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About LessThanHero

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  1. Atvir is ruining my game. It started when I discovered his undying passion for murdering Imperial soldiers. I had just sided with the Legion and had a disucssion with Legate Rikke. I turn around to see Atvir killing the last of the guards in the camp. I don't know if he is meant to have some psycopathic hard-on for murdering them, but they weren't hostile to me so I didn't figure I caused it. I chalked it up to a bug and moved on. Then we invaded a Stormcloak fort with other members of the Legion. Atvir spent more time and effort killing the Legion than he did helping me fight the Stormcloaks. After the Stormcloaks were defeated he continued his fight with my allies until they were all dead. At this point I decided to not take him on any more Legion quests. But lo' and behold the bastard won't leave. I have told him to part ways and instructed him to wait at every location available. He still follows. I've told him that his new home is in the middle of a swamp and that he should stay there. He still follows. I've told him to guard an area that I was never planning to return to. He still follows. I've tried to murder him. He still follows. I've used console commands to obliterate his very existance, but when I load a new area he still follows. This wouldn't be such a big deal if he would sneak. I'm playing an archer/assassin. I need to kill enemies without them noticing. I am squishy. I die fast in a full on fight. Atvir won't even pretend to sneak. When I enter stealth mode all the other followers at least do the same. Even if they suck at sneaking. Atvir just stands around making noise. He might as well be banging a gong. I can't even uninstall the bastard without corrupting my saves. I'm not using UFO, AFT or anything that should change the way followers act. Anyone have an idea on how to get this asshole to leave me alone?
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