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Everything posted by helliscoming

  1. Ok conitue Ps And if I ever over step you tell me. And I will stop. But I'm playful by nature. So have fun.
  2. Ok I looked hard. Is it due to it not being logged in or did I miss it. And purr I don't care about that. you do what you want when you want to.
  3. Wow bud you are a riot. Had no clue that comment would start that. In all fairness. I get it. But in my travels women never like that. There is a big difference between playing and insulting. Also a wise man said if the lady doesn't get mad it's not worth spending time or energy in a weak or lost cause for dominance.
  4. Mktavish lol do you really do that. Not trying to start drama or anything. Slow your roll. I'm here for help. I'm not on discord. I just can't tell if you are being serious or joking.
  5. Ok problem with no internet connection how do I get boss installed manual so fomm doesn't need to dld it.
  6. Sure np if enb isn't your field. Ok, just we are on the same page. What are you doing to start explaining.
  7. Ok mmm mod or your choice. if I don't understand what you want. Bye the way purr. That enb (maybe) water glitch is why I'm here also.
  8. I have the same problem. What is your load order I'm just curious.
  9. At least purr4me. I thank you for the advice and direction. Wish otherwise but understand unfortunately. Doesn't look like I will be able to get things rolling. It would be one thing to have help. Trying to learn this on my own I have done before and not going to waste more time on it. Modding fallout3 is harder than building one with all of the problems with the geck and the learning curve plus not being able to script cuts out many good mods from a tip I got here.
  10. It was a joke first off and it was a play on words just trying to be playful. No harm in that. But I guess you can't let that user speak for there self. Needless to say the offer was resinde ethier way. I was happy at least purr4me reached out. Don't see you doing anything constructive as to my post.
  11. Sure thing. Hmm tied up hmm nvm just joking. I will be free anytime after 5 pm est tomorrow.
  12. I have plenty of time if you want to do 1on1 teaching. Are you wanting to chat here or other way.
  13. Size doesn't matter. Just trying to lower the number of mods by merging them(not patches). So there is less chance of problems. So if I had 10 merged to 1 and so on. But when critical happen what is the best way to fix that. Plus how do you remove a master list entree so it foucs on the new merged esp?
  14. Ok did not know that about the mgr's And for loot I do have it but haven't used it. I have seen posts about how many mods can be used at a time. And was trying to merge them to lower the number of mods. Would be the first question. The next would be how to mod mods so that esm and bsa in the master list don't conflict by name when merged.
  15. What is the best way or the current way of adding mods with only installing mods manually (no direct internet connection). I have fomm vortex nmm and so on all current versions. I have a lot of mods dld already. Just looking for advice in the process so I am doing it right. Also which way is the best for merging mods xedit or fo3plugin.executable jar file classified as a plug-in utility for merging esp files. Plus anything else you want to add would be helpful and appreciated.
  16. As to inactive mods. I was never wanting them removed. Just places in there own category. As to having them removed from the mass dl option.
  17. Well I would like to try and start my own fallout 3 mod again. I have tried before and failed. Trying to find up to date info on many topics is every time consuming having to load each mod page twice. � Would or could you look in to making a mass download option. After you select your game. Putting a option in the mod tab under mod categories. Each category would be in alphabetically order with blocks of 1 GB - or + in size(so you download multiple mods at the same time). For the latest updates for that category and block. � Also could remove mods that are 100% no longer being worked on into there own category. To help with any problems of finding active mods � As always thank you, for doing that you do. Even if this go's nowhere Helliscoming
  18. No your fine, but you can make a small MOD (instead of command codes)to go up to 100 and give yourself all the perks are you using all the dlc
  19. Well I would like to try and start my own fallout 3 mod again. I have tried before and failed. Trying to find up to date info on many topics is every time consuming having to load each mod page twice. � Would or could you look in to making a mass download option. After you select your game. Putting a option in the mod tab under mod categories. Each category would be in alphabetically order with blocks of 1 GB - or + in size(so you download multiple mods at the same time). For the latest updates for that category and block. �
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