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About sdorman22

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  1. Yeah, I understand that, and wouldn't even suggest it except for the western theme of the game. It never hurts to suggest things though, so many modders, you never know what may consider interesting enough to try.
  2. Cool, good luck with it. I certainly hope someone figures it out, it'd be a cool mod.
  3. never mind...i see Beth just did a really confusing job on linking the files...you'd think they'd have the geck subdomain updated by now.
  4. I can't even get this far... I downloaded the GECK installer and the 1.5 updater and installed the GECK to my Steam version of New Vegas' directory. I then copied the Geck 1.5 update to the same directory, but as soon as I launch the 1.5 updater it says "Old File Doesn't Exist". I googled around and found old reference to this being a missing readme file, but I do have that readme file in the directory. Anyone know what this is about? It seems to be the Geck.exe that it's hanging up on...which i can clearly see in my folder...
  5. A news paper with some randomly generated news as well as reports of your deeds could be neat, but it would be kinda boring as it was just be a note in your pipboy when it was all said in done...unless someone could make it its own illustrated pipboy screen or something. I'd love to see someone do a completely revoiced newscast script for a new radio station, but I don't know how feasible that is.
  6. This comes from a mix of the Ammo Sorter that was used in the Underground Hideout home and the Trophy Museum type mods that floated around for FO3. I don't know if this is even possible, and i'm sure it would be a ton of work, but I figure since mods are coming out so quickly someone might wanna try it. I would love to see a room as part of a nice player home, maybe a bunker style, but that doesn't really matter, that featured this stuff: Trophies for completing each quest in the game, on a nice shelf (as opposed to scattered all around like most mods that feature them.) Mannequins and Shelves for guns and armor, respectively that act as trophie cases. Instead of manually putting a weapon or armor there, you could use a Weapon/Armor sorter type terminal that would see that you have 1 of a certain gun or armor piece in your inventory, and cause a trophy that looks like weapon or armor piece to be generated on the appropriate shelf or mannequin in your trophy room. This would be unmovable and unusable (The actual weapon or armor piece would go into a normal cabinet for later use). This would act as kind of a weapon/armor collection trophy so you could keep up with what stuff you'd found in the wastes. Since there's such a huge selection of armor/clothing in the game, you could have the armor sorter only put certain, more distinct pieces of armor sets on your trophy mannequins, like the biggest baddest versions of each factional set. The rest would simply sort to your containers, and maybe there'd be a few mannequins that you could add stuff to manually to make the room fit your tastes a bit. Then you could have one organized museum type room in your house that not only cataloged the things you'd done in the world, but the things you'd found. Personally I think it'd be great in the 38 Suite or a medium sized vault or home (maybe even make that a download option). It looks so great in my head, and I wish I could do the whole thing myself, but it'd take me a long time to get experienced enough with the G.E.C.K to do it, so I'd rather have an ambitious and experienced modder do it and take the glory while I enjoy it in game :D
  7. Nice, there's even a tutorial there for making your first location (My First Vault). How convenient. Thanks for the quick replies. Kudos to you both. If anyone has tips/tricks/alternate resource, please feel free to PM or contact me :)
  8. So, I want to try my hand at modding, something i've never done before. I'd like to start by trying to make myself a player home. It seems like a nice way to learn, since I can start simple and get more complicated later by adding in new things as I go. The problem is, I have absolutely 0 knowledge on how to mod for Fallout. Can anyone point me to the tools and tutorials that I'll need to get started? I currently have a retail version of NV and nothing else :) If anyone cares to help guide me through getting started, toss me a PM or an e-mail at [email protected] Hurray for new hobbie development :P
  9. Yeah, but I figured i'd mention it here instead of making a new thread just for my desire for western music. I think the soundtrack should have all been made by the Highwaymen (the things they did as a group and individually), and the DJ should have been voiced by Sam Elliot. Oh well though :(
  10. The only problem I have with those radio mods, csgators, is that the ones i've seen so far seem to add Fallout 3 style 50's Big Band Music. I'd really like to see something with more of the Western Themed music that fits this game. Personally, i'm going to use an extender and fill it with Johnny Cash and similar artists. Too bad that won't do anything about the DJ sucking.
  11. Is it possible to redo the entire script for news reports and everything and use that to add in a new radio station? I can't stand the current one. The news updates aren't very entertaining and The Newt is kinda dry and boring after a while. I'd love to see a station with more of the western themed music and a Sam Elliot type voice over with some more humor and good scripting for the news updates.
  12. What about as a non-functional model and animation only change? Purely for aesthetics. I don't care about it actually affecting my game play, but I would love to see my character wearing and drawing 2 revolvers. If that happened it'd go great with an outfit that features a rig similar to the one worn by Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday in Tombstone, with one revolver on a very low slung shoulder holster sitting in front of the hip and another under the opposite shoulder. I don't know how much animation you could change to make that work, and it might not be possible, but hey it'd be neat. :P
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