In response to post #61093447. #61098347, #61100232, #61100767, #61101667, #61112377, #61114392 are all replies on the same post.

    sydney666 wrote: I am a little confused as my DP points went down by about 5000 and one of my mods now does not appear on May Report.

    Why did my download count DROP on the May Report? I understand DP value changes and it should really be going up due to the Patreon, but I am a little confused how a finalised report can change.

    Anyone else notice this?

    (edited, removed my donation tab question as I noticed Donations tab is still there but lower in the page. I think it needs to be at the top bar so it's easier to see for mod users).
    mannygt wrote: If this can help, I still have 0 DP. Don't know why.

    * update *

    Sorry, my mistake. I didn't see the "pending" points.
    DtheHun wrote: Looks like it was not finalised. My counted Unique Downloads also decreased by 40% just like the DP-s. Maybe they have changed the examined time interval.
    Treacleman wrote: I'm also pretty sure my DP have gone down by around 20% since the report came out. Judging by my mod stats and the unique downloads count in the report, the examined time interval must go back by at least as far as May 5th.
    DtheHun wrote: However, the DP/UD ratio remained ~1.13. In that case the main pool could not be that much as it was before.
    One thing for sure, we are in the test run phase.
    sydney666 wrote: I hope Dark0ne or someone else can explain it a little better. 5000 dp may not sound like much, but thats $60 or so over the course of a year. I am a pensioner (disability) and a single dad of 3. You would be amazed how helpful $60 is to my family (especially if it's $60 US).

    So, it was April to May. Funny, that no one have troubled for increased amount of DP-s. :-)
  3. In response to post #61093447. #61098347, #61100232, #61100767 are all replies on the same post.

    sydney666 wrote: I am a little confused as my DP points went down by about 5000 and one of my mods now does not appear on May Report.

    Why did my download count DROP on the May Report? I understand DP value changes and it should really be going up due to the Patreon, but I am a little confused how a finalised report can change.

    Anyone else notice this?

    (edited, removed my donation tab question as I noticed Donations tab is still there but lower in the page. I think it needs to be at the top bar so it's easier to see for mod users).
    mannygt wrote: If this can help, I still have 0 DP. Don't know why.

    * update *

    Sorry, my mistake. I didn't see the "pending" points.
    DtheHun wrote: Looks like it was not finalised. My counted Unique Downloads also decreased by 40% just like the DP-s. Maybe they have changed the examined time interval.
    Treacleman wrote: I'm also pretty sure my DP have gone down by around 20% since the report came out. Judging by my mod stats and the unique downloads count in the report, the examined time interval must go back by at least as far as May 5th.

    However, the DP/UD ratio remained ~1.13. In that case the main pool could not be that much as it was before.
    One thing for sure, we are in the test run phase.
  4. In response to post #61093447. #61098347 is also a reply to the same post.

    sydney666 wrote: I am a little confused as my DP points went down by about 5000 and one of my mods now does not appear on May Report.

    Why did my download count DROP on the May Report? I understand DP value changes and it should really be going up due to the Patreon, but I am a little confused how a finalised report can change.

    Anyone else notice this?

    (edited, removed my donation tab question as I noticed Donations tab is still there but lower in the page. I think it needs to be at the top bar so it's easier to see for mod users).
    mannygt wrote: If this can help, I still have 0 DP. Don't know why.

    * update *

    Sorry, my mistake. I didn't see the "pending" points.

    Looks like it was not finalised. My counted Unique Downloads also decreased by 40% just like the DP-s. Maybe they have changed the examined time interval.

    In response to post #60939852. #60944872, #60947427, #60958117, #60963692, #60963982 are all replies on the same post.

    uniques are based on every file on the mod page. So every updated file is a new set of downloads.



    I have looked back for the source, and it was in the first MADS announcement topic.

    The metric we are using is the unique download count for a user's mod pages as a whole. Note that this is different from the unique download counts for the individual files you can download from a mod page. For example, if you have 14 files available to download on a single mod page and a user downloads each of those files, your unique download counter is increased by 1, and not 14. I understand this is going to be contentious for some people, especially in regards to big mods that already have a multitude of unique downloads within the community, but unfortunately there are restrictions with our stat tracking that will not enable us to, for example, count all downloads from the start of this scheme as having been reset and "unique" from that point on.

  6. In response to post #60939852. #60944872, #60947427, #60958117, #60963692 are all replies on the same post.

    Valyn81 wrote: Cool. Thank for the update.

