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Everything posted by jutaro

  1. Hi guys, im having a trouble to import a gr2 skeleton in 3ds max 2018 I followed the intruction but the bones don't feel ok Can someone help me with this? I can resize manually each bone to became ok, but its not a good workflow to do this in each skeleton
  2. Well the name is P_HHM_C2h_1attack04 But the Bug appears in any animation. I convert the P_HHM_skel.gr2 + P_HHM_C2h_1attack04.gr2 together to FBX on the 0.2 and everything is ok I don't know if the convert is diferent on newer versions.
  3. Hi guys, its been a while since i visit this topic. Well I have some problems open a nwn2 animation into the 3ds max using de nw2fbx. Look the image I open up the skel and the skel animation, as you can see the bones appers ok into that mass hahaha, but thesse white objects are parts of the bones, the yellow parts is the selection of a bone, cam someone help with this bug? EDIT: The 0.3 aplha works perfectly from de 0.4 to 0.8 the bug appears
  4. Hi Everyone, its a long time sionce i check this post FreshLook I have problems import fbx from de nw2fbx from the 0.4 to 0.6. A wierd ball cage appers on the scream, when import a gr2 file. I'm using 3dsmax 2016 When using the 0.3 version its import fine with no problem Check this image to understand what i'm talking about
  5. Well I cant answer for him, but for me I had problems with DAE some times and with the FBX I had minor headaches. Both of then had pros and cons. There is no SDK for reading/writing DAE files. That's why there are so many buggy interpretations of it, but its very easy to read/writebecause its open-source FBX has a SDK, so everybody reads and writes FBX files(not so easy like DAE) the same way. But, it's not open-source like DAE, but works fairly well This is my opinion.
  6. Ok, more news I made a advanced riiging(using 3ds max 2016) with controllers, atributes and Ik/FK, for my suprise everything works perfect in the nwn2, so even in the 0.2 version the software are complete to create animations using the skeleton of the nwn2. So, FreshLook, I will say this again you save the community man, good work and cheers EDIT: I notice some problems with the nw2fbx, If I put all the sleketon parts to convert(body, wings/cape and tail) the program works ok, and the bones are ok when imported, but If I poot all the skeleton parts and some MDB the sotware(nw2fbx) crashes
  7. Ok, some feedback here, I tried put IK on characters, and export to nwn2 and works great, im using 3ds max 2016. I will try next put more advanced rigging on the character and lets see what happpens.
  8. Can you find a way to use IK(inverse kinematics) on the bones? Because its very hard animate something without it
  9. Wow, I really looking forward to use this tool, I really want to make some models and animations to nwn2 using the 3ds max. Keep going buddy, you make nwn2 mod community alive again.
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