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Everything posted by skyrimboohoo

  1. Just on the nexus, anyways thanks for the replies i'll give them a try later today :)
  2. Hi, So i'm having a really really annoying problem trying to upload a mod, I've made a home mod and used some custom textures, I made a BSA with CK and uploaded it with the esp but people are saying they are getting purple textures on the meshes that was using the custom stuff, so i tried uploading the loose files along with everything else, still same problem. Can anyone give me some help on how to upload mods with custom textures etc, tried darkfox's vids on making BSAs tried CK and the free BSA archieve that comes with CK and no luck.
  3. I was just hunting for ideas, I think I'll start on this concept floating home does sound awesome! give me a week or two. some of the suggestions cant be done to my knowledge atleast like the skybox being round, but i'll see what can be possible and what isnt. Time for some witch craft.
  4. ah I should of been more specfic sorry, the structure am working on is rather huge and I did find exterior meshes just not right size or design ;p thx anyway
  5. Hey! So am currently working on a Guild Home but after searching the net for a exterior building I've come up with nada, so am wondering is there a site or somewhere other than nexus that has a good modder resource collection. And if not maybe someone who has the programs and design skills to make a exterior building for me that is interested in a collab?
  6. Yep that was my thinking, since there are so many, but I have thought of about that and I could easily make it work IF i went with a city location
  7. Yep that is the concept I have in mind, also i made this home mod awhile back traveller's inn and alot of people liked it as a guild inn, but it wasnt really fitting for a guild hall/base w/e so gonna try blend that home into this new one. I'm just struggling with location, as I dont know what people prefer a home in a city or out in the world, and if its in the world its got to have a good view or atleast a unique view
  8. Havent decided that either, was ideally going to make a universal one that can work for all, very early stages here.
  9. Hey all, so decided to start a new project which will be a guild player home, and I would appeariate location suggestions! I cant decide what would people (you) prefer, shall it be in a major city, out in tamriel or a isolated land? design & theme of the guild home isnt set in stone "Yet" I normally get the location and build the design/theme around that. If your suggestion is tamriel or a major city please try specfiy the location. Also if you have idea what you would like in a guild home feel free to share! I like to try building unique homes.
  10. Thank you very much for the help guys :) two sandbox packages worked wouldnt work with xmarker strangly so just used furniture to link :)
  11. hhmm i'll try that out in the morning thank you! i'll let ya know how it goes :)
  12. yes i thought of that too navmesh is solid no issues on that side. even did a navmesh test point A to B and it was fine all was good. some reason packages cant even get them to leave the cell. ;/ and yes i validated the mesh all green ;p
  13. starts off in a interior cell, and where they go isn;t too much of a problem it can be to a exterior or interior I can work around that. the package is mainly the default sandoxing template with some minor changes. my goal is to have the npc to go to the interior cell for a few hours sandbox then leave the area, ideally exterior go for a walk, hunting, whatever. I tried adding a additional travel package during the sandboxing off hours connecting the travel to a xmarkerheading and tried a xmarker but always ends up just standing in the interior cell till the time is out. as its my 2nd day trying different combos, am sure am just missing something basic, but wiki and the few guides online doesnt seem to help with the answer.
  14. Hi, so working on a mod and i've spent a good 9 hours on this and I cant figure out what i'm doing wrong. What I want is my NPC to sandbox at location A then at night leave go to location B sandbbox there and repleat back to Location A. I've tried patrols/travel/sandbox and best I can get is my npc sandboxing and when the time comes for them to leave they just stand there, yes I have set the times right no time gaps. Anyone willing to help out a fellow modder? I know its simple but it'll help me plently
  15. Hello all, So I have created a Tavern/player home (Traveller's Inn) ATM it just functions as a player home, but with this homes design it can be sooo much more, but I lack the skill and expertise in scripting or modding beyond building homes to advance it to something great. Am looking for someone who can advance it into a functional tavern, or for something more. (open to ideas) as this tavern has been trending and is recieving great praise but lacking the functionality of tavern is a shame, as I would like this into something great. If your interestred in collabing or taking this on please feel free to contact me as I think it'll be a shame to pass this amazing tavern up.
  16. Hello all, So I have created a Tavern/player home (Traveller's Inn) ATM it just functions as a player home, but with this homes design it can be sooo much more, but I lack the skill and expertise in scripting or modding beyond building homes to advance it to something great. Am looking for someone who can advance it into a functional tavern, or for something more. (open to ideas) as this tavern has been trending and is recieving great praise but lacking the functionality of tavern is a shame, as I would like this into something great. If your interestred in collabing or taking this on please feel free to contact me as I think it'll be a shame to pass this amazing tavern up.
  17. Tried it out, and spent a good 6 hours >_< with no luck sadly. trying some other ideas out i'll let ya know if I figure something out.
  18. Thank god for a reply haha I tried remake 3 times but I'll try a few more, my triangles where enough to cover the loading markers bit over, nothing weird on terms of angles just resized a little. i'll try wiggling some around see if that helps. Thanks again for the help.
  19. Ok so am building a home and using loading doors to teleport from floors to floors WITHIN the same cell, works for the player just fine, the nav mesh has a green triangle so on that front its all good. my issue is followers wont teleport with me or on their own. is there a solution to this? I would really apprieate some help.
  20. So, I've been making player homes and managed to make one that is adoption compatable and I thought I had it until I was making my 2nd home and no matter what I cant get it to get blessed from the adoption mod, i've followed the guides including the one you get from the adoption mod and it wont work, I've triple checked and followed everything best I can. so does anyone know of any video tutorials on how to make a custom home adoption compatable cant find a single one online. I would be very greatfull for any help to get my home adoption ready as its the last thing I need to do before I publish..
  21. Whats the details of the home your after? you looking for structure or you after structure and scripts etc
  22. Thanks for the help guys the location data was my issue. Legends
  23. Hi, so i've been searching tutorials and google for the answer and i cant find anything that answer my question which is. What is needed to make a cell set as a player home? I've tried to change owner to playerfaction doesnt seem to get what i'm after as i want the cell to register as a player home so other mods and some other things work.
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