    @Nexusmods I play lots of the games you have on here but only Bethesda has made modding easy by providing the Creation Kit. While games like 7D2D, The Witcher, etc require you to learn much more time intensive and complicated ways of modding their games.
    - If the other games had mod authors as abundant as Bethesda, they would have just as much going toward them. I do not see why you should have to 'segregate' the games by Studio/popularity. It is not Bethesda's fault that they have several MAJOR title games (Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout, Doom) millions of people love and want to mod. Their games give us the tools to make mods for them, unlike other game devs that just give you the option to mod if you can figure out how.
    - Also Many of the game like Terraria, Sims, etc, have direct mod downloading from steam via their workshop, so almost no one wants to take the time to upload the mods on nexus, much less download them from nexus.
    - Starwars Knights: KotR and KotR 2 has a dedicated modding community with thousands of mods already, few MA still actively work on mods for that game and few are willing to moving their mods to nexus just to get points.
    - Sims: Well that is a series of games that has another modding community of its own.

    You have hundreds of games, some very old, with a small mod base. Some popular but full of mostly cosmetic mods. I am sorry to say; but, Bethesda games seem to be the majority of your mod base simply because NEXUS has ALWAYS been the go to place for Bethesda games. And the fact that you allow 'adult' mods, which was not always the case, even Lovers lab is not as popular as nexus.

    In the end, I guess it does not matter. We make mods because we like doing it, so i guess the points being segregated by game studio does not really matter
    DtheHun wrote: Maybe they just realized that introducing a clear popularity based support only reinforces monopoly. As you have mentioned, it is more difficult to make mods for non-Bethesda games. I agree, I have modded Morrowind before I had internet connection. Moreover, this system gives non-Bethesda modders a way lower quantified recognition what can be achived with the same or less amount of labour by modding Bethesda games, simply because of their significantly higher player/mod rate. And people usually moves toward things that gives them more positive feedback. Sorry for my english. I have no energy to learn it, being depleted by the cumbersome modding tools of Mount&Blade. :D
    Valyn81 wrote: it is not a popularity support model but simply a majority rules effect. If you have 90% of mods on Bethesda you also have a much larger % of those mods dividing the point among them.
    Bethesda's Fallout 4 has 24139 mod, New Vegas 18968, Fallout 3 14605 , skyrim 56915 and SE 12158, Oblivion 28611. I am not including Morrowind or Doom which add only ~ 6k more. (Total 98, 481) This is why the Beth games dominate the mod list.They have 3-30+ times the number of mod of any game on this website. Bethesda Know how to make people play their games and that is to allow people to mod it from their liking. On average 90% of players from one of those games has their mod load maxxed (about 255+ mods before merge patches.)

    you do the math; of the 257,444 mods on nexus, Beth games own almost 100k. And as such, of those 100k we have only a portion opted in. If even 5-8% of that opted in, beth would still own 90% of that pool at about 5-8k mods. As the post stated 10,955 mod were opted in, and Beth was 93% of the opted in mods. see what i mean.
    If the pool is $6,000 and you remove Beth games from the equation, The $$$ going to the less common game mods would mean the mod authors would get hundreds of dollars instead of $1-50 for the current setup.

    But with that said, you might be right after all. I had no idea Beth took about 50% of the total mods on this site. Though, I do not think Nexus needs to add more funds to the pool for the non beth mods. In Fact you know the numbers of Beth to non-Beth mods as stated in the post; so why not set the pool to x% for non beth games based on the ratio you stated. So, the $6000 would be (15%)$900 for non-Beth games and (85%)$5100 to Beth games. It would make fair and reasonable sense to split the funds.

    Though going forward it would only be fair to further divide the funds to all games base on their ratio.
    DtheHun wrote: I can't argue with the second part of your comment, so it is addressed to the pre "======" part.
    I did not talk about the overall dominance of Bethesda games, I talked about the effect of Download/Upload ratios here.
    Take the example of Skyrim and Warband:
    Skyrim D/U: 1.4 bn/58k =~ 24138
    Warband D/U: 3,6M/1,1k =~ 3272
    So, Skyrim has a RELATIVE small!!! amount of mod uploads compared to the amount of its dowloaders/players here.
    It means every single Skyrim upload expects 7,3 times more DPs than a Warbad mod upload - and Warband is not the last game in the top-list.
    I do not know how many opted files are here and there, so my math assumes a similar inequality in Downloads/(MADS opt in) ratios between the two games.
    With the current 6000$ main pool, that + 500$ NB pool would give a +135% support for NB Mods at the moment, what is very kind, but really not an overcompensation, knowing their way higher scale of disadvantage in this environment. Moreover, by further increasing the main pool that percentage will become proportionaly lower.
    So, that +500$ balancing pool would be a nice gesture towards outlanders, nothing more.
    Dividing the funds to all games base on their ratio is a fair idea, and nothing that couldn't be automatized based on monthly data. True, it could cause gold rush among new games. I don't know if it would be good or bad on the long run (America had some in the past, and she is OK)
    Thinking rationaly, Nexus profits better from sharing pop game mods. Those attracts more players as potential victims of advertisement, or premium mebership subscribers. That's why a symbolically balanced popularity model is more feasible than a fair one. At least, Nexus has made it, and that's great! See what the future brings.
    Valyn81 wrote: The Unique download and annon dl are all hard to quantify, simply because if a MA updates a mod, the new downloads will spike. This is also an issue with mods that need to be updated often to fix small bugs during the early stages.
    I would find it worrisome if someone wanted to 'Cheese' the numbers by updating the mod several times in a month just to make people download it more.

