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Everything posted by Mastashake15

  1. It seems this is one of the few things that I desire in the game that hasn't been adressed by a mod that I'm aware of, but I am wondering if there is a mod that accomplishes this? There are a few on the nexus that I've found but according to comments none of them work properly.
  2. Are you using "Fight or Fly" by Kuertee?
  3. If I use poison that damages magicka or stamina against NPC's, will they eventually not be able to cast spells or use power attacks? Basically do NPC's in this game have a finite amount of magicka and/or stamina?
  4. I'm using climates of tamriel, and while it makes the nights and dungeons dark like I want them it also really dulls out all fires, and the most noticable and anoying is torches. It seems there is no mod out there that increases the torch brightness in any significant amount, and I was wondering is this something I could easily do myself in the creation kit? If so how would I go about doing this? I'm looking to make torches about twice as bright.
  5. I'm not sure if either of these exist, but if someone knows a mod like these I'd sure appreciate if you would let me know I'm looking for a mod that increases the brightness of all lights without doing anything else. Basically what Claralux does but without actually adding any lights or modifying anything else. I'm also looking for a lightweight mod that simply adds a few more available hotkeys without being script intensive. Basically More Hotkeys Please but with less features and less script heavy.
  6. It's been a while since I've played Skyrim, I've redownloaded the game and I have no mods right now so I'm starting fresh. All I have is the base game, the high res packs from bethesda and SKSE. I used nexus mod manager before but I think now I want to use Wrye Bash so I can use bashed patches. Just wondering if it's a better route to download manually and use Wrye Bash or use Nexus Mod Manager to download the mods and just use Wrye Bash for bashed patches. I also remember around the time I stopped playing the game that TESVEdit came out and was wondering if this is still worthwhile looking into and using. Can't really remember much about this stuff so anyone that can give some reminder tips is appreciated. Thanks.
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