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Everything posted by Ragosch
Even on my oldest machine, a single core AMD with Nvidia 7600 GT, Skyrim runs fluently since I have this ENB installed. I even made it work on a HD 3000 graphics notebook. Vanilla Skyrim itself does not seem to be very demanding, it is just not very good implemented and needs therefore the help of external solutions like ENB.
A nude mode, which is removing the "modern" underwear, is lore-friendly. The vanilla underwear is what is actually ridiculous, because the combination of bra and panties is the underwear of modern women. Women of the past did not wear stuff like this. They either had nothing under or an undershirt and of course no panties. To wear pants was for long the sole domain of men only.
Why so complicated - just go to your fellow vampire and let her bite you - voila immortal. :thumbsup:
On my systems (old and new ones) ENB actually made Skyrim far smoother to play, with better graphics and it made an end to game freezes and lag (which I had before where many particles were used). So you cannot say by default that ENB will cost you some fps.
If Skyrim would be real, I would try to wake up, because by many reasons this could just be a dream. I am far too much educated to even think for a second that this could be reality.
I am not fond of vampires either and will most likely not buy dawnguard. All what I heard and have seen from this DLC is just not any appealing or even remotely interesting to me - it's far too nuts and out of place for my taste.
On my first play through I had the high hope, that there would be a 3rd option to discover. The ability to become yourself the high king (or high queen) of Skyrim. I was so disappointed, when I found out, that this is no option. Who would be a better choice than the dragonborn in a stormcloak setting?- And in an imperial setting, it could have been possible to even consider to let the storyline go towards the dragonborn to become the new emperor. IMO this was a big fail, that these options were not in the game. What kind of a hero is the dragonborn, when people would not happily want him (or her) in these positions?
That is not just a "good" guy, white Paladin makes you a Martyr (once you met a black guardian :tongue: )
The guardian - how well this is matching my "dead is dead" kind of game play - values courage and valor the most - I am surprised, that this came out with my weird choices, but it's true. Well, the color is true as well, the good and the "bad", if it is bad at all. Parasitic and amoral - pah, the opinion of weaklings - while it is in reality the ultimate freedom limited by nothing. :thumbsup: Edit: Well, the D&D Test sums it up - the ultimate freedom I Am A: Chaotic Evil Human Wizard (7th Level) chaotic = unpredictable; i.e. an advantage evil = self-confident and fearlessly selfish, i.e. an advantage Ability Scores: Strength-11 Dexterity-11 Constitution-16 Intelligence-15 Wisdom-16 Charisma-13 Alignment: Chaotic Evil A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called demonic because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend. Detailed Results: Alignment: Lawful Good ----- XXXXX (5) Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10) Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12) Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (15) True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (20) Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (22) Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18) Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (23) Chaotic Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (25) Law & Chaos: Law ----- XXXXX (5) Neutral - XXXXXXXXXX (10) Chaos --- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12) Good & Evil: Good ---- (0) Neutral - XXXXXXXXXX (10) Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
I've tried it, but it doesn't work. I'm currently using the ''Deadly Dragons'' mod. It's perfect 'cause you can select their spawn time. Thanks for the help anyway. :rolleyes: mods, they work fine for some and not for others. I am glad you found a solution anyway. :thumbsup:
What kind of ENB? Would like to try it out myself :happy: copyright notice shows ENB Patch 9 Version 0.096 after game start. It's an older ENB, but this works best for me. But I had to install the GreenWaterFix from the Nexus to be able to see under water again.
What woulld you like to see in the next DLC?
Ragosch replied to sinnerman69's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
On the other hand, this means they are basically asking us to pay money for a broken product. And, really, the video game industry is like the only industry in the world that is allowed to get away with that. I think that if consumers are to be expected to pay for these things, they should be able to demand a product that actually works as advertised. And if the game developers use their customers as beta testers, those customers should be entitled to compensation. (And no, "more content" doesn't count, not when that content is what the customers payed for in the first place.) It's not just the gaming industry, all of the software industry is like that - think about it - software is sold as it is, they do not make any guarantees that it works or fulfills a certain purpose, they do not take any responsibilities for any damage they might do and so on - that is the whole software industry, which gets away with selling products without to even have to make them work - it is sold as it is - buggy and incomplete. -
I understand that and I had a similar experience with Skyrim - lag, freezes and so - until I discovered ENB, which basically solved my graphical issues with shadows and so and as well the game freezes and the lag. I am using an older ENB version, 0.9 something, which does the trick to me. So maybe try this first. Edit: I am playing Skyrim for 8-10 hours in a row, when I get the time, and had no crashes since I installed ENB.
Hm, I am not sure that this is a good idea. You need some knowledge about the game to decide, which mod will enhance your game play and which one will just spoil it, because it makes things too easy or too hard. As someone who has meanwhile over 100 mods installed, I can tell you, that it is not easy to keep the game in balance, so that it is enjoyable to play it - and I had to use the creation kit several times to balance things between mods out. And in general I think, you should have a taste of vanilla Skyrim first and then decide, what is worth modding.
