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Everything posted by Pally60

  1. Hello im currently experiencing an effect from, what seems to be, a "fortify armor rating" enchant from equipping all the pieces of the Stalwart Armor of the Indomiatable set from Sanctum of the Fallen. When i equip all four pieces, a white swirly effect and bubbles appear briefly and then a lingering white glow on the outlines of the armor remain. How do i remove this? is there a spell id for Fortify Armor Rating? I assume its supposed to be the "matching set" bonus but i do not get the effect with any other full armor set at all. Thanks.
  2. I actually found a bug that allowed you to view a dagger sheathed on the left hip while dual wielding. You just take two identical daggers, favorite both, then unfavorite one and favorite it again and it looks like you have your main hand weapon and a dagger sheathed. It looked cool but i got tired of constantly doing it every time i loaded a game up lol Thats the general idea though, except that personally id like the offhand weapon across the back unless the offhand is a dagger.
  3. the idea is sound, but im sure it would be a challenge to incorporate it with the other mods associated with and around whiterun. Im having trouble already just walking close to whiterun (usually ends in a ctd especially since the update) Im all for a more 'lively' city update though
  4. There arent even close to 30 topics much less 10 or 20 lol. But i agree, its a pretty huge project of interest and whoever is successful is bound to be VERY popular among the skyrim community. Unfortunatly i have no idea what it would take, i would be willing to help in any way i can in order to see this come to life.
  5. I'm surprised more ppl dont want to see this happen, it would mke gameplay so much better
  6. Yeah forgot to mention the war master weapon mod (dual wielding two handed weapons) and it would be sweet if they both sheathed on the back as well
  7. One if the most annoying things for me personally is how dual wielding only shows one of the weapons when not in use. It's this reason that I don't dual wield anymore because it takes away the look and feel. My request is that a modder take on the challenge of making the offhand weapon visible when sheathed. Dual swords will be visible the same as dual axes: one will be on the right hip (if its an axe in the main hand, left hip if it's a sword) and the offhand one across the back (handle coming up over the left shoulder). Dual daggers will be visible sheathed one on each hip. Dual maces will be crossed across the back because they look terrible sheathed on the hip. Mace in main hand with axe in offhand will be mace across the back (handle over right shoulder) and axe on the left hip....although I don't think this last one would work well but I was just using it as an example. I don't know if all of these work but the axes/swords/daggers is really what I'm looking for. I'm no modder, but im hoping someone can make this thing happen because I love dual wielding and this would make the game experience 1000x better for me personally and hopefully other players as well.
  8. What other beams? There is one button that activates 2 of the 4 red beams, and then there is another button to the right on another platform thats supposed to activate the last two beams before you can turn on the blue ones in the previous room. What I'm saying is the second button for the last two red beams isn't working
  9. Having some issues right now doing the Avalon portion of the mod, I am in the HUGE lava chamber trying to activate the two pairs of red beams and only one pair works. The other button doesn't depress or give any message whatsoever so I can't turn on the giant blue beams (says it requires the red beams) The console im speaking of is the one to the far left if you were in the middle of the lava chamber looking at the two platforms Also had a question about the overlords sword, why is it to slow to swing if it's a one handed blade?
  10. I disabled UAC and reinstalled both things to their default locations and it still does nothing, only thing it did this time was create an oblivion mods folder in the Bethesda Softworks folder (they contain nothing except two blank folders) With uac disabled I have full control so idk, I even selected pythons as wrye launcher default program
  11. Thats what i heard about wrye bash too, that its brilliant, however after installing everything step by step (python first, then wrye bash) i just cannot get it to even load up or generate any bug reports to find the problem.
  12. Another issue I am having now on top of the cobl and wrye bash problems is with UV enabled I keep getting perfect amber shields in my inventory (I have to keep god mode on most of the time because at one point I looked and I had 120 amber shields) I drop them in crates but they keep restocking in my inventory whenever I attack with UV (I think) Is this a known bug ontop of the enchantments getting taken away? P.S. it is also giving me extra addon item shields, like my black tower shield (had 93 of them in my inventory just now....) so its either amber shields or black tower shields.
