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  1. skyrim version i am using -ApachiiSkyHair mod installed and it works http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10168 -DIMONIZED UNP female body ---works http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709
  2. well i intalled like 4 mods, and it seems that one was not compatible with the other so i deleted all the mods except the one i wanted....but when i activated the mod game still crashed..so i deactivated mod and the game worked fine,but some of the mods i thought they are deleted were still working...should i reinstall the game and will my saved games still work?
  3. any ideas which mod is not compatible?
  4. i tried reinstallling some but the same effect
  5. Well I watched the video and followed the steps but at the last one where there was the blank space and you had to paste it the thing he pasted in the video was already there on mine! But the mods still don't work! I also tried pasting it twice and same thing, no mods working :( Please help me! i think you opened the wrong file....go to C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Skyrim and there Skyrim prefs .....i got the same problem as you but i figured it out
  6. your saved games are probably in C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves
  7. The mod i am trying to activate is vicky's armour but it's not that important i hope ,...just friend asked me to install it for him... the mods he currently has: -some apachi hair mod -kill-able children (didn't know that this can be modded :D) -perfect skin mod one of these mod is not incompatible with the mod i am trying to activate...i tried disabling all of the other mods but the game still crashes...when i deactivate the mod i am trying to install the game works fine...
  8. I downloaded some mod but, ticked it in data files and run the game..and it crashed...i ticked off all the other mods except the one i installe, and it seems that crash is happening because of that mod but i really want this mod....
  9. hmm i don't know...i just installed the game normally
  10. i downloaded skyrim envision face mod and apachii hair mod....hair mod is working but envision face mod not..i followed the instructions: Extract the files Move the Data folder to your Skyrim folder (Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim) Enjoy!! i copied and pasted data folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim (where i have the game installed)...there is also some folder named Skyrim but there is just some Skyrimprefs file...the mod doesn't even appear in Data files when i lauch the game.......help would be much appreciated
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