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About lilminki

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    United States

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  1. Is there anyone that can add the posters found in vaults/ propaganda/ on advertisements (sugar bombs, giddyup buttercup, etc.) as wall decorations in the workbench?
  2. And nevermind, shortening my hallway by one section fixed the problem :)
  3. I'm working on a small cave and have added a ramp going out of a room. When i'm on the top of the ramp looking down then the room disappears, and when I'm in the room and look up the ramp then it disappears. I'm sure it's something stupid but I can't figure out what's wrong. Please help? I should add - When I move down the ramp closer to the room it appears as normal.
  4. Is there an easy way to find a specific exterior world location in the CK? I found a spot I'd like to build a cave in game and I'm not sure what the easiest way to find it in the creation kit is.
  5. I had to change the faction number from 01004290 to 07004290 because my computer recognizes "7" as Hearthfire. If you don't know which number your Hearthfire is just keep trying with a different second digit in the number.
  6. Is there some way to add a kid to the adoption faction through the console? I've seen people on other sites say they've done it, but when i try the faction ID it comes back as not found. I'm using addtofaction 01004290. Am I doing something wrong or does it just not work?
  7. My character and other NPCs move around at normal speed but candle flickering, swaying branches and water move way too fast. I've updated my video card drivers and tried turning the vsync on and off. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? It's not a huge issue but it bugs me!
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