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  1. Some made by a user here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/17859499/?tb=mods&pUp=1
  2. I am looking for a way to enable the critical effects to the player's death (Turning in to a pile of ash, exploding body, rather than the normal dismemberment.) I have found that already works in some cases, however the console has to entered and exited for it to work. For example, had an NPC kill my character with the Cryolater, but the limbs and head only show up after entering console, otherwise the body parts stay frozen. (Same with getting killed by a laser, entering the console will turn the player body in a pile of ash.) Any ideas on how to enable these effects without without the delay from entering the console?
  3. using in the ini? [Combat] bForceNPCsUseAmmo=1 They run out of ammo quick, tried a game with it and Preston jumps from the balcony and fighters the raiders in a fist fight in Concord.
  4. This can be done by editing the Fallout ini [Combat] bForceNPCsUseAmmo=1
  5. The Mod Organizer is working for me, though it is buggy. Working with FO4edit as well, though it doesn't recognize Mods downloaded in the fake folders. I don't know if it is the problem that is causing crashes on the beginning, but will check NMM to see if there is any difference.
  6. Wow, I guessing that we can fix that... I hope. Now, do we have to wait on the G.E.C.K. in order to do that? Oh, all raiders aren't really f'n ugly... look at Cait Found her by accident... and even more by accident she's taken a liking to my character. More than likely, this will have to be done with the GECK. Wouldn't it be as simple as adding more NPCs to the level lists? Though in Skyrim no one bothered to do basic face overhaul for enemy NPCs until years in to the game. If that won't work "beautifying" the existing faces wouldn't be too hard, just use Face Ripper or something.
  7. Always thought that was completely exaggerated. Run down, rat infested buildings with the dismembered bodies of victims hanging over all the place. These are supposed to be criminals, but they come off more as vampires or cannibals or something. I would lean more toward them being more varied in looks and more that actually look normal looking and co-mingling with normal society. The setting looks more advanced in their rebuilding to allow this type of criminal behavior, with gangs of raiders roaming all over the place. With the advanced technologies the societies, these type of criminals that "kill on sight" would be exterminated within a few weeks.
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