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Everything posted by EdDante34

  1. They're not going to do that. We're getting this new UI, like it or not. They'll make slight tweaks here and there, but I doubt it will be of any significance that will actually make me want to spend the same amount of time browsing mods as before the change. None of this really surprises me in the least, I knew it was going to be like this, I was just hoping I'd be wrong for a change. And with that, I'm done. I'll check the Nexus from time to time to read and if need be, respond to any comments on mods I've uploaded, maybe check out new mods that I've heard about. Who knows? At some point, there might be enough meaningful changes to the UI and the search feature that will actually make me spend as much time as I used to, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
  2. Like I said before, the only thing that would make them reconsider is if the site traffic took a significant hit. However, I seriously doubt that will happen, even with the UI change being as bad as it is.
  3. I haven't uploaded anything since the new UI rolled out. If that's what I'm going to have to deal with from now on, I won't be uploading anything else if I have to strain my eyes that much just to type out a mod description. That's absolutely ridiculous.
  4. Same for me as well. The new UI makes it feel like a chore to browse the mods, I have no idea what they were thinking when they implemented this. Either way, I don't think anything short of them seeing a major drop in site traffic will make them consider reverting any of these changes, let alone them reverting back to the old UI.
  5. I love your 1911, great work. I only wish it could be made into a stand alone weapon mod.
  6. In response to post #67390866. I'll just be happy if this comes out at all.
  7. In response to post #58032421. *Crosses fingers and toes* :P
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