  13. Actually i seem to have gotten UV to actually funtion without my knowing it, i just tried it and every attack seems to work except some of my items suddenly lose their enchantments...like my heavens wrath curiass and necklace of swords...is this intended?
  14. Ive been having a few issues with these mods trying to install them today. Since i need the majority if not all of these mods in order to get some of the downloads i want to actualy work ive decided to come here to ask for some help. Installing COBL, it half works. Meaning that i can can select cobl main.esm, and the majority of the esps and the game will run however when i activate MMM-cobl.esp, 000 1.32-cobl.esp, any of the Item interchange.esps, cobl filter late, cobl races - balanced.esp, and cobl silent equip misc.esp the game wont even get to the Bethesda advertisement screen it just starts to run off of OBSE loader then stays at the desktop after the screen flashes. Without those checked, cobl runs fine from what i see in game. I want to use the new frostcrag reborn mod and since i need the cobl esp for it im not sure what to do to get it working properly. I installed everything according to what was said in the readme, including not selecting Cobl filter late.esp when running the game. Do i need Wrye Bash to run the rest of that? As for Wrye Bash and Python...i installed both of them multiple times to different directories each time (the first time being the default placement by the installer) and none of them will even load at all. It gives me the loading circle beside my mouse pointer for about a second then nothing happens at all. Im not getting any error messages, i am unable to create the bug dump from the command prompt either using what the readme told me to type in there. I am completely lost with these two mods. I tried looking for run as admin options in their properties but i am not seeing it anywhere either I am also still having issues with unnecessary violence, being that obmm says its installed correctly with nifscrit and pluggy yet nothing works whatsoever except for the messages in the beginning telling me to select my uv attack, throw and modifier keys. I had posted earlier but only got one reply pertaining that it might be cause with a bug from the UV mod itself not updating to OBSE or OBSE not back dating itself to UV. I tried python in the C: programs folder (default extractiion), desktop, even inside teh wrye bash folder in the c:/programs/bethesda softworks/oblivion/moby folder...nothing wants to run from those two mods.
  15. I have the most recent version of OBMM installed and currently i am running 20+ mods however when i open obmm it only shows three in the activation screen. Was wondering what you all thought about that and what the fastest way to fix it is. I remember having OBMM on my laptop a few years ago and every mod i had appeared on there so i figure its just installation error. Im not 100% sure anymore where exactly to install the mod either, Im pretty sure i just downloaded into the C:/Program Files/Bethesda/Oblivion folder (need to check, at work atm). Im looking for any solutions people might have as to why i cant get my other mods to show up especially if its an obmm mod.
  16. Thanks Skevit ill be sure to look into that, personally i have never modified or created anything for this game so im a bit reluctant to do so but its somemthing ill deffinatly check out. Always eager to learn something new.
  17. http://modsreloaded.com/shield-on-back-revived Thats the link to the newer version of the mod that i thought had the shield in (i have the older version installed, version 2.0 And yeah the way the mod is (at least the way the old one is, since thats the one im using) is that when you sheath your weapon it says your shield is unequipped and it just appears on my back, when i draw my weapon the shield comes into arm position and i recieve any added magic effects it has on it, then goes to the back again when i sheath it. In fact in the inventory it shows as two entries of the same object, one with the normal stats thats unequipped and one with 0 stats thats "equipped" on the characters back. I do have OBSE but the last thing i want to do is try to modify any files in the game on my own, its not something im familiar with, if its easy and you have the time i appreciate it a lot.
  18. Please someone make a download or mod that lets you put the Heavens Wall shield on your back without getting the huge yellow square with blue "!" in the center...i assumed that it would be in Tychos new version of the "Shield on Back'" mod but i was wrong.
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