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Everything posted by canimodo

  1. Bought on release ! Now on my 2nd playthru ! 170 hours - took a break after 1st playthru of about 3-4 months !
  2. Load a previous save ! Just finish the quest and move on... You probbly will never go back in there again ! Why start a new game ? :ohdear:
  3. Might be useful for somebody . . . I installed this mod, cause since im level 41 now i wont level up a lot more. This will help me getting more perks in magic , and also a very goood reason to go Dragon-Hunting... This mod lets you exchange dragon souls for perks ! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11623
  4. Well thanks a lot for all the answers !! I think my main problem will be having a high magicka, i have a few perks acumulated now ! Gonna start training in conjuring-destruction cause most my perks are going into them ! And if necessary put up some cheat - in case my char becomes a ' frankestein of magic ' As i said, just want to check some other way to play the game !!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  5. Hi ! Here´s my SITUATION !! :psyduck: I´m a Kajiit , Sneak / Bow with 2H for finalizations ! Level 42 ! I only put 3 points into Magicka, so i have a base Magicka of 130 ! I´ve a pretty good glass armor at around 520 (i think), and i 1 hit-kill Trolls , Cave bears (with grandsword or sneak bow), dragons are easy now. Half-way thru mages guild , thieves guild, companions, but havent yet visited the greybeards or started dawnguard. I´d like to move into magic to have a different game experience on what´s left of my game. My 2nd playthru and never used magic, but reading some advices here made me want to try and see how much fun it is... All my magic skills are pretty low. From what i´ve seen i can pretty much discard restoration. I dont think Alteration has some magic either. So i plan on focusing on Conjuration/Destruction. So, for all the arch-mages around, would you advise me into that, or is it too late into the game ? What schools ? Enchants ? Any tips are welcome !!! :ohdear: :thumbsup: Thx ! EDIT - I have no problems with a little advskill or any other cheat. Im 90 hours into this game play, won´t have the time to start another char. I just want to enjoy the game some more...
  6. Thx Jamaal13 ! I enabled DG back , and im using the Non Vapire Attack on Towns MOD ! I hadnt even started the DG questline cause i was not sure i was going to play it. Gonna give it a try ! (of course, gonna have a backup savegame before starting it) +kudo lol (what the hell is a kudo?)
  7. Well , dont know if it has to do with me ressurecting her (2 posts above), but now she disappeared for good ! Cant see her body around town ! I doubt its part of the storyline (if it is, pls let me know), but im disabling DG. (The No Vampire Attack mod didnt work cause i got attacked in whiterun). Dont wanna play the game with ppl just disapearing like that. :facepalm: :pirate: EDIT --> Apparently the mod DOES work. I forgot to pick the amulet up !
  8. NEED HELP ! I just bought (and enabled) DG ! Now, out of the blue adrienne avencini (the smith at the entrance of whiterun) is dead ! There was no Vampire Attack ! I saved the game before her body disappears forever ! What´s the console command to bring her back to life ?? Resurrect didn´t work ! For me - Game Breaker , i even had the No Vampire Attacks mod enabled to prevent this kind of thing.... :wallbash: EDIT : Never mind , i got the ressurect command to work. 2 guards and another NPC also showed up dead too. I saved a named save called B4DG just i case i have to rollback my game and DISABLE dawnguard ! lol !! :thumbsup: nice job !! :ohdear:
  9. Does your mod need the SKSE to run ? Skyrim Script Extender ? I´d bet its either that or the mod isnt activated !
  10. Yes,i found her ! I have 100 sneak now !! Thx !
  11. You dont have to TAKE A SIT when your told to. Just go on with normal conversation . Dont know how to fix this, but at leat u can play...
  12. Hi ! I know its kinda OT and probbly gona be moved. I thought 4x before posting... but... This last night i had very few hours of sleep (from 4:30am to 8am), and i had a few non-connected short dreams. In the last one before i woke up : There was as a cop ( one of those you see in american films, in small cities. Short sleeve brown shirt, big brown hat.). He was kinda pissed off and asking a guy. ( I dont remember why this was happening, but probably a speeding ticket !) - Wtf ? Your telling me you need to go to Bravil* , find Mrs. Bella* and "make a potion to cure vampirism, before midnight"* ? And the guy laying of the floor, with his arms up (problly took some non-severe beating)** . He was insisting on his version, still trying to explain. --------- Thats all i remember. Well i dont live in the U.S., been 15 years since i last been there. Last time cops pulled me over was like 5 years ago. There was no reason at all for dreaming of this. * Dont remember the names exactly. ** Maybe thats the brazilian part of my dream (where i live)
  13. Sorry but... went to check and found this http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1693928 Its pointless to add it as a non-steam game, cause your gonna need the disks anyway !
  14. Hi Lanceor !! I want some of these castles !! I use the steam version, but never used a mod, and i have a couple questions ? - Im now level 29, can i install the mod at ANY time ? or will i lose some quests or advancemtns? - Will it replace anything important ? i plan on finishing EVRY quest in the game that i can find. - Can i have more than 1 ? Thx !!! :thumbsup:
  15. Hi ! I have the steam version ! Prices are : Oblivion Game of The Year Edition - 19,99$ Oblivion Game of The Year Edition Deluxe - 24,99 Difference between the two versions are : Mehuze´z razor ; Spell Tome Treasure ; Vile Lair ; Fighters Stronghold Expansion and much more (as posted on steam store) Both versions have : Knights of The Nine and Shivering Isles expansion. There are no achievments on steam for Oblivion ! Dont know about MODS , cause i dont use any !! EDIT : Forgot to mention, but i think u can register your game to your steam account, it will lock your CD KEY to your steam account forever. Just dont get a VAC ban, or you will lose all your games.
  16. Hello ! My sneak (minor skill) is currently at 62. I checked UESP for the sneak trainers, and went to check on them. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Trainers But none of them offer that training icon when i talk to them. I tried Othrelos, Mirabelle Monet, City Swimmer - to no avail !! Can anyone help me here ?? Thx !! http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Trainers
  17. Does anyone know what this is ? http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/596977780275927581/19B69992F84216E0F8DD9576B63626CEAD5D6F72/ Its located here (shivering isles), on an unmarked small island http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/596977780275924251/C2C05EB4F60A67F3AD34A8F79080AD6460D0FA34/ Spoilz if necessary !! Thx !
  18. Hi I dont know about mods caus i never installed any ! Except for 1 on DEAD ISLAND ! Better check the mod-talk forum http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/134-oblivion-mod-talk/
  19. Well , cut off graphics details , maybe it runs ok ! It is a HEAVY game in tems of hardware requirements.... Try Skyrim , its good ! I like Oblivion 100% better !! But Skyrim is worth its price !!
  20. Thx a lot ninja ! Actualy it was an elven one, i think ! May Shithis Bless all your thoughts, even before u think them !!!
  21. HELLo !! I´m lvl 16 and i found a nice glass longsword and enchanted it with +38 fire damage. Let´s say that next week i´l be lvl 22 and find another glass longsword and put the same enchantment on it. Will this second sword be better or equal to my 1st one ?? I played skyrim too , but i dont remember a lot. Can anyone help ?? Thx !!
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