In response to post #7985769. #7999228 is also a reply to the same post. I'll clarify, technically they are not broken. All of them will redirect to your new pathing, however, what it does do is report that I do not have the page bookmarked (Firefox). I keep every mod I use bookmarked, and in each bookmark I have it categorized, named, version, and by whom. So when a new version is out I update the bookmark to the new version, but with you guys keep changing the pathing it just adds it as a new bookmark. I keep the mod offline, with the URL link in the zip so I always have where I got it. I don't let any mod touch my game until I've packed any loose files (textures, meshes, scripts) and optimized the textures and loaded the mod into the creation kit to verify it does what it does and nothing more. I put a lot of work into making sure it's right, dissecting each mod, verifying things are accounted for, and optimized. This new pathing is just another step I have to do, where I didn't before. Please stick to one path and keep it, also remove the URL updating when we click on each sub option of a mod (DESC, FILES, IMAGES, etc). Now each one adds yet more clutter to the url bar, were just before this new update it was either hidden or internal where the url would not change. You'll get a mod on first load like this "". Click on Files, then I click back on to DESC (which was it's default load) and now the url is "". Basically it is just a jumbled mess. But at least it's free, so I shouldn't complain I guess.