I turned on my Vortex and suddenly a lot of my mods are being marked as broken? Usually saying not updated yet, even though it has been made to be updated for the newest version. What is happening?
I have two mods that I very much love and am wondering if anyone would be willing to make their own version of it.
First is Instant Break by Jolyone. It has saved so much pain of trying to break a tree. I have asked if they will update for the 1.6 with no response.
Next is Stats passive regeneration by strato35. I love the passive regeneration that doesn't require sitting, laying down or staying still without moving. Especially when I could choose how much I regenerate. The author doesn't seem to have come on for over a week and doesn't seem to know about the update.
These are just requests and not demands. I will be looking for any new mods either way and hope to see these two beauties updated themselves or a different variation that is very similar.
Can't seem to find a mod for it. But I would like a mod where there is no negative approval. Basically only able to make them like me as they gain positive approval and can't lose approval with negatives.
I would have put a new one in the website problems one so it isn't bumped here and is more about the website, but is says I can't make a new post there.
Not all the newest games that can have mods doesn't seem to load. Also cannot seem to connect when to notification go to newest games to be mods???? Not fully sure what is even happening
Oh nuts. Thanks for letting me know. I love seeing all the interesting things people mod for all the different games. So I always love checking when new games are able to show mods.
It has been more than a day since I got the notification that new games have been added to Nexus. But the newly added is yet to update to add these new ones. Sometimes it does take a few hours before it shows up but this time it seems to take longer. Is everything alright is the site? Is there something I can do on my end to see the newly added games or is it on the website side that I have to wait for?
Thank you, I was worried something on my side was going on. It also seems that page isn't updating anything, even the amount of mods the games you can see have. Like Terraformers actually have 2 mods when I check but it says 1.