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Everything posted by VectorPlexus

  1. The Arlou'Laleelay and Pkunk :psyduck: from Star Control II. Also Day of the Tentacle, had great characters
  2. Well, I begun with spectrum games, but I'm surprised no one mentioned it yet... Star Control II. IMO one of the best games I ever played, still play its port for modern CPUs, The Ur-Quan Masters, quite frequently. Great story, great characters, great music, great humour! Even if I know all the game by heart, I still enjoy it and have lots of fun.
  3. I want these: http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/4/49256/2312968-he_man___she_ra.jpg And a Castle of Greyskull... And Thundercats would be nice too xP
  4. no... LOLOL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reptile http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphibian anyway, here is what I think Argonians really are!
  5. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16471
  6. well... if you have some remote desktop software on your computer, I will gladly open the .7z file and extract the skse_readme.txt for you, so you can read it! :psyduck: but seriously now... just unpack it to the game folder and replace all files xP
  7. Yeah, triggers is the more commoly used situation, but he didnt specified what he meant by area, so I just explained the most straight forward solution (in my PoV) without needing to add objects in cells. And no, I never said "brush aside the CK", I use it on a daily basis, and I'm always learning each day with it on how papyrus works. But, I also like to check the .psc files to see the undocumented functions from the latest releases. And since last SKSE is pretty recent, its always a good idea to do it aswell =) Case in point, CK doesnt even have documented the Armor Addon functions: Scriptname ArmorAddon extends Form Hidden ; returns the model path of the particular model string Function GetModelPath(bool firstPerson, bool female) native ; sets the model path of the particular model Function SetModelPath(string path, bool firstPerson, bool female) native ; returns the number of texturesets for the particular model int Function GetModelNumTextureSets(bool first, bool female) native ; returns the nth textureset for the particular model TextureSet Function GetModelNthTextureSet(int n, bool first, bool female) native ; sets the nth textureset for the particular model Function SetModelNthTextureSet(TextureSet texture, int n, bool first, bool female) native ; returns the number of races this armor addon applies to int Function GetNumAdditionalRaces() native ; returns the nth race this armor addon applies to Race Function GetNthAdditionalRace(int n) native Which imo, are great for manipulating armors in game ;)
  8. tsc tsc... haven't you ever heard of Synesthesia?? :D http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia
  9. Unfortunately, the CK is not up to date when it comes to SKSE functions, so the best way to see what functions are available, is simply go to the scripts source folder, and open for example actor.psc. You can see all the functions that are built in for use with the Extend Actor. But I dont think you need SKSE for that: you could do that with either a magic effect or a reference alias pointing to the player. if the locations you want that to happen can be set (imagine you want it in players house), create a formlist and put all desired locations in that form list. On the script (extend MagicEffect or extend ReferenceAlias) use this event: http://www.creationkit.com/OnLocationChange_-_Actor check if akNewLoc is in the formlist, if so, apply the Y spell/magiceffect or whatever... The End!
  10. I'm pretty sure I ended up trying every DXT option (since I had no idea which to use) and the result was the same, but I'll retry it with DXT 1 to make sure. Thanks for the reply! As for the file, I just made a copy of the .dds I was editing for backup in case it didn't look right and edited the original, so it had to be in the right place. Also no other player mods except for the nude one. nude mod? and does that mod have an ESP? if you're talking about a downloaded mod from here, provide the link
  11. This ofc will probably not fix the issue, but, to keep it clearer and more organized, why dont you put your extra eyebrows inside the normal assets folder? Something like: /textures/actors/character/malebrows/Hvergelmir Its painfully to have to always go up and down several folders in order to diagnose it, not to mention its more organized =S Anyway, I had a problem when I was helping a friend doing some custom race so I did the ESP for him (i did both body and hand textureset)... I pointed out the correct files, saved, repacked everything and sent him. He then tested and it didnt worked out. I checked and checked and checked and somehow, the path for the file lost a slash (\) between 2 directories o_O (and no, I didnt changed the dirs in the meantime, I'm positive the CK lost a slash). Since he couldnt find the textures, the game searches on the BSA, and lastly on the nif. I corrected it, saved again and apparently it worked, but maybe that could have happened to you, from the screenshots, we cant really see the full path on the textureset. Edit: well I just downloaded and checked and the path seems to be ok... could you provide a screenshot in the game to show your results and specify which brow are you using? with and without the nif edit. the see more clearly the difference? Here's one more idea... The default brow nifs, are using in the NiTriShapeData node, the settings usually set for armors/clothing and those usually only rely on a single texture/Normal map. Body textures however, can have different normal maps specified by the CK. Try setting the "BS Num UV sets" to "1" and normals to "No". Maybe these settings are controlling the CK/Nif to force them to use the values specified in the nif file, rather then the CK.
