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  1. Thanks! If you remember, can you also check if it nullifies mage armor's effect when a flesh spell is active?
  2. Can anyone make call dragon work in solstheim?
  3. From what I understand of it, I dislike skyrim's armor system. These changes would make me much happier with it. -Remove all set bonus perks -Make enchanting more effective on cloth armor -Make Conditioning (heavy armor perk, armor weighs nothing and doesn't slow you down) require heavy armor 100 or remove completely -More armor rating makes spells cost more (excluding alteration spells) maybe replace mage armor perk with something to lessen this You can probably tell, I like to mix armors. Also, these are mostly mage related things. I feel like cloth armor is kinda weak, there is no incentive to wear it if you mix it with heavy or light like I do. Besides arch mage robes, but those are hideous. Another thing is I hate the idea of constantly casting alteration spells for armor. I feel like these would really give more freedom and balance when choosing armor. It's ridiculous when I install a mod and there are three versions of the same armor so they get the set bonuses. That's what I hope these changes would fix. Please leave suggestions for further ideas to balance, in case anyone can actually make this happen.
  4. My monitor resolution is 1920 x 1080, how should I set up my resolution and aspect for skyrim? I've been playing around with it and I get way more lag on some resolutions.
  5. Can anyone do that? There's even this mod that puts cliffracers in the game, although not on Solstheim, and it is a modder's resource: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8579
  6. So I made a new character and I've been playing it for a few days. During my first dragon fight, when the dragon used its breath on me, I heard a lot of glass crunching noises and my character was stunned. When I went into third person, the character was doing the animation for when you get attacked with a shield. Turns out it does this for every magic attack. I've looked back at my previous saves that didn't have this problem, and I've found an odd active effect on the saves that have the problem. Ward - Deflection. This is apparently the thing the spellbreaker gives you. I have no idea how I got it, probably a rogue mod or something, but I don't have spellbreaker and I'm pretty sure it's causing my problem. How can I deactivate it? I've already tried disabling all mods. I guess since it's a vanilla effect that didn't work. Found the problem, it was a guardian stone overhaul mod for some reason.
  7. Don't know if you're still looking, but I found the mod that was giving me infinite summons, it was the plague of skeevers spell.
  8. So far I haven't found any really good shield mods. Most interesting one I've seen so far was a giant daedric shield, and I couldn't even get that to work.
  9. Heh, I've got the opposite problem. Somehow, I've gotten unlimited summons. It's driving me mad. I've even uninstalled my game and made a new character to try and fix it. I'm overpowered and I don't like it. Must be a broken mod. As for a mod that gives you more, pretty sure conjuration madness puts in a perk for that.
  10. I'm pretty sure I saw a mod like that, lemme see if I can find it found it
  11. He wants to be a ...man at arms. he he or Spiderman! Sorry Guy I couldn't help myself...but yeah you probably won't be getting more arms...even if you got them how would you control them? I dunno how the rest of the world would, but I have 2 extra buttons on my mouse :psyduck:
  12. Would it be possible to make something that gives you more arms to cast spells/hold items in? If so, it would be kinda awesome to have an octopus on back, with tentacles adding more arms.
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