    Anons are not in play since registration is mandatory for downloads. Uniques should be counted once per month, if not thats the case already.
  7. In response to post #60939852. #60944872, #60947427, #60963692 are all replies on the same post.

    Valyn81 wrote: Cool. Thank for the update.

    @Nexusmods I play lots of the games you have on here but only Bethesda has made modding easy by providing the Creation Kit. While games like 7D2D, The Witcher, etc require you to learn much more time intensive and complicated ways of modding their games.
    - If the other games had mod authors as abundant as Bethesda, they would have just as much going toward them. I do not see why you should have to 'segregate' the games by Studio/popularity. It is not Bethesda's fault that they have several MAJOR title games (Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout, Doom) millions of people love and want to mod. Their games give us the tools to make mods for them, unlike other game devs that just give you the option to mod if you can figure out how.
    - Also Many of the game like Terraria, Sims, etc, have direct mod downloading from steam via their workshop, so almost no one wants to take the time to upload the mods on nexus, much less download them from nexus.
    - Starwars Knights: KotR and KotR 2 has a dedicated modding community with thousands of mods already, few MA still actively work on mods for that game and few are willing to moving their mods to nexus just to get points.
    - Sims: Well that is a series of games that has another modding community of its own.

    You have hundreds of games, some very old, with a small mod base. Some popular but full of mostly cosmetic mods. I am sorry to say; but, Bethesda games seem to be the majority of your mod base simply because NEXUS has ALWAYS been the go to place for Bethesda games. And the fact that you allow 'adult' mods, which was not always the case, even Lovers lab is not as popular as nexus.

    In the end, I guess it does not matter. We make mods because we like doing it, so i guess the points being segregated by game studio does not really matter
    DtheHun wrote: Maybe they just realized that introducing a clear popularity based support only reinforces monopoly. As you have mentioned, it is more difficult to make mods for non-Bethesda games. I agree, I have modded Morrowind before I had internet connection. Moreover, this system gives non-Bethesda modders a way lower quantified recognition what can be achived with the same or less amount of labour by modding Bethesda games, simply because of their significantly higher player/mod rate. And people usually moves toward things that gives them more positive feedback. Sorry for my english. I have no energy to learn it, being depleted by the cumbersome modding tools of Mount&Blade. :D
    Valyn81 wrote: it is not a popularity support model but simply a majority rules effect. If you have 90% of mods on Bethesda you also have a much larger % of those mods dividing the point among them.
    Bethesda's Fallout 4 has 24139 mod, New Vegas 18968, Fallout 3 14605 , skyrim 56915 and SE 12158, Oblivion 28611. I am not including Morrowind or Doom which add only ~ 6k more. (Total 98, 481) This is why the Beth games dominate the mod list.They have 3-30+ times the number of mod of any game on this website. Bethesda Know how to make people play their games and that is to allow people to mod it from their liking. On average 90% of players from one of those games has their mod load maxxed (about 255+ mods before merge patches.)

    you do the math; of the 257,444 mods on nexus, Beth games own almost 100k. And as such, of those 100k we have only a portion opted in. If even 5-8% of that opted in, beth would still own 90% of that pool at about 5-8k mods. As the post stated 10,955 mod were opted in, and Beth was 93% of the opted in mods. see what i mean.
    If the pool is $6,000 and you remove Beth games from the equation, The $$$ going to the less common game mods would mean the mod authors would get hundreds of dollars instead of $1-50 for the current setup.

    But with that said, you might be right after all. I had no idea Beth took about 50% of the total mods on this site. Though, I do not think Nexus needs to add more funds to the pool for the non beth mods. In Fact you know the numbers of Beth to non-Beth mods as stated in the post; so why not set the pool to x% for non beth games based on the ratio you stated. So, the $6000 would be (15%)$900 for non-Beth games and (85%)$5100 to Beth games. It would make fair and reasonable sense to split the funds.

    Though going forward it would only be fair to further divide the funds to all games base on their ratio.
    Valyn81 wrote: The Unique download and annon dl are all hard to quantify, simply because if a MA updates a mod, the new downloads will spike. This is also an issue with mods that need to be updated often to fix small bugs during the early stages.
    I would find it worrisome if someone wanted to 'Cheese' the numbers by updating the mod several times in a month just to make people download it more.

