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⚠ Known Issue: Media on User Profiles ×


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Everything posted by Cattley

  1. Thought it is true that I'm coming from the Elder Scrolls franchise, this might very well be the case across the board, for all games supported by the Nexus. The idea is quite simple. Some people are able to afford donating to modders (and that is awesome), others give thanks by leaving endorsements or nice comments on mod pages. That being said, in a world where International 'Talk Like A Pirate Day' and 'Pretend to Be a Time Traveller Day' exist, maybe we ought to make a dent in the world of celebration of culture by having a 'Modders Appreciation Day'. It could be an anual thing or even a monthly deal. The idea would be to remind the millions of people, who download and enjoy the creations made by some of the bright minds around the Nexus, to take the time to endorse the mods they use and to show further support in whichever way they can and choose to. I truly believe that positive feedback is the fuel that drives so many to go on and accomplish great things. It's no different for modders. So why not take steps to promote the proverbial pat-on-the-back they so very much deserve? All the best, Cat
  2. First and foremost, can I just say that I truly appreciate you answering this post. As I said, this is (that I can recall) the first time I've had an interaction with someone behind the scenes at Nexus. It's reassuring to see such a nice, detailed and rapid response. There is a lot of value to what you say. Moreover, some of your points are precisely what I was trying to highlight. I am familiar with the methods used for metering bandwidth usage, though I am not privy to the details of Nexus' financials. I could not say whether increasing the download speed cap for free users and supporters would incur upon the platform's very survival. If Nexus is financially incapable of meeting that goal, then I think that's as fair an argument as they come. Though, if it's not about survival and is, instead, about profit margins, I would ask that you reconsider. That being said, there is a nice compromise. I believe that all major streaming and digital distribution services, such as YouTube, Amazon, Twitch and Steam are utilising regional pricing. This extends to developers like Ubisoft, Blizzard, Behaviour Interactive and even EA. So, perhaps it would be financially interesting to research the applicability of such a resource to the Nexus? If these companies are engaging in regional pricing, there must be good market research for this platform to go on. That way, the Nexus might gain more subscribers and the platform can be more affordable for those without the means. Sounds like a win-win to me! In any case, I just wanted to say that I think most of these platforms are likely on auto-pilot with no concern, save for profit. I doubt Bezos and the CEOs of most of these companies could give a fig for the individual people who pass them by.That is not the vibe I get from the Nexus and it is in large part due to these interactions. I really value your response and this community. So, once again, thank you!
  3. I'm a big fan of the Nexus. I've always recommended it to friends and members of my online communities. Back when it seemed more pressing and feasible, most within my group were subscribed to Nexus and I even briefly tried out a month of premium, which (at the time) cost me £2.49, for the month. Now, times have changed and costs must scale, which is understandable. Either the Nexus acquires more users, hikes up the price, or both. I like to think the Nexus is always increasing the number of subscribers it has, so I'll take a wager and state that it's doing both of the stated options. The monthly cost of a subscription is now £4.99/month and the downside to not having one if painfully apparent. As I've said, times are changing and the Nexus must adapt - though not all changes must hurt the users! Files are now heavier, more densely packed with content, HD textures and such. A hard cap of 2 MB/s in 2022 seems like a predatory practice. This is especially true for those who live in countries where the currency has suffered, alongside jobs and work prospectives, given events such as the pandemic. In the end, if the Nexus is generating more money, surely they can afford to raise the cap for free users? What about supporters, who used to enjoy at least up to 5 MB/s? Can that not be achieved? It seems like a small act but it would be a big gesture, insofar as solidarity with the community, to not be so harsh during already harsh times. So, it's not the end of the world. I'm not proposing some riot, boycott or anything. I genuinely think that the Nexus is great, though perhaps a little out of touch with modern times. In a moment where some people are forced to stay at home and are either unable to work or are desperately trying to keep positive and take care of their mental health, forcing them to sit for hours in front of their computer to watch a file download, with a link reminding them that they could go work some eighty, odd hours to save some sanity seems a bit cruel. I'm not sure I've ever suggested anything to the Nexus team in my near 10 years of presence, but I'm curious to see what may follow in terms of a reply. All the best!
  4. It seems like we have no multiple follower mods that have truly stood the test of time. EFF has come closer than most, but players still go without a stable, straightforward mod that adds to the max follower count. Would it be possible to make a mod that allows for players to have more than one follower - even if it didn't add all the frills that mods like EFF, ATF & UFO did? ~Cheers!
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