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Everything posted by SanguinarianLion13

  1. Hello everyone. I was wondering if you knew of any armor mods where the armor came in more than once piece. For example, these pieces would include a shirt and pants that didnt attach as one item. I am looking for armor mods that come in pieces so i can mix an match them. Example: hat shirt pants boots gloves Also i use the diamond unp mode as well. Side note: If you jus know a good armor mod in general feel free to share it below ^_^ Thank you!
  2. I want to make my own mods, as in jus change the color of things like the khajiit/dagi-raht fur color. I already have the permission to make a color change mod for the dagi-raht via PM so long as i credited the creator of the mod itself Nuska. i made a thread asking for a color change but no one seems to be interested so i thought id give it a try. (thread found here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1475015-white-fur-for-khajiit-request/ ) What is an easier program to use that you would suggest for a beginner?
  3. It says in the wiki that if you buy a copy of skyrim, even through steam, it should come in the tools section but its not there?
  4. Hello, i really like the khajiit and races based off them like the- ohmes raht: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18418/ dagi raht: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48672/ i was wondering if someone would be willing to pick up one of these (or both if they are dedicated enough) to make a white fur color for them. As in pure white. For the ohmes raht, i cant get ahold of the owner. The dagi raht has a white option but the back is still the brown color. I dont wish to have that showing. I ask the owner of the dagi raht mod and they said permission was granted to make the white skin for that race as long as Nuska was credited for the race itself.
  5. m tired of all these i am perfection female mods, i want to see something dark, evil, no not the succubus those are basically perfect bodies too.
  6. im tired of all these i am perfection female mods, i want to see something dark, evil, no not the succubus those are basically perfect bodies too.
  7. hello, i know that bumping mods is agianst the rules, but i really am curious about white fur for this mod
  8. I wish i still had my screenshots... ill describe it the best i can. It was for both male and females. It was green or black leather outfit. boys and girls had black/green vest and pants to choose from there was lots of belts and customzation in the parts for clothes, i think up to 10. on top of the leather armor you could put different colors of fur on top, chest, arms and legs. i drew my skyrim character before i reformatted my comp. sadly he was shirtless lol http://sanguinarianlion.deviantart.com/art/Hm-418209502
  9. bash tag is now gone but game is still crashing to desktop. i give up. im going to uninstall everything
  10. These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action. Skyrim.esm Active Update.esm Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} Dragonborn.esm Active thearmourerfixes.esp Active betterfemalesbybellalessmakeup2.esp Active fairy tail music replacer.esp Active StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp staticmeshimprovementmod-part2.esp Active staticmeshimprovementmod-part3.esp Active bigger and boulder.esp Active datgrass .esp Active lush trees.esp Active real glaciers v2.esp Active evilarmor.esp Active fox20 armor.esp Active raven witch armor.esp Active dogtogermanshepard2fix.esp Active female npc animation fix.esp Active argoniantints.esp Active Purewaters.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp Active
  11. my game crashes right after it attempts to go in game after loading screen. I have NO NMM mods, only mods through steam workshop. I use SKSE to launch though. I cleaned up my skyrim an update files with TES5Edit and it worked with no problem. Now i have a BASH file error. im slowly learning this stuff haha
  12. my game crashes right after it attempts to go in game after loading screen. I have NO NMM mods, only mods through steam workshop. I use SKSE to launch though. I cleaned up my skyrim an update files with TES5Edit and it worked with no problem. Now i have a BASH file error. Im slowly learning this stuff. Will be checking youtube for help as well as here.
  13. I will thank you. Im a little new to this stuff >.<
  14. i jus recently got BOSS an according to that the dragon born file has "dirty edit" how is this possible if from steam?
  15. here you are a couple is part of the clown pack http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3785/?
  16. i recently got the dragonborn DLC through steam and it doesnt seem to work? Its on, but how will i know when it actaully starts?
  17. Hey, I know there is wolf mods out there already, including a mount with armor. an i have to say i like those mods very much. I was wondering if any of the wolf modders out there were willing to do this. Make a wolf mount colored differently to match. His name is Garurumon. A wolf digimon that was large enough to ride. or maybe even a follower garurumon? Here are some pics ^_^ http://legacy.shadowlordinc.com/media/D/Garurumon04.jpghttp://nd04.jxs.cz/695/449/e308fed8ee_68525542_o2.jpg
  18. we have KHAJIIT and KHAJIIT Humanoid mods jus look them up, example is ohmes raht for humanoid and we do have girls with jus cat ears an tails.
  19. could anyone make a white fur setting for the ohmes raht race? Complete white if possible please? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18418//?
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