Maybe a stupid question - but why not just use male Khajiit as followers then?- Does it really matter that much, what gender these followers have, when it comes to a beast race?
What woulld you like to see in the next DLC?
Ragosch replied to sinnerman69's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Wearbears are mentioned by Mai'q the Liar - Wearbears? Where? Bears? :P -
What woulld you like to see in the next DLC?
Ragosch replied to sinnerman69's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Ah, well to the topic: I would love to see Cyrrodil on the creation engine. I think i saw a video, which claimed that the landmass of it is already in the files. So this would be awesome. I don't care much about a story line for that. Just to be able to roam around in Cyrrodil, go hunting and so would already be very nice, because I just loved the landscape of it. -
What woulld you like to see in the next DLC?
Ragosch replied to sinnerman69's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
There is a video somewhere with the policy of Bethesda in regards to completion of game development. They basically said, they could end content creation earlier and put more effort into testing. But they found, that adding content up to right before the release, is making for a better player experience than trying to fix all bugs, which is anyway not really successful, because a few dozen of dev-guys do not do the same things, millions of players try out. So they rather focus on more content, and fix things in updates, using the millions of players to find the bugs. I would not call this greed, but a reasonable decision based on the fact, that it is really hard to find bugs in a developer version. The production version out to the public makes finding bugs more efficient. So this is actually a trade-off, which makes us to beta testers for a while, but on the other side, we get more content as well. -
I have my keys and mouse buttons as well remapped - but that is troublesome sometimes, because some actions in the menus seem to be hard-coded and I have to use weird keys then, which are not displayed in the menu help. For example I have the first/third person switch on the middle mouse button. But that forces me now to press the middle mouse button, when I want to change the item name in the enchanting menus. In other menus the same hassle Key-bindings are just not well implemented. Left and right mouse button I left alone. I memorize it like that - left = primary action - right = secondary action - and assign spells to match this logic.
I would suggest to use the less dragons one - with 10% spawns - that avoids the "cliff racer" effect.
I just hope that TES online will not be seen as such - a social simulator, for that there is second life. While I myself would not choose a female character in an MMO, I really don't care if other men are playing females as long as they play their role well. I would treat them as female in game, even I would know they are not. It is their choice of role and I accept that - if they really care to role play it, that is. If it is just to deceive other men to get valuable gear for free, this would really fill me with disgust.
I normally start out with the warrior stone and heavy armor, until I have some decent combat and smithing skills, and change then to the thief stone and light armor. I use immersive armor mod, so there is a variety of good light armor, which allows me to have elven or glass armor protection with armor, which is optically suitable for a hunter. My modded game does not provide a lot of crafting items in shops, so hunting is something I do on a regular base.
My graveyard is full of characters, who overestimated themselves and thought, they are now invincible. :facepalm: But I learnt from it and it changed my way to play the game a whole lot. Like I probe locations in a dungeon by firing an arrow into a wall, just to see if someone is reacting to it. Exploring a ruin is scary then, because it is full of possibly lethal traps and not all are triggered by pressure plates. I am afraid of poison, because I made my potions work over time, instead of instantly. And if I did not sleep, eat and drink enough, my regeneration is lowered. I reduced my carry weight massively (an average of 100 base value, dependent on race), so I really have to think, what I take with me. I need water, I need food, I need potions, so this can already be like 20 weight. Light armor is a lot more valuable, when you play like this, but my modded skill tree does not provide a lot of protection with light armor. Still I can reach 300 lbs carry weight, when i combine steed stone with extra pockets perk. To be able to carry more, can mean the difference between life and death under these conditions. This is all modded to make for an amazing game play (at least for me it is). And dead is dead enhances that even more, because light armor gives me more space to carry stuff and I am more agile and might be able to escape sprinting, but it makes me highly vulnerable to surprise attacks, which can mean the end for this character. Now back to the topic: As a result, I care more about staying alive than I would actually care for level up. The next level has just harder opponents and my chance to survive will be lowered, if I have not learnt, to be more observant by then. The focus on levels is replaced by immersion into the situation. Simply because there is no second chance, when I play dead is dead. I do it right (or at least not horribly wrong) on the first try or I am done.
Dead is dead is not for everyone, I will just warn you - you are really sad, when you loose a character, you got attached to. I tried it first with rules like "well, I can die 3 times" or so - that does not work, you will not stick to this. Just a drastical "dead is dead" works, but it will possibly make you sad and angry about yourself and your carelessness. It is hard to stick to this rule - that is why I tricked myself out and created this "graveyard" folder with the last save game of the dead character, so that I could possibly play this character again (even I know, I won't, because the attachment to this character gets lost fast, when you start playing a new one).
I am not playing the good guy - I am playing an opportunistic guy, who still has his own codex of honor. This does not mean that I would have to be always good, if there is a higher purpose to fulfill or if it is a matter of survival. This is in real life just the same. I am not up to kill anyone, but if food would get rare, my neighbor would increasingly start to look very tasty to me.