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About FilipinoGamer804

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    United States
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    Killzone 3
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  1. good morning everyone , :whistling:
  2. .. soo much monorail catz .. :mellow: .. * spazzes out from too many monorail cats * WHY !? .. :psyduck:
  3. lol @ the random photo spam ... :tongue:
  4. :wallbash: .. this record is gonna take a while to complete , i mean thats a lot of forum posts .. but that doesn't mean its impossible
  5. Theaters around America are more then probably going to change their policies after this , life is too short to be cut down by a sicko with a ar - 15 .. things need to change cause this is just too depressing :sad:
  6. i used too have those problems with battlefield bad company 1 , it never got fixed :sad:
  7. @ tokyobleach how much notes did you get I got 4 before slenderman got me and made me scream so loud I woke up my brother :P
  8. Yea the guns would be old but that could add to the value , gearbox should've added NPC's that ask you to restore guns and clean them up so old guns have more value because their antiques at this point or you could dig for relics or antique guns etc .. :P
  9. I'm all up for that idea thor .. :thumbsup: .. especially if you had a pearlescent weapon or something uber rare and if you transfer it , that item would get a passive bonus or something :tongue:
  10. I know people who live in colorado .. still no word I hope their okay :sad: .. I don't know how he got the will to kill all those innocent lives .. they just wanted to watch a movie .. :sad:
  11. I said at least .. he deserves life in jail really .. I mean I agree with you IV000 , someone who kills people at the movies is a sicko and should be put in jail even if he is medically insane ..
  12. @ hey you .. he got in from the back door of the theater and then sneaked his way to the screening .. he fired two gas canisters into the crowd and then started shooting wildly .. yelling that he is the joker .. its depressing to hear kids were killed trying to watch a movie about a hero who fights crime to help others that are in need .. he's just gonna plead insanity .. :sad: .. he deserves to be locked up for 30 years at least ..
  13. Whoa this thread is getting lots of posts now :D .. anyways your kinda right with zero but his electric katana blade thing is really interesting to me , maybe on my second playthrough I'll pick axton .. the co-op is another awesome feature I'll looking forward too , I convinced my friends to preorder borderlands 2 so I'm looking forward to mutilating skags with my friends and collecting loot all day B)
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