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Everything posted by Mrminecraftwizz1

  1. Installing a Mod Made a lot of texture go missing, how do I fix this, i installed 20 mods and i guess one made textures go missing, When I disabled all of them the textures are still missing, I tried verifying cache and that didn't work, reinstalling didn't work either. Please help.
  2. EDIT: The compile is working but now my dialog wont appear in game. My Script is this GetOwningQuest().SetObjectiveDisplayed(10)GetOwningQuest().SetStage(10)
  3. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into them and see what I can do.
  4. Hello all, I am making a mod that changes a cell over a course of a quest, the room starts out destroyed but after you gather materials and progress the room builds back to its "rightful" way. how do I add and remove objects from a cell in a quest?
  5. I don't know how to script them meeting me there or Following me.
  6. I have a quest where either I want to have my NPC accompany me to a place or have them meet me their, how would I go do that???
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