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  1. I'm a simple man, I just want something that actually shows me what mods I need to update when I search for mod updates.
  2. A button just like one of the green buttons at the top of a mod page that when clicked would go to the SSE version of the mod. The mod author would input what SSE mod page the button goes to, if an SSE version doesn't exist then the mod author leaves the field blank and the button doesn't appear on the mod page. It makes it easier to find an SSE version of a mod because most of the time I end up looking at a mod on the Oldrim nexus and want to see if an SSE version exists and sometimes the names might be different. Idk it's just a suggestion I maybe should have worded the post title differently.
  3. I'll join once Special Edition comes out otherwise there is no purpose since modded Skyrim on windows 10 is unplayable.
  4. Hey guys, I can't seem to get anti-aliasing to work properly in Skyrim. FXAA and SMAA looks like crap and does almost nothing to remove jaggies and MSAA disables my ENB (im using newest version). I've tried forcing AA through nVidia Inspector but it doesnt seem to do anything. I've heard that ENB has supersampling but i can't seem to find out how to enable it. Are there any other methods of anti-aliasing on Skyrim? Any help would be apreciated, thanks.
  5. Why has nobody made a better crafting menu mod, i mean the one right now is absolute horrible, the lists are long and tedious to scroll through and there is no sorting and hard to find what you want. If someone knows of such a mod it would be nice if you could link it. Thanks guys. :)
  6. Thanks for the post, i got it to work by just reopening the race esp after i added all the hair form IDs to it and presses yes to all for the million errors and now it works ingame.
  7. that's weird when i had my 470's this would never happen, have you tried turning off your enb? 1-5 fps should not happen with those cards even with a texture pack. what settings are you running in skyrim and also do you have a slow hard drive?
  8. Hello everyone, I have been trying to add Oblivion Hair Pack to the Temptress Race and i dont know how. i used the creation kit to add the hairs the the temptress esp and when i save it and try to launch the game it crashes on startup. can anyone help me add the hair to the race? Thanks.
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