  12. With scripting it certainly is. With just forms, check the MagicEffect DA02ArmorPoisonCloak, should get you started.
  13. Thanks for the tip Kromey, I wasn't aware of that! Kudos!
  14. File Size: You've saved it probably with DXT 5 and maybe with alpha maps. Save as DXT 1 and no alphas. You've put the DDS file asset in the wrong folder. If you have one of those Unique Races/Player mods, you'll have to put it in its proper folder
  15. I'm sorry m8, but are you trolling? You are using a mod called "Brows" and don't see how that could affect your character to be browless? Boggles the mind... o_O Anyway... what probably happened was that you disabled some mods and screwed up others in the proccess by doing so (yes that can happen...). So my suggestion to fix your lvl 72 save game is: disable all mods, launch, save, quit, launch again, save again, quit and then start enabling mods. Also, do this proccess in a cell like a Player house. This however, can screw up your others saves, because each save is dependent on your load order. this is because the load order assigns the first 2 digits in the Form ID's. So, its not hard to imagine that if the save expects one Form ID that is no longer valid, cant guess what the correct one is. If you change the load order of your mods its enough to get things screwed from one save to another.
  16. Silly question here, but.. have you assigned the IsGuardFaction Property in the Armor Form? Otherwise it just returns NONE.
  17. not that I'm aware of... but probably its a 100% no... why would you need to do that? If its a quest, you can always try start/stop it via the console. But maybe if you are more specific on what you need, there may be "workarounds"
  18. Last time I got that issue (new game, CTDed everytime Alduin would shout for the first time when PC was about to have its head cut off), it was a problem with ENB vs INI files. try reinstalling ENB and/or using a defaultish skyrim and skyrim prefs INI, worked for me
  19. From my experience, those CTDs are related to the mod order you are using now, is different from what the saved game expects. for ToL, load order should be the Core first, and the SKSE thingy after. also, if you disable all mods, save the game and enable them again, probably the CTDs will cease.
  20. No matter what you do, there all always some things that are retained in the save file, after uninstalling a mod (specially script references). The best thing I was able to do to solve similar issues (quests not being able to get completed), was: 1. disable all your mods 2. open up the game and load the save you want to "restore". I would advise it to also wait a couple of minutes, and do nothing, because sometimes, when scripts and objects are missing, the game seems to want to "replace" those with something else. I had a mod, that whenever I disabled it, I would always fail a quest, added one nirnroot and the the soul capture enchant on my weapon would constantly fire on its own and capture souls, even when not hiting anything. 3. Make a new save and quit the game. 4. Launch the game again and load the save you did previously. 5. Just to make sure, save it again, and quit the game again and reload. From this point, you can also start enabling addons that you see fit. This was the fastest and best method I found until today to clean as much as possible. I once tried a fairly complex method described in some wiki like page, and not only it didn't solved my problem, but it took waaaay to long. Hope this works for you.
  21. I highly doubt that SKSE would do that on its own... You probably have a mod, that uses skse functions that causes that abnormal behaviour. Try disabling everything, and while running skse activate one by one.
  22. There are only 2 possible causes... Either you didnt installed SKSE properly, or you aren't using the skse_loader.exe for launching the game
  23. TESVEdit also allows creation of SEQ files, I've compared the SEQ created from both the CK and TESV, and they are the same, so you might wanna try it (and its WAY faster than the CK...)
  24. ermmm... there is a "save as legacy" in blender that allows you to open files from 2.6x correctly in 2.49 xP And neo is right, you'll loose the weight mapping, BUT you can use OBJs, if you're just planning to use it as a morph target (which is ideal when making the _0 and _1 versions)
  25. The problem seems to be that you are trying to define a variable/property in line 55 (Callia_Key and Callia_Key_Var) that was already defined previously. You should post the code if you want a more specific answer.
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