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    United States

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  1. Go Figure, apparently the 1001 time was a charm. I have no idea why its working now, but I think it had to do with the BSDismemberSkinInstance. Well now its time to make some bad ass armor's for you all.
  2. So I have followed about three tutorials on how to import/export skyrim armor models and I am hitting a brick wall. I've used every version of Nifscope, Niftools, Blender 2.49b. you name it I have tried to and all to no effect. The issues I am having is that at some point in the tutorial my exported Nif while loaded into NifScope is missing node's that should be there that I then need to remove. Other issues include NiTrishape lacking the property array at the end to attach the shader to texture the model. I'm actually skilled 3d modeler and do 3d DirectX applications as a hobby on the side so this is rather embarrassing that this file format is giving me so much trouble. The best tutorial I have found thus far is a video on you tube that's in German so other then trying to mimic his actions on screen I cant make much use of it. further more the two other tutorials I have found have some notable differences in regards to the Dismemberment data. Can any one point me in the direction of a bullet proof walk threw with a list of all the current versions of the tools needed? ALSO this Throttelkitty nif.xml YEA I cant find a download for it ANYWHERE so what good is the tutorial saying to use it when they wont even provide a link to a simple XML file. I am going to dig deeper into this forum to try and find some answers but thus far I've discovered the lack of updates to the blender Nif Export utility to be shameful, the fact that the header has to be manually edited for 2 integers is sad, that at the least I would have expected to been changed in the scripts. (Note to self go dig up that bug)
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