    I can't argue with the second part of your comment, so it is addressed to the pre "======" part.
    I did not talk about the overall dominance of Bethesda games, I talked about the effect of Download/Upload ratios here.
    Take the example of Skyrim and Warband:
    Skyrim D/U: 1.4 bn/58k =~ 24138
    Warband D/U: 3,6M/1,1k =~ 3272
    So, Skyrim has a RELATIVE small!!! amount of mod uploads compared to the amount of its dowloaders/players here.
    It means every single Skyrim upload expects 7,3 times more DPs than a Warbad mod upload - and Warband is not the last game in the top-list.
    I do not know how many opted files are here and there, so my math assumes a similar inequality in Downloads/(MADS opt in) ratios between the two games.
    With the current 6000$ main pool, that + 500$ NB pool would give a +135% support for NB Mods at the moment, what is very kind, but really not an overcompensation, knowing their way higher scale of disadvantage in this environment. Moreover, by further increasing the main pool that percentage will become proportionaly lower.
    So, that +500$ balancing pool would be a nice gesture towards outlanders, nothing more.
    Dividing the funds to all games base on their ratio is a fair idea, and nothing that couldn't be automatized based on monthly data. True, it could cause gold rush among new games. I don't know if it would be good or bad on the long run (America had some in the past, and she is OK)
    Thinking rationaly, Nexus profits better from sharing pop game mods. Those attracts more players as potential victims of advertisement, or premium mebership subscribers. That's why a symbolically balanced popularity model is more feasible than a fair one. At least, Nexus has made it, and that's great! See what the future brings.
  8. In response to post #60939852.

    Valyn81 wrote: Cool. Thank for the update.

    @Nexusmods I play lots of the games you have on here but only Bethesda has made modding easy by providing the Creation Kit. While games like 7D2D, The Witcher, etc require you to learn much more time intensive and complicated ways of modding their games.
    - If the other games had mod authors as abundant as Bethesda, they would have just as much going toward them. I do not see why you should have to 'segregate' the games by Studio/popularity. It is not Bethesda's fault that they have several MAJOR title games (Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout, Doom) millions of people love and want to mod. Their games give us the tools to make mods for them, unlike other game devs that just give you the option to mod if you can figure out how.
    - Also Many of the game like Terraria, Sims, etc, have direct mod downloading from steam via their workshop, so almost no one wants to take the time to upload the mods on nexus, much less download them from nexus.
    - Starwars Knights: KotR and KotR 2 has a dedicated modding community with thousands of mods already, few MA still actively work on mods for that game and few are willing to moving their mods to nexus just to get points.
    - Sims: Well that is a series of games that has another modding community of its own.

    You have hundreds of games, some very old, with a small mod base. Some popular but full of mostly cosmetic mods. I am sorry to say; but, Bethesda games seem to be the majority of your mod base simply because NEXUS has ALWAYS been the go to place for Bethesda games. And the fact that you allow 'adult' mods, which was not always the case, even Lovers lab is not as popular as nexus.

    In the end, I guess it does not matter. We make mods because we like doing it, so i guess the points being segregated by game studio does not really matter

    Maybe they just realized that introducing a clear popularity based support only reinforces monopoly. As you have mentioned, it is more difficult to make mods for non-Bethesda games. I agree, I have modded Morrowind before I had internet connection. Moreover, this system gives non-Bethesda modders a way lower quantified recognition what can be achived with the same or less amount of labour by modding Bethesda games, simply because of their significantly higher player/mod rate. And people usually moves toward things that gives them more positive feedback. Sorry for my english. I have no energy to learn it, being depleted by the cumbersome modding tools of Mount&Blade. :D
  9. In response to post #60921067.

    Augusta Calidia wrote:




    In a general sense, I suppose the confusion largely stems from that the Author Donate link is right up top of the website, but that the TOS prevents a mod author having their own link at the top of their mod description. Just seems a bit conflicting, I guess. Maybe I'm wrong. idk. Like I said, I'm confused.



    NexusMods is a modding website, not a mod. Dark0ne is the site owner, not a mod author. The ToS applies to mods and mod authors.

    Grabbing the core essence 10/10
  10. In response to post #60929452.

    TheGrimblade wrote: I can get behind this, and I am sure you guys are doing everything on the up and up over here, but I just want to be sure... Are the game companies okay with this? Did you guys reach out to see if they viewed this as a loophole in their system that was going to upset them. I think it should be okay, but I just want to know that it won't get shut down in a month. Thanks, this is a great idea!

    If I remember well, games of objecting companies can be left out from the system. I doubt it would be advantageous for them, even though for Bethesda games there's no 100% certanity in subjects involving both mods and money.
  11. Sounds really good. Is downloading an updated main file counts as a separate download in the next month (a new DP)? If only separate patch files counts later, mod directories could become endless patch shops for the new downloaders of an old mod. However, not supporting further development, could lead to half-heartedly done and early abandoned works.

    Well, it's exciting for me